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Encrypted filesystem πŸ” And a CLI to remotely and securely interact with (if you want to store encrypted private data on ☁️)


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AravisFS πŸ—»πŸŒ„

A remote fake encrypted filesystem πŸ” Another non production-ready software

Any idea, criticism, contribution is welcome
No pretention just to learn and keep my mind busy

πŸ”¦ Idea | πŸ’Ί Installation | πŸš€ Usage | πŸ§™ How does it work? | πŸ’­Limits/improvements

πŸ”¦ Idea

Aim? Providing a fake encrypted FS and utilities to interact with. The objective is to leak as little information as possible.

The local machine is our trusted environment where we could manipulate the key, the clear-text data etc. This is our (light side).

On another untrusted location we have our "encrypted file system". We do not want to manipulate key or clear text but we want to be able to interact as much as possible with the encrypted fs. This is our (dark side). Practically, it is a cloud space (or any other space when we want to store data without being spied on. On compromise machine during a Pentest for example)

For this purpose we use 2 utilities, each on different side:

  • adret: Encrypt/decrypt fs etc. Deal with key & clear-text data (light side)
  • ubac: Interact with encrypted fs. Deal with no "sensitive" data (no key & clear-text manipulation) (dark side)

We accept to leak information about the fs structure (number of file/folder, size) on the dark side

Note: adretctl offer a much clever user experience of adret utility with a CLI etc. See usage

Use case?

  • To avoid your volume being spied on by your cloud provider
  • To make a temporary folder/fs on a target machine if you are a black hat and you do not want to be spied on by forensic people. Or if you want to hide a payload.
  • To get a manipulable ransomware
  • To share data with colleague without setting up a hardened db or others. (just share and update .arfs file)
  • To boast of having an encrypted fs .. but practically unusable anyway

Why "fake"?

  • Cause encryption isn't strong enough (AES ECB)
  • Cause it does not provide a real fs, just a representation of it. (And to be honest it only encrypts a folder but by extension we say a filesystem)

πŸ’Ί Installation

Clone the repo and download the dependencies locally:

git clone

To build adret :

 make build.adret

To build adretctl :

 make build.adretclt

Idem, to build ubac:

make build.ubac

REMINDER: use adret/adretctl in an trusted environment cause it will manipulate clear-text data and key. Transfer ubac utility where you encrypted fs is (w/ tftp, python web server, nc, certutil, etc Be creative)

πŸš€ Usage

Adretctl & ubac demo


In this demo, I have an encrypted fs (encrypt with key "toto") on the untrusted zone. ubac listen expose it and interact with it using adretctl : browse it, cat file and delete a directory

See adretctl spec

πŸ”’ Encrypt folder/fs

See demo encrypt (.GIF)

πŸ” Explore encrypted folder

List folder content from my encrypted fs First I encrypt my fs :
(local) $ adret encryptfs -key=<secret> <path>
done! Encrypted fs saved in encrypted.arafs

Then I put the result, our encrypted fs .arafs, and ubac utility on the dark zone the way I want( It could be a target machine, my OVH server, container on GKE, etc). I could then remove <myfolder>from my host, otherwise it has real no sense (see example)

Say I want to ls in "test/mytestfolder/titi", so I encrypt first the encrypt the path:

(local) $ adret darkenpath -key="toto" "test/mytestfolder/titi"
**We obtain encrypted path! COPY THE RESULT**

Then we do the ls in our encrypted fs:

(remote) ubac ls -path=myencryptedfs.arafs <encryptedpath_from_adret> 
**We obtain ls result! COPY THE RESULT**

And finally decrypt the result of ls:

(local) $ adret decryptls -key="toto"
tutu tutu.txt utut.txt
Print file content from my encrypted fs

Idem as above with ls but change the ubac command with:

(remote) ubac cat -path=myencryptedfs.arafs <encryptedpath_from_adret>
Print encrypted fs tree First retrieve encrypted tree from encrypted fs:
(remote) ubac tree test/arafs/medium.arafs
**We obtain the encrypted tree result! COPY THE RESULT**

Then decrypt it to print it with (assume the fs was encrypted with the key "toto"):

  (local) $ adret decrypttree -key="toto" <encryptedtree_from_ubac>

πŸ€– Automate a bit

If you want to interact with your remote encrypted fs more fluidly


  • my encrypted fs + ubacon remote
  • remote is accesible on port <ip>:<port>
  • adret on local
  • have the key which encrypt the fs
List folder content from remote encrypted fs Start your `ubac` listener on the remote where the encrypted fs is :
(remote) $ ubac listen -path="./test/arafs/encrypted.arafs" 4444

An local machine configure your environment variable to dial with remote ubac listenerConnect to the listener with your local machine:

(local) $ eval `adret configremote -port="4444" -host=<remote_ubac_hostname>`

I can now interact directly with my encrypted fs on my local machine and obtain direct result:

(remote) $ adret remotels -key=toto test/mytestfolder
Print file content from remote encrypted fs Launch ubac listener and config local host wit adret like above and launch `remotecat`:
(remote) $ adret remotecat -key=toto test/mytestfolder/toto.txt

βœ‚οΈ Manipulate encrypted fs

Remove a file from encrypted fs

First retrieve encrypted tree from encrypted fs:

(remote) ubac tree test/arafs/medium.arafs
**We obtain the encrypted tree result! COPY THE RESULT**

Then get a patch (which describes the changes you want to make):

(local) adret rmpatch -key=toto -tree=<output_ubac_tree> <resource_I_want_to_remove>

Then apply the patch onto the encrypted fs

(remote) ubac applypatch -path=encrypted.arafs <my_patch>

πŸ§™ How does it work?


How is the fs encrypted ?

When the adretutlity encrypt a folder it returns what we called the "encrypted filesystem" wich has .arafs extension. It is in fact a text file of the fs representation (encrypted of course).

The structure of the content of the .arafs file is influenced by the following constraint: it musts be used to retrieve data without using the key

Encrypted fs data structure

For this reason, the data stracture of the content is a (unordered) list of all the "resources" present in the folder. In that way, we could only know how many resources the encrypted fs has and also the size of the fs without having the key.


A resource is:

πŸ”name type πŸ”content

name: is the encrypted value of the path of the resource type : is the type of the ressource within the fs. it could be:

  • folder
  • file

content: is the content of the resource ie a list of child resources name if type is folder or the file content if type is file

Example: Search in encrypted fs

Take the example of ubac ls -path=myencryptedfs.arafs darkpath which aims to perform ls of the darkpath in myencryptedfs.arafs.

First it will search the darkpath (it is an encrypted path) name in the list which is myencryptedfs.arafs . If the type is file it will return the filename. If the type is a folder it will take the content part which is all its child resources encyrpted.

How does the remote interaction work with the encrypted fs?

Here the sequence of a remotecat.

Previously we have our ubac listener launch on an accesible port on remote and the encrypted fs in the same location as the listener:

  1. remotecat -key=<key> path/to/file
  2. The path is encrypted using the darkenpathfunction ~~> darkenedpath
  3. The adret send a request to the ubac listener to perform a cat with darkenedpath
  4. The ubac listener perform the cat and return the encrypted result to adret
  5. adret decrypt it and print the result

How does the fs is modified ?

As the encrypted FS is represented in a JSON file format and ubac has no acknowledge about what is inside (and couldn't obtain), we must have 5 steps to modify the encrypted fs

  1. Ask ubac to get the tree of the encrypted FS
  2. Darkenpath the parent directory of the resource which will be modified (or added)
  3. Ask ubac content of the parent directory (to modify it also)
  • if the resource is a directory, it will use the tree to delete all resources under it (which the Tree structure we won't have to launch it recursively)
  1. With the tree, craft the patch to apply on the FS with adret. Patch depend of the logic (if you want to remove, add a ressource etc)
  2. Provide the patch to ubac to apply it on the FS

Tree is a structure containaing all the Resource in the ecrypted fs. It is a Node list

A Node on ubac side is:

πŸ”name type

On adret side, it is the same concept. A tree is a list of Node but the Node contains another field Parent which is the resource parent directory ( the resource is represented by name field in Node):

πŸ”name type πŸ”Parent

where Parent is the prefix of the resource name (ie resource parent directory).


Patch is used to inform ubac which resources it will change. So it contains 3 list: to_delete for resources that must be removed, to_add for resources that must be added, to_change for resources that must be change (theirs contents).

(to_add & to_change contain a list of the resource with their content associated)

Example: remove an element

  1. ask ubac the tree
  2. Ask adret the patch to delete the resource add to to_delete the resource + modify parent resource content (withdraw the resource of it) and add parent resource to to_change
    • if resource is a folder: add to to_delete all the resource with prefix containing <resource_to_delete_name> (ie under the directory)
  3. Provide the the patch to ubac, and let ubac apply it


  • adret encrypt using AES ECB (attack possible). A more robust AES encryption scheme change the nonce at each encryption => for the same input different outputs at each encryption. It is a problem as darkenpath must provide the same path encrypted as the initial encryption (when we encrypt the fs)
  • you can't encrypt a filesystem w/ a folder/file having '\' in its name. It is due to the way we encapsulate resource in directory content
  • you can't perform "ls .". As we search for resource with its exact name we do not have . resource from now
  • launch adret in the same directory of the fs you want to encrypt Otherwise it will keep prefix like "../" etc, (see filesystem.GetDirectoryContent)
  • for adret decrypt cat we could not cat big file. It is due to the fact that we take the encrypted content to show from command-line. Hence we are limited by ARG_MAX length (getconf ARG_MAXto know the value). For such reason avoid embedding binary file (or try to compress it using upx command before). This limitation applies for all command in fact
    • Workaround for ARG_MAX length: Save the arg in file and pass it with $(cat <FILE>)
  • file permissions
  • CLi flag and command parsing is homemade (see cobra to improve/facilitate)


Encrypted filesystem πŸ” And a CLI to remotely and securely interact with (if you want to store encrypted private data on ☁️)








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