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File metadata and controls

125 lines (110 loc) · 6.47 KB


Gateways are the payment processors implemented in Merchant. This is implemented as a class so that it is easy to extend and create as many gateways as possible.

The base gateway class is billing.gateway.Gateway which has the following methods and attributes.

Attribute Reference

  • test_mode: This boolean attribute signifies if the gateway is in the test mode. By default, it looks up this value from the MERCHANT_TEST_MODE attribute from the settings file. If the MERCHANT_TEST_MODE attribute is not found in the settings file, the default value is True indicating that the gateway is in the test mode. So do not forget to either set the attribute to True in the subclass or through the settings file.
  • default_currency: This is the currency in which the transactions are settled ie the currency in which the payment gateway sends the invoice, transaction reports etc. This does not prevent the developer from charging a customer in other currencies but the exchange rate conversion has to be manually handled by the developer. This is a string, for example "USD" for US Dollar.
  • supported_countries: This is a list of supported countries that are handled by the payment gateway. This should contain a list of the country codes as prescribed by the ISO 3166-alpha 2 standard. The billing.utils.countries contains a mapping of the country names and ISO codes.
  • supported_cardtypes: This is a list of supported card types handled by the payment gateway. This should contain a list of instances of the :doc:`CreditCard <credit_card>` class.
  • homepage_url: A string pointing to the URL of the payment gateway. This is just a helper attribute that is currently not used.
  • display_name: A string that contains the name of the payment gateway. Another helper attribute that is currently not used.
  • application_id: An application name or unique identifier for the gateway. Yet another helper attribute not currently used.

Method Reference

  • validate_card(credit_card): This method validates the supplied card by checking if it is supported by the gateway (through the supported_cardtypes attribute) and calls the is_valid method of the card and returns a boolean. if the card is not supported by the gateway, a CardNotSupported exception is raised.
  • service_url: A property that returns the url to which the credit card and other transaction related details are submitted.
  • purchase(money, credit_card, options = None): A method that charges the given card (one-time) for the given amount money using the options provided. Subclasses have to implement this method.
  • authorize(money, credit_card, options = None): A method that authorizes (for a future transaction) the credit card for the amount money using the options provided. Subclasses have to implement this method.
  • capture(money, authorization, options = None): A method that captures funds from a previously authorized transaction using the options provided. Subclasses have to implement this method.
  • void(identification, options = None): A method that nulls/voids/blanks an authorized transaction identified by identification to prevent a subsequent capture. Subclasses have to implement this method.
  • credit(money, identification, options = None): A method that refunds a settled transaction with the transacation id identification and given options. Subclasses must implement this method.
  • recurring(money, creditcard, options = None): A method that sets up a recurring transaction (or a subscription). Subclasses must implement this method.
  • store(creditcard, options = None): A method that stores the credit card and user profile information on the payment gateway's servers for future reference. Subclasses must implement this method.
  • unstore(identification, options = None): A method that reverses the store method's results. Subclasses must implement this method.

The options dictionary passed to the above methods consists of the following keys:

  • order_id: A unique order identification code (usually set by the gateway).
  • ip: The IP address of the customer making the purchase. This is required by certain gateways like PayPal.
  • customer: The name, customer number, or other information that identifies the customer. Optional.
  • invoice: The invoice code/number (set by the merchant).
  • merchant: The name or description of the merchant offering the product.
  • description: A description of the product or transaction.
  • email: The email address of the customer. Required by a few gateways.
  • currency: Required when using a currency with a gateway that supports multiple currencies. If not specified, the value of the default_currency attribute of the gateway instance is used.
  • billing_address: A dictionary containing the billing address of the customer. Generally required by gateways for address verification (AVS) etc.
  • shipping_address: A dictionary containing the shipping address of the customer. Required if the merchant requires shipping of products and where billing address is not the same as shipping address.

The address dictionary for billing_address and shipping_address should have the following keys:

  • name: The full name of the customer.
  • company: The company name of the customer. Required by a few gateways.
  • address1: The primary street address of the customer. Required by many gateways.
  • address2: Additional line for the address. Optional.
  • city: The city of the customer.
  • state: The state of the customer.
  • country: The ISO 3166-alpha 2 standard code for the country of the customer.
  • zip: The zip or postal code of the customer.
  • phone: The phone number of the customer. Optional.

All the above methods return a standard response dictionary containing the following keys:

  • status: Indicating if the transaction is a "SUCCESS" or a "FAILURE"
  • response: The response object for the transaction. Please consult the respective gateway's documentation to learn more about it.

Helper functions

  • get_gateway(name, *args, **kwargs): A helper function that loads the gateway class by the name and initializes it with the args and kwargs.