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Aris Lancrescent edited this page May 10, 2015 · 6 revisions

Singleton: SkylinesOverwatch.Data.Instance

You can use these to check if an ID is of a certain type. For example: If you want to check if an ID you obtained from BuildingsUpdated is a cemetery, you can simply call SkylinesOverwatch.Data.Instance.IsCemetery(id). It return true if the ID belongs to a cemetery; false if not.

A checker exists for all monitored types, including the -Updated and -Removed ones.


  • bool IsBuilding(ushort id)

    • bool IsPlayerBuilding(ushort id)

      • bool IsCemetery(ushort id)

      • bool IsLandfillSite(ushort id)

      • bool IsFireStation(ushort id)

      • bool IsPoliceStation(ushort id)

      • bool IsHospital(ushort id)

      • bool IsPark(ushort id)

      • bool IsPowerPlant(ushort id)

      • bool IsPlayerOther(ushort id)

    • bool IsPrivateBuilding(ushort id)

      • bool IsResidentialBuilding(ushort id)

      • bool IsCommercialBuilding(ushort id)

      • bool IsIndustrialBuilding(ushort id)

      • bool IsOfficeBuilding(ushort id)

      • bool IsPrivateOther(ushort id)

    • bool IsBuildingOther(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingsAbandoned(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingBurnedDown(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingsWithDead(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingsWithGarbage(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingsWithFire(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingsWithCrime(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingsWithSick(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingCapacityStep1(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingCapacityStep2(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingCapacityFull(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingAdded(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingUpdated(ushort id)

  • bool IsBuildingRemoved(ushort id)


  • bool IsVehicle(ushort id)

    • bool IsCar(ushort id)

      • bool IsHearse(ushort id)

      • bool IsGarbageTruck(ushort id)

      • bool IsFireTruck(ushort id)

      • bool IsPoliceCar(ushort id)

      • bool IsAmbulance(ushort id)

      • bool IsBuse(ushort id)

      • bool IsCarOther(ushort id)

    • bool IsTrain(ushort id)

      • bool IsPassengerTrain(ushort id)

      • bool IsMetroTrain(ushort id)

      • bool IsCargoTrain(ushort id)

      • bool IsTrainOther(ushort id)

    • bool IsAircraf(ushort id)

    • bool IsShip(ushort id)

    • bool IsVehicleOther(ushort id)

  • bool IsVehicleUpdated(ushort id)

  • bool IsVehicleRemoved(ushort id)


  • bool IsHuman(uint id)

    • bool IsResident(uint id)

    • bool IsServicePerson(uint id)

    • bool IsTourist(uint id)

    • bool IsHumanOther(uint id)

  • bool IsHumanUpdated(uint id)

  • bool IsHumanRemoved(uint id)


  • bool IsAnimal(ushort id)

    • bool IsBird(ushort id)

      • bool IsSeagull(ushort id)
    • bool IsLivestock(ushort id)

      • bool IsCow(ushort id)

      • bool IsPig(ushort id)

    • bool IsPet(ushort id)

      • bool IsDog(ushort id)
    • bool IsWildlife(ushort id)

      • bool IsWolf(ushort id)

      • bool IsBear(ushort id)

      • bool IsMoose(ushort id)

    • bool IsAnimalOther(ushort id)

  • bool IsAnimalUpdated(ushort id)

  • bool IsAnimalRemoved(ushort id)

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