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Websocket functions in Erlang, mostly for a client

The functions here can help you write a websocket client in Erlang.


The only available protocol is http, so the URI must be



The module is ws_client.

connect(URI) -> {ok, Websocket}
%% e.g. connect("http://localhost:8081/websock.yaws").

close(Websocket) -> {normal, Code, Reason} | {abnormal, Error} %% code 1000
close(Websocket, Code) -> {normal, Code, Reason} | {abnormal, Error}
close(Websocket, Code, Reason) -> {normal, Code, Reason} | {abnormal, Error}

ping(Websocket) -> {pong, <<>>} | {pang, Error}
ping(Websocket, Message) -> {pong, Message} | {pang, Error}

send_text(Websocket, Text) -> ok

send_binary(Websocket, Binary) -> ok

send_first_text_fragment(Websocket, TextFragment) -> ok
send_text_fragment(Websocket, TextFragment) -> ok
send_last_text_fragment(Websocket, TextFragment) -> ok

send_first_binary_fragment(Websocket, TextFragment) -> ok
send_binary_fragment(Websocket, TextFragment) -> ok
send_last_binary_fragment(Websocket, TextFragment) -> ok

recv(Websocket) -> 
	{frame, text, TextAsBinary} | 
	{fragment, text, TextAsBinary} |
	{frame, binary, Binary} | 
	{fragment, binary, Binary} |
	{frame, pong, Text} | 
	{frame, close, Binary}


The test suite in the test directory uses the complete API. Briefly:

  • Conenct to the websocket server at URI with ws_client:connect(URI). This will return {ok, Websocket}
  • Send text messages over the websocket with ws_client:send_text(Webscoket, String)
  • Send binaries over the websocket with ws_client:send_binary(Websocket, Bin)
  • Ping the websocket, optionally specifying a timeout which defaults to 5 seconds, with ws_client:ping(Websocket, String, Timeout). It should reply with a {pong, String} and the same string you sent
  • If you expect to receive something from the websocket server, wait, optionally specifying the timeout which defaults to 5 seconds, with ws_client:recv(Websocket, Timeout). You should either get a frame: {frame, Type, Data} or a fragment: {fragment, Type, Data}. Type will be text, binary, pong or close
  • Close the webscoket, optionally specifying a code and a reason, with ws_client:close(Websocket, Code, Reason). The code defaults to 1000: normal closure.


The test suite in the test directory is to be run with the Common Test framework.

One possibile scenario for running the tests, the one I'm using, is

  • configure a yaws virtual server with the priv directory as the doc root
  • in the priv directory, run erl -make to compile the callback module
  • in the main directory, run erl -make to compile the ws_client module
  • modify the test configuration file ws_client.config to suit your needs. You must specify a URL. Pause is the amount in milliseconds the test case will wait between the sending of each fragment in the fragmented delivery tests. It defaults to 1 ms if you don't specify it in the config file
  • cd to the test directory and run ct_run -config ws_client.config -pa ../ebin -include ../include -dir ./. You may want to include additional parameters such as logdir. In Windows, I've had to add -setcookie!

This has been tested with yaws, using the callback module priv/wscb.erl .


Websocket functions in Erlang, mostly for a client







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