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Carthage compatible Build passing Swift 4.0

Genric is a framework written in Swift that makes create UITableView and UICollectionView easier than even before.


  • Generate Data Source for UICollectionView
  • Generate Data Source for UITableView
  • Support for create data from .plist file

The Basics

To support generic create data source you need to do a several thing. First of them is create a model that describe your cell:

class SimpleModel: Model {
    var reuseIdentifier: String = "Cell"
    var name: String!
    init(name: String) { = name

Variable reuseIdentifier is identifier of your cell defined in storyboard file co in code. Next you need create your cell:

  • UITableViewCell
class TableViewCell: BaseTableViewCell<SimpleModel> {
   override var model: SimpleModel {
       didSet {
           textLabel?.text = model?.name   
  • UICollectionViewCell
class CollectionViewCell: BaseCollectionViewCell<SimpleModel> {
   @IBOutlet weak var textLabel: UILabel!
   override var model: SimpleModel {
       didSet {
           textLabel.text = model?.name   

End in the end you create data source to add it to UITableView

lazy var dataSource: TableDataSource<StandardDataManager<SimpleModel>> = {
      let section = Section<SimpleModel>(rows: [
          SimpleModel(name: "Uno"),
          SimpleModel(name: "Dos"),
          SimpleModel(name: "Tres")

      let manager = StandardDataManager<SimpleModel>(sections: [section])
      return TableDataSource(dataManager: manager)
tableView.dataSource = dataSource

Or for UICollectionView

lazy var dataSource: CollectionDataSource<StandardDataManager<SimpleModel>> = {
      let section = Section<SimpleModel>(rows: [
          SimpleModel(name: "Uno"),
          SimpleModel(name: "Dos"),
          SimpleModel(name: "Tres")

      let manager = StandardDataManager<SimpleModel>(sections: [section])
      return TableDataSource(dataManager: manager)
collectionView.dataSource = dataSource

So, you say that in this example is not easier or simpler for you. But imagine project with ten UITableView, or UIColectionView, or both. In simple way you elimnate not nessesery code. Is amazing with use generic models.

Use included support for plist file

Image that you have manu in your app. Course you can configure it in code but maybe use plist file is beter options. So simple plist file looks like that:


Which is converted to this: alt text

To bind this file to your table view you have to create model and cell. in this case cell could be the same as in basic template. Model is:

class SimpleModel: DictionaryDecoder, Model {
   var reuseIdentifier: String = "Cell"
   var name: String!

   required init(dictinary: NSDictionary) {
       name = dictinary.object(forKey: "name") as! String

Next create data source to support yout Table/Collection View

lazy var dataSource: TableDataSource<PlistDataManager<SimpleModel>> = { 
   let manager = PlistDataManager<SimpleModel>(fileName: "Your File Name", dictKey: "Key for yout dictinary - in this case: Menu")
   return TableDataSource(dataManager: manager)


tableView.dataSource = dataSource

Same is in UICollectionView.

Separete with Section

Many times we need separate our Table View to different options. With Generic and included supporter for plist section file is easy and helpfuly. Start with create plist file like this:


Is shourt code should create sometting like alt text You could use cell for first basic template, and model for second template(Simple plist model)

lazy var dataSource: TableDataSource<PlistSectionDataManager<SimpleModel>> = {
    let manager = PlistSectionDataManager<SectionPlistModel>(name: "Section", key: "Menu")
    return TableDataSource(dataManager: manager)
tableView.dataSource = dataSource

End.. Thats is all.


Maybe you need something more. Of course is possible with this Library. Most important is extension for StandardDataManager. Let see for PlistSectionDataManager

class PlistSectionDataManager<T>: StandardDataManager<T> where T: DictionaryDecoder {

    private let fileName: String
    private let dictKey: String

    enum PlistSectionError: Error {
        case fileNotExist
        case cannotOpenFile

    public init(name: String, key: String) {
        self.fileName = name
        self.dictKey = key



    private func tryAddObjectToManager() {
        do {
            let sections = try setup()
            super.append(newSections: sections)
        } catch {

    private func setup() throws -> [Section<T>] {
        let pArray = try openPlistFile()
        let section = parseSections(arrays: pArray)
        return section

    private func openPlistFile() throws -> [NSArray] {
        guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: fileName, ofType: "plist") else {
            throw PlistSectionError.fileNotExist
        guard let rootDictinary = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: path), let sections = rootDictinary[dictKey] as? [NSArray] else {
            throw PlistSectionError.cannotOpenFile
        return sections

    private func parseSections(arrays: [NSArray]) -> [Section<T>] {
        var sections = [Section<T>]()
        for object in arrays {
            let sec = Section<T>(name: " ", rows: parseNSArray(array: object))

        return sections

    private func parseNSArray(array: NSArray) -> [T] {
        var arr = [T]()
        for object in array where object is NSDictionary {
            arr.append(T(dictinary: object as! NSDictionary))
        return arr

So we need Protocol for model but you could use avaliable: DictionaryDecoder or Model. Next just write code goer generate models and voilà. You could use own Manager.

To do

  • Manager for download JSON models



If you're using Carthage you can add a dependency on ObjectMapper by adding it to your Cartfile:

github "arkasas/Generic"


Otherwise, Generic can be added as a submodule:

  1. Add Generic as a submodule by opening the terminal, cd-ing into your top-level project directory, and entering the command git submodule add
  2. Open the Generic folder, and drag Generic.xcodeproj into the file navigator of your app project.
  3. In Xcode, navigate to the target configuration window by clicking on the blue project icon, and selecting the application target under the "Targets" heading in the sidebar.
  4. Ensure that the deployment target of Generic.framework matches that of the application target.
  5. In the tab bar at the top of that window, open the "Build Phases" panel.
  6. Expand the "Target Dependencies" group, and add Generic.framework.
  7. Click on the + button at the top left of the panel and select "New Copy Files Phase". Rename this new phase to "Copy Frameworks", set the "Destination" to "Frameworks", and add Generic.framework.