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Releases: arnog/mathlive


12 Jun 21:52
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0.100.0 2024-06-12

Bug Fixes

  • #2396 Pressing the arrow keys in the virtual keyboard would not move the
    selection in the mathfield and display a runtime error in the console.

  • #2395 Added a dispatchEvent command which can be attached to a
    custom keycap.

  • #2392 Pressing the backspace key after typing several digits would
    delete all the digits.

    Its first argument is the name of the dispatched event, and the second
    argument is an object with the detail property, which is the data
    associated with the event.

        label: "✨",
        command: "displatchEvent('customEvent', {detail: 'some data'})"

    To handle the event, add an event listener to the mathfield element:

    mf.addEventListener('customEvent', (ev) => {

0.99.0 2024-06-10

Breaking Changes

  • The mf.offsetFromPoint() method has been renamed mf.getOffsetFromPoint()

  • The mf.scriptDepth() and mf.hitboxFromOffset() methodds have been
    replaced with mf.getElementInfo().

    The getElementInfo() method provides more information including any id
    that may have been applied with \htmlId{}.

    It is useful from within a click handler to get more information about the
    element that was clicked, e.g.

      mf.getElementInfo(mf.getOffsetFromPoint(ev.clientX, ev.clientY))

    The info returned is an object with the following properties:

    export type ElementInfo = {
      /** The depth in the expression tree. 0 for top-level elements */
      depth?: number;
      /** The bounding box of the element */
      bounds?: DOMRect;
      /** id associated with this element or its ancestor, set with `\htmlId` or 
      id?: string;
      /** HTML attributes associated with element or its ancestores, set with
       * `\htmlData`
      data?: Record<string, string | undefined>;
      /** The mode (math, text or LaTeX) */
      mode?: ParseMode;
      /** A LaTeX representation of the element */
      latex?: string;
      /** The style (color, weight, variant, etc...) of this element. */
      style?: Style;


The way bold is handled in LaTeX is particularly confusing, reflecting
limitations of the text rendering technology of the time.

Various attempts have been made over the years to improve the rendering of
bold, but this has resulted in inconsistent behavior. Furthermore, various
implementations of LaTeX and LaTeX-like systems have implemented bold in
different ways.

This release introduces a more consistent and intuitive handling of bold,
although it may result in different rendering of some formulas compared to
some implementations of LaTeX.

The original bold command in LaTeX is \mathbf. This command renders its
argument using a bold variant of the current font. However, only letters and
numbers can be rendered by this command. It does not affect symbols, operators,
or greek characters.

For example, \mathbf{a+b} will render as 𝐚+𝐛, with the a and b in bold,
but the + in normal weight. Characters rendered by \mathbf are rendered
upright, even if they would have been rendered as italic otherwise.

The \boldsymbol command is an alternative to \mathbf that affects more
characters, including Greek letters and symbols. It does not affect
the style of the characters, so they remain italic if they were italic before.
However, the inter-character spacing and italic correction may not be rendered correctly.

The \bm command from the bm package is a more modern alternative that
affects even more characters. It also preserves the style of the characters,
so they remain italic if they were italic before. The inter-character spacing
and italic correction are handled correctly.

The \bm command is recommended over \boldsymbol and \mathbf. However,
it is not part of the standard LaTeX distribution, so it may not always be available.

When serializing to LaTeX, MathLive will now use \mathbf when possible, and
fall back to \bm when not. This should result in more consistent rendering
of bold text.

When parsing, MathLive will interpret both \mathbf, \boldsymbol and \bm as

The bold style is now consistently inherited by sub-expressions.

Similarly, when applying a bold style using mf.applyStyle({weight: "bold"}),
the bold attribute is applied to the entire selection, not just the letters
and numbers.

Mode Switching

  • #2375 The switch-mode command has two optionals arguments, a prefix
    and suffix. The prefix is inserted before the mode switch, and the suffix
    after. The command was behaving incorrectly. It now behaves as expected.
  • It is now possible to roundtrip between math and text mode. For example,
    selecting a fraction \frac{a}{b} and pressing alt+shift+T will convert the
    selection to (a)/(b). Pressing alt+shift+T again will convert it back to
  • When in LaTeX mode, changing the selection would sometimes unexpectedly exit
    LaTeX mode, for example after the Select All command. This has been fixed.

New Features

  • \href

    The \href{url}{content} command, a MathJax extension that allows a link
    to be associated with some content, is now supported.

    Clicking on the content will open the link. By default, the link is opened
    in a new window, and only links with a HTTP, HTTPS or FILE protocol are
    allowed. This can be controlled by the new MathfieldElement.openUrl
    property. This property is a function with a single argument, the URL to
    be opened, that is called when the content of the \href command is clicked on.

  • Tooltip appearance

    Added CSS variables to control the appearance of the toolip displayed with
    \mathtip and \texttip:

    • --tooltip-border
    • --tooltip-color
    • --tooltip-background-color
    • --tooltip-box-shadow
    • --tooltip-border-radius.
  • The maxMatrixCols property has been added that specifies the maximum number
    of columns that a matrix may have. The default value is 10, which follows the
    default value from the amsmath package. The property applies to all of
    the matrix environments (matrix, pmatrix, bmatrix, etc.). This property is
    also accessible via the max-matrix-cols attribute.

  • The virtual keyboard now supports variants for shifted-keys. This includes
    support for Swedish specific characters such as å, ä, and ö and their
    uppercase variants.

  • Accept "true" and "false" as values for on/off attributes in the
    <math-field> element, for example <math-field smart-fence="true">.

  • Added a target property (a MathfieldElement) to the onMenuSelect

  • #2337 Added an option MathfieldElement.restoreFocusWhenDocumentFocused
    to control whether a mathfield that was previously focused regains focus
    when the tab or window regains focus. This is true by default and matches
    the previous behavior, and the behavior of the <textarea> element.

  • An alternate syntax for selectors with arguments. Selectors are used for
    example to associate actions with a keycap, such as switchKeyboardLayer.
    The previous syntax was command: ["switchKeyboardLayer", "alt-layer"],
    the new syntax is command: 'switchKeyboardLayer("alt-layer")'. This is more
    concise and easier to read.

Issues Resolved

  • #2387 When using a macro, the spacing around the macro was incorrect in
    some cases.
  • #2370 The order of the keydown and input event is now consistent
    with the <textarea> element.
  • #2369 After typing a shortcut, using the backspace key could result
    in unexpected behavior. Now, pressing the backspace key after a shortcut
    has been typed will undo the conversion of the shortcut.
  • #2380 In some cases, when using the menu, some spurious focus/blur events
    would be dispatched.
  • #2384 When using repeating decimals after a comma (i.e. 123{,}4(1)),
    do not use a \left...\right command in order to get the proper spacing.
  • #2349 The positioning of subscripts for extensible symbols, such as \int
    was incorrect.
  • #2326 The Cut and Copy commands in the context menu are now working
    correctly in Safari.
  • #2309 When using styled text (e.g. \textit{}), the content could
    sometimes be serialized with an unnecessary \text{} command, i.e.
  • #2376 When smart-fence was off, the { and } keys would not insert
  • #2273 Using one of the Chinese locales would result in a runtime error.
  • #2355 When pressing the down arrow key in \sqrt[#?]{1} from the #?
    position, a runtime exception would occur.
  • #2298 When using screen readers, pressing the spacebar would not always
    correctly focus the mathfield.
  • #2297 In some cases, when using touch input, the previously selected item
    in a context menu would appear to be selected.
  • #2289 When changing the value of the mathfield, the selection is now
    preserved. In addition, when using a controlled component with React an
    unnecessary update is avoided.
  • #2282 Don't display selection when the mathfield is not focused
  • #2280 Handle better very deeply nested expressions
  • #2261 When a style was applied to an empty range, the style was ignored.
  • #2208 When setting a variant style (i.e. blackboard, fraktur, etc...) the
    style is no longer adopted by subsequent characters.
  • #2104, #2260 When replacing the selection by typing, the new content would not
    always be correctly styled. The content now inherits the style of the
    selection, or the style of the insertion point if the selection is collapsed.
  • Better handle the ca...
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08 Jun 18:12
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0.94.7 (2023-06-08)


  • #1989 Temporarily add back support for iOS versions older than 16.3.

0.94.6 (2023-05-25)

Bug Fixes

  • Only display seletion when the mathfield is focused
  • #1985 Add option for output format of getPromptValue()
  • #1985 Return Ascii Math output for prompts/placeholders.


  • Pressing the tab key will move to the "next group" in the mathfield, if

0.94.5 (2023-05-24)

Bug Fix

  • The selection in read only mathfield was no longer visible.

0.94.3 (2023-05-22)


  • The mathVirtualKeyboard.layouts property was a frozen array (an array
    that cannot be modified) but that wasn't clear. Now, a runtime error is
    produced if an attempt is made to modify the array. If using Typescript,
    a compile-time error is also generated.

Bug Fixes

  • #1979 Vectors were displayed with an offset
  • #1978 Pasting or inserting some content could result in a runtime error
  • #1978 Text content was not properly serialized in a \text{} command
  • #1682 Vectors (and other accents) are now spoken correctly
  • #1981 Adjusting the selection by moving backwards could result in
    a runtime error.
  • #1982 Improved resilience when a mathfield is in an embedded iframe
    which is not allowed to access the top window by cross-origin policy. In
    this situation the virtual keyboard is not available, but input via physical
    keyboard will work.

0.94.2 (2023-05-22)

Bug Fixes

  • #1976 Toggling the virtual keyboard several times would eventually not
    display the virtual keyboard.
  • Only apply smartFence in math mode (not in text or LaTeX mode).
  • #1975 When inserting a square root, do not insert an index by default

0.94.1 (2023-05-21)


  • Use constructable stylesheets. This results in improved performance and a
    reduction of memory consuption by 2/3 in a page with 1,000 mathfields.
  • Improved MathML serialization (#1870, #1803, #1933, #1648, #737, #150, variants: blackboard, fraktur, bold, etc...).

Bug Fixes

  • #1963 Typing a "/" after a digit containing a french decimal (,) did
    not include the digits before the decimal.


19 May 16:41
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0.94.0 (2023-05-18)

New Features

  • Added support for \raise, \lower and \raisebox commands. Those commands
    were necessary to render some chemical bonds.
  • Pressing (, [ or { with a selection will enclose the selection with
    this delimiter.


  • Improved parsing/serialization/rendering of content with a mix of text and math.
  • Various rendering improvements, mostly of edge cases.
  • Improved behavior of the Shift key in the math keyboard. Single-press
    the Shift key to set it temporarily, double-press it key to lock it (similar
    to CapsLock), triple-press it to unlock. This is similar behavior to the
    ones of mobile virtual keyboards.
  • #1647 Improved rendering of chemical bonds, e.g. \ce{ O\bond{~-}H}
  • Only on iOS, intercepts the cmd+XCV keyboard shortcut. On other platforms,
    use the standard cut/copy/paste commands, which do not require user
  • The tooltips displayed by the \mathtooltip{} and \texttip{} commands
    are now displayed when used with a static formula.
  • Improvements to smart fence behavior, including better undoability.

Bug Fixes

  • Selection display was incorrect when the equation included a colored
  • Pasing text while in LaTeX mode now works.
  • Some of the arrows for mhchem have been renamed and are now displaying correctly
  • #1964 Prevent a runtime error when a mathfield is embedded in an iframe
    and MathLive is not loaded in the host document.
  • #1970 The environment popover was not always positioned correctly.
  • Correctly return unstyled LaTeX when requested (with format unstyled-latex).
    This strips any color/background-color/font sizing commands from the ouput.
  • The caret is no longer displayed twice when placed after \cos^2 (operators
    with a superscript).

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


24 Apr 10:08
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New Features

  • #788 Added virtualKeyboardState property to indicate if the virtual
    keyboard is currently visible or hidden. The property can also be modified to
    show or hide the virtual keyboard.
  • In read-only mode, do not attempt to load the sounds and do not allow the
    virtual keyboard to be shown.
  • Export version (previously available as MathLive.version).
  • #199 Added infty and int inline shortcuts.

Bug Fixes

  • #708 Pressing on the bottom part of the virtual keyboard keycap did not
    trigger the key action.
  • The asset directory (fonts/sounds) was not properly located in some browsers
    when using a CDN to load Mathlive.
  • Correctly focus the mathfield when the virtual keyboard is invoked.


23 Apr 19:42
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0.62.0 (2021-04-23)


  • #794 When a keycap on the virtual keyboard with associated alternate keys
    is long pressed, the other UI elements on the screen are ignored (a scrim
    element is inserted behind the panel to capture events).
  • On iPad OS prevent the document selection from being altered after
    long-pressing an alternate key in some cases.

Bug Fixes

  • A \chi13 (0.1em) gap between the nucleus and the above element was missing
    in OverUnder atoms (\overset, etc...).
  • On Safari iOS, correctly display the keyboard toggle glyph.
  • #907 When using renderMathInElement() or renderMathInDocument(),
    formulas containing styling information would get too aggressively coalesced,
    dropping some styling.
  • #910 Fixed an issue introduced in 0.61.0 where some content would not get
    rendered when calling renderMathInElement() or renderMathInDocument().


11 Oct 14:58
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0.58.0 (2020-10-11)

New Features

  • #225 Added onCommit listener to mf.options. This listener is invoked when
    the user presses Enter or Return key, or when the field loses focus
    and its value has changed since it acquired it.
    In addition, a change event is triggered when using a MathfieldElement.
    The event previously named change has been renamed to input.
    This mimics the behavior of <input> and <textarea> elements.

  • #225 Changed the keyboard shortcuts to add columns and rows:

    Shortcut Command
    ctrl/cmd + Return/Enter addRowAfter
    ctrl/cmd + shift + Return/Enter addRowBefore
    ctrl/cmd + ; addRowAfter
    ctrl/cmd + shift + ; addRowBefore
    ctrl/cmd + , addColumnAfter
    ctrl/cmd + shift + , addColumnBefore

    Note that Enter/Return no longer create a matrix/vector when inside a parenthesized expression. Use ctrl/cmd + Return/Enter instead.

  • Added a commit command to programmatically trigger the onCommit listener
    change event.

  • Added mount and unmount events to MathfieldElement

  • The $text() method, which is deprecated, was accidentally prematurely removed.
    It has been added back.

Bug Fixes

  • Inline shortcuts would not always be triggered correctly,
    for example x=sin -> x\sin instead of x=\sin
  • The text in tooltip was not vertically centered in narrow layouts (mobile devices)
  • #668 Extensible symbols, such as \xrightarrow were incorrectly
    treated as if they had an invisible boundary, resulting in the cursor
    being positioned incorrectly when navigating with the keyboard.

0.57.0 (2020-10-09)

Major New Feature

This release introduce two major new features which will require code changes.
For now, the older API remains supported but it will be dropped in an
upcoming release.

#665: Web Component

Support for MathfieldElement custom element/web component and <math-field> tag.

The makeMathField() method is still supported, but it will be removed in an upcoming version. You should transition to using <math-field> or
MathfieldElement instead.

This transition require the following changes:

  1. Create mathfields using MathfieldElement or declaratively
// Before
let mf = MathLive.makeMathField(document.createElement('div'), {
    virtualKeyboardMode: 'manual',
mf.$latex('f(x) = \\sin x');

// After
let mfe = new MathfieldElement({
    virtualKeyboardMode: 'manual',
mfe.value = 'f(x) = \\sin x';


<math-field virtual-keyboard-mode="manual">f(x) = \sin x</math-field>
  1. Use events instead of callbacks
    // Before
    mf.setConfig({ onContentDidChange: (mf) => {

    // After
    mfe.addEventListener('input', (ev) => {

#667 Modernized Public API

Support for web component is an opportunity to revisit the MathLive public API and modernize it.

The goals are:

  • clarity. For example, the $latex() can be used to read or change the content of the mathfield.
  • expressiveness. For example, $selectedText() can return the value of the selection,
    but there is no way to inspect (or save/restore) the selection.
  • consistency with web platform APIs when applicable, otherwise following the monaco (VSCode editor) or CodeMirror conventions primarily. As part of this proposal, the APIs of TinyMCE, CKEditor and QuillJS were also considered. For example, the method equivalent to getConfig() is called getOptions() in most
    Javascript text editor libraries.

Mathfield methods

The following Mathfield methods have been renamed as indicated:

Before After
$setConfig() setOptions()
getConfig() getOptions() and getOption()
$text() getValue()
$latex() value, getValue() and setValue()
$insert() insert()
$hasFocus() hasFocus()
$focus() focus()
$blur() blur()
$selectedText() mf.getValue(mf.selection)
$selectionIsCollapsed() mf.selection[0].collapsed
$selectionDepth() mf.selection[0].depth
$selectionAtStart() mf.position === 0
$selectionAtEnd() mf.position === mf.lastPosition
$select() select()
$clearSelection() executeCommand('delete-previous-char')
$keystroke() executeCommand()
$typedText() executeCommand('typed-text')
$perform() executeCommand()
$revertToOriginalContent() n/a
$el() n/a
n/a selection
n/a position

The methods indicated with "n/a" in the After column have been dropped.

Only the new methods are available on MathfieldElement (i.e. when using web components). The Mathfield class retains both the old methods and the
new ones to facilitate the transition, but the old ones will be dropped
in an upcoming version.

There is also a new selection property on Mathfield and MathfieldElement
which can be used to inspect and change the selection and a position
property to inspect and change the insertion point (caret).

The getValue() method also now take an (optional) Range, which is
the type of the selection property, to extract a fragment of the expression.

Default Exports

While default exports have the benefits of expediency, particularly when converting an existing code base to ES Modules, they are problematic for effective tree shaking. Therefore the default export will be eliminated.

This means that instead of:

import Mathlive from 'mathlive';

you will need to use:

import { renderMathInDocument } from 'mathlive';

The following functions have been renamed:

Before After
MathLive.latexToAST() Use MathJSON
MathLive.latexToMarkup() convertLatexToMarkup()
MathLive.latexToMathML() convertLatexToMathMl()
MathLive.latexToSpeakableText() convertLatexToSpeakableText()

New Features

  • #101: added getCaretPosition() and setCaretPosition()


  • The Typescript types for Selector has been improved
  • The Typescript type for getOptions() (getConfig()) are more accurate
  • The "sqrt" inline shortcut now inserts an argument
  • Don't throw an error if the first argument of \enclose is empty
  • #591: add upward and downward hooks when navigating out of the
    mathfield (now also sent as a focus-out event)
  • Improved layout of the virtual keyboard on narrow mobile devices (fill the available width).

Bug Fixes

  • #198: typing backspace while typing inline shortcuts would prevent the
    shortcuts from being recognized
  • #573: brackets were not properly styled (i.e. color applied to them)
  • #543: spurious focus/blur events were dispatched if tabIndex was
    set to 0 on the mathfield and some area of the mathfield were clicked on.
    The issue was that with tabIndex="0" the mathfield frame would be focusable
    and when that happened the focus would correctly switch to the invisible
    <textarea> element which is normally focused to receive keyboard events,
    but this generated an incorrect blur event (for the container losing focus)
    and an incorrect focus event (for the <textarea> gaining focus)
  • #599: some characters, for example "ü", would not be correctly parsed or
    displayed. Note that technically, those characters are ignored by TeX,
    but it's a reasonable behavior nowadays to accept them as input.
  • #628: typing "e" repeatedly inside a matrix would corrupt the emited
  • #637: in Chrome, thin lines, such as fraction bars or square root lines
    would not display at some zoom levels
  • The locale was not properly taking into account when it was set manually
  • The config.strings property did not reflect the state of the localization strings
  • When configs was updated (e.g. new macros added), the content of the mathfield was not properly re-parsed and rendered
  • When making the virtual keyboard visible, the mathfield would not be focused
  • The virtual keyboard would not display correctly when the mathfield ...
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22 Aug 17:27
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17 Aug 18:25
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24 Jun 21:28
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24 Jun 18:59
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