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Uxecute Productivity Application


Uxecute Productivity Application (2020 Summer Side Project)

Uxecute is a productivity application that allows users to keep track of task with deadlines and bookmark websites which can be easily access later using keyboard shortcuts.

Motivation (Developer's Diary)

Currently, I have just finished my second year of university in SMU(Singapore Management University). During my first year in SMU, I've made about 2 similar applications as the one I've created here. They all function the same whereby the solution is a dashboard-like application where it tells the time and weather and also features a todo list to manage tasks I do from day to day.

However, from the 2 I've have made previously there was only one that I use regularly everyday which was a chrome extension (Not fully developed) that I set as the default homepage for my chrome browser. During the summer of 2020, I really wanted to create and complete a desktop application that can intergrate with my everyday tasks.

This is where I stumbled across Electron JS which allows me to use my Javascript knowledge to build cross platform desktop apps. After, following several tutorials on Youtube, I knew that this was what I needed to create my ideal application.

Why a desktop application?

Although there wasn't any issues with the previous 2 application. It wasn't very efficient when I was using them. This was because they were both web applications that required me to open my browser before use. Having a desktop application meant that I could have it run in the background and easily access it with a keyboard shortcut.

why fixed the application screen size to 800 x 480?

800 x 480 resolution is special because it is the exact screen size of a mini LCD screen for a raspberry pi. I had bought one of these screens previously and thought it would be a good idea to build an application around it. I could easily carry around the screen and connect it to my laptop. This way i could always have the home dashboard view at the corner of my eyes.

Tech Stack


Home Dashboard

Date, Time & Weather
  • Displays the current date, time and weather conditions based on the user's country.
  • Weather data is drawn from the Weather Stack API.
  • User's country is saved in the database and drawn when the user logs into the application.
  • Calendar built from scratch. Entire Calendar consists of two vue components which are Calendar.vue (Parent) and Calendarday.vue (Child).
  • Each of the Calendar Day render will display a dot under its date if there are existing tasks that are completed that day(Green dot) or any tasks that have deadlines on that day(Red dot).
  • Each Calendar Day can be clicked which will trigger the Task Widget on the right to display the tasks related to that day.
Task Widget
  • Displays the Tasks based on the active tab (Today, This Week & This Month)
    • This Month
      • Displays all the tasks that have deadlines in the current month
    • This Week
      • Display all the tasks that have deadlines in the current week.
    • Today or Specified Date from Calendar Component
      • If specified date is today, display tasks that have deadlines today.
      • If specified date is in the past, display tasks that have been completed that day.
      • If specified date is in the future, display tasks that have deadlines that day.

Tasks Tab

Display Tasks
  • Displays existing tasks created by the user. Tasks are separated where incompleted tasks are rendered at the top and completed task at the bottom.
Add/Delete Tasks
  • Adding of tasks will be completed in a pop-up modal. Users will have to indicate a task description and a deadline.
    • The indication of deadline is done using <input type="date"> thus users wont have to worry about the formatting of the date string. (Not captured in the GIF.)
  • Deleting of tasks can be done in the list by hovering on a existing task and clicking the cross emoji.
Archived Completed Tasks
  • (To Be Updated)

Links Tab

Display Links
  • Displays existing links created by the user.
  • Users can click on the 'cards' which will open the default browser on the system and direct the user to the site.
Add/Update/Delete Links
  • Adding of links will be completed in a pop-up modal. Users will have to indicate a name, url and icon for the link.
    • Icons can be text instead of emojis.
  • Editing and deleting existing links can be done by right clicking on the 'card' which will show buttons for each action.
    • Editing will be done in a similar modal as the adding a new link.
    • Deleting will be done instantly by clicking on the delete icon without confirmation.
Keyboard Control
  • Users can access the links tab using the keyboard without having to use the mouse
    • Note that the application should be open for the keyboard shortcuts to work
    • "Ctrl + windows + z" will set focus the the entire Uxecute application
    • "Tab" will used to shift between the Navbar items and "Enter" will open that specific screen/slide
    • Users can then use the arrows keys to navigate between the Link 'cards' and "Enter" will open the links in the default browser.

Backend API Reference

api/links [GET]

  • Get all existing links based on email sent in request query.

api/links [POST]

  • Create a new link for a user based on link object sent in request body.

api/links/{link_id} [PATCH]

  • Update an existing link based on {link_id} and link parameters sent in request body.

api/links/{link_id} [DELETE]

  • Delete an existing link based on {link_id}.

api/tasks [GET]

  • Get all existing tasks based on email sent in request query.

api/tasks [POST]

  • Create a new task for a user based on link object sent in request body.

api/tasks/{task_id} [PATCH]

  • Update an existing task based on {task_id} and task parameters sent in request body.

api/tasks/{task_id} [DELETE]

  • Delete an existing task based on {task_id}.

api/users/login [POST]

  • Return user data based on email and password sent in request body.

api/users [POST]

  • Create a new user based on the user object sent in request body.

api/users/{user_email} [PATCH]

  • Update an existing user's settings based on {user_email} and user parameters sent in request body.

Installation (Serve Locally, Build)

Desktop Application (Windows)

Make sure to include your own Weather Stack API Key in Uxecute-Application/main.js

If you have deployed the backend, make sure to also include the deployed link in Uxecute-Application/main.js

# Running on Localhost
cd Uxecute-Application
npm start

# Build
cd Uxecute-Application
npm run package-win

Backend API

Make sure to include your own MongoDB connection string in Uxecute-Backend/app.js

If you have deployed the backend, make sure to also include the deployed link in Uxecute-Backend/server.js

# Running on Localhost
cd Uxecute-Backend
npm start