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[[/Module/Pypower]] -- Module pypower



module pypower
	set {QUIET=65536, WARNING=131072, DEBUG=262144, VERBOSE=524288} message_flags; // module message control flags
	char256 timestamp_format; // Format for weather file timestamps ('' is RFC822/ISO8601)
	int32 version; // Version of pypower used
	enumeration {NR=1, FD_XB=2, FD_BX=3, GS=4} solver_method; // PyPower solver method to use
	int32 maximum_timestep; // Maximum timestep allowed between solutions
	double baseMVA[MVA]; // Base MVA value
	bool enable_opf; // Flag to enable optimal powerflow (OPF) solver
	bool stop_on_failure; // Flag to stop simulation on solver failure
	bool save_case; // Flag to save pypower case data and results
	char1024 controllers_path; // Path to find module containing controller functions
	char1024 controllers; // Python module containing controller functions
	double solver_update_resolution; // Minimum difference before a value is considered changed
	int32 maximum_iterations; // Maximum iterations (0 defaults to pypower default for solver_method)
	double solution_tolerance; // Solver convergence error tolerante (0 defaults to pypower default)
	enumeration {FAILED=2, SUCCESS=1, INIT=0} solver_status; // Result of the last pypower solver run
	bool enforce_q_limits; // Enable enforcement of reactive power limits
	bool use_dc_powerflow; // Enable use of DC powerflow solution
	enumeration {PY=2, JSON=1, CSV=0} save_format; // Save case format
	double total_loss[MW]; // System-wide line losses
	double generation_shortfall[MW]; // System-wide generation shortfall


The pypower module links gridlabd with the pypower powerflow solver. The objects used to link the two solvers are supported by the bus, branch, and gen classes. For details on these objects' properties, see the PyPower documentation.

If enable_opf is TRUE, then the OPF solver is used when gencost objects are defined.

If save_case is TRUE, then the case data and solver results are stored in and files.

If you have convergence iteration limit issues when larger models, try increasing the value of solver_update_resolution. The larger this value is, the larger a difference between an old value and new value from the solver must be to be considered a change necessitating additional iteration. The default value is 1e-8, which should be sufficient for most models.

The following pypower data elements are implemented using the corresponding GridLAB-D pypower module classes.

Bus Objects

class bus {
    int32 bus_i; // bus number (1 to 29997)
    complex S[MVA]; // base load demand not counting child objects, copied from Pd,Qd by default (MVA)
    enumeration {PQREF=1, NONE=4, REF=3, PV=2, PQ=1, UNKNOWN=0} type; // bus type (1 = PQ, 2 = PV, 3 = ref, 4 = isolated)
    double Pd[MW]; // real power demand (MW)
    double Qd[MVAr]; // reactive power demand (MVAr)
    double Gs[MW]; // shunt conductance (MW at V = 1.0 p.u.)
    double Bs[MVAr]; // shunt susceptance (MVAr at V = 1.0 p.u.)
    int32 area; // area number, 1-100
    double baseKV[kV]; // voltage magnitude (p.u.)
    double Vm[pu*V]; // voltage angle (degrees)
    double Va[deg]; // base voltage (kV)
    int32 zone; // loss zone (1-999)
    double Vmax[pu*V]; // maximum voltage magnitude (p.u.)
    double Vmin[pu*V]; // minimum voltage magnitude (p.u.)
    double lam_P; // Lagrange multiplier on real power mismatch (u/MW)
    double lam_Q; // Lagrange multiplier on reactive power mismatch (u/MVAr)
    double mu_Vmax; // Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper voltage limit (u/p.u.)
    double mu_Vmin; // Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower voltage limit (u/p.u.)

Branch Objects

class branch {
    int32 fbus; // from bus number
    int32 tbus; // to bus number
    double r[pu*Ohm]; // resistance (p.u.)
    double x[pu*Ohm]; // reactance (p.u.)
    double b[pu/Ohm]; // total line charging susceptance (p.u.)
    double rateA[MVA]; // MVA rating A (long term rating)
    double rateB[MVA]; // MVA rating B (short term rating)
    double rateC[MVA]; // MVA rating C (emergency term rating)
    double ratio[pu]; // transformer off nominal turns ratio
    double angle[pu]; // transformer phase shift angle (degrees)
    enumeration {IN=1, OUT=0} status; // initial branch status, 1 - in service, 0 - out of service
    double angmin[deg]; // minimum angle difference, angle(Vf) - angle(Vt) (degrees)
    double angmax[deg]; // maximum angle difference, angle(Vf) - angle(Vt) (degrees)

Generator Objects

class gen {
    int32 bus; // bus number
    double Pg[MW]; // real power output (MW)
    double Qg[MVAr]; // reactive power output (MVAr)
    double Qmax[MVAr]; // maximum reactive power output (MVAr)
    double Qmin[MVAr]; // minimum reactive power output (MVAr)
    double Vg[pu*V]; // voltage magnitude setpoint (p.u.)
    double mBase[MVA]; // total MVA base of machine, defaults to baseMVA
    enumeration {OUT_OF_SERVICE=0, IN_SERVICE=1} status; // 1 - in service, 0 - out of service
    double Pmax[MW]; // maximum real power output (MW)
    double Pmin[MW]; // minimum real power output (MW)
    double Pc1[MW]; // lower real power output of PQ capability curve (MW)
    double Pc2[MW]; // upper real power output of PQ capability curve (MW)
    double Qc1min[MVAr]; // minimum reactive power output at Pc1 (MVAr)
    double Qc1max[MVAr]; // maximum reactive power output at Pc1 (MVAr)
    double Qc2min[MVAr]; // minimum reactive power output at Pc2 (MVAr)
    double Qc2max[MVAr]; // maximum reactive power output at Pc2 (MVAr)
    double ramp_agc[MW/min]; // ramp rate for load following/AGC (MW/min)
    double ramp_10[MW]; // ramp rate for 10 minute reserves (MW)
    double ramp_30[MW]; // ramp rate for 30 minute reserves (MW)
    double ramp_q[MVAr/min]; // ramp rate for reactive power (2 sec timescale) (MVAr/min)
    double apf; // area participation factor
    double mu_Pmax[pu/MW]; // Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper Pg limit (p.u./MW)
    double mu_Pmin[pu/MW]; // Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower Pg limit (p.u./MW)
    double mu_Qmax[pu/MVAr]; // Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper Qg limit (p.u./MVAr)
    double mu_Qmin[pu/MVAr]; // Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower Qg limit (p.u./MVAr)

Generator Cost Objects

class gencost {
    enumeration {POLYNOMIAL=2, PIECEWISE=1, UNKNOWN=0} model; // cost model (1=piecewise linear, 2=polynomial)
    double startup[$]; // startup cost ($)
    double shutdown[$]; // shutdown cost($)
    char1024 costs; // cost model (comma-separate values)

Integration Objects

Integration objects are used to link assets and control models with pypower objects. An integrated object specified its parent bus or gen object and updates it as needed prior to solving the powerflow problem.


Using the load object allows integration of one or more quasi-static load models with bus objects. The ZIP values are used to calculate the S value based on the current voltage. When the load is ONLINE, the S value's real and imaginary is then added to the parent bus object's Pd and Qd values, respectively. When the load is CURTAILED, the load is reduced by the fractional quantity specified by the response property. When the load is OFFLINE, the values of S is zero regardless of the value of P.


Using powerplant objects allows integration of one or more quasi-static generator models with both bus and gen objects. When integrating with a bus object, the S value real and imaginary values are added to the bus properties Pd and Qd, respectively, when the plant is ONLINE.

When integrated with a gen object, both the Pd and Qd values are updated based on the powerplant's generator status and type.


Using powerline objects allows composite lines to be constructed and assembled into branch objects. A powerline may either have a branch parent or another powerline object, in which case the parent must specify whether its composition is either SERIES or PARALLEL. When a powerline is not a composite line you must specify its impedance in Ohms per mile and its length in miles. Only lines with status values IN are assembled in the parent line. Line with status values OUT are ignored.

The status value, impedance, length, and composition may be changed at any time during a simulation. However, these values are only checked for consistency and sanity during initialization.


Transformers are branch objects with status, tap_ratio and phase_shift updated at every sync event. The transformer rated_power controls the branch property rateA. In addition the r, x, b, values of the branch are set at initialization using the impedance and susceptance transformer properties.


The relay object is a branch object that is controlled using the status property. When the status is OPEN the branch object's status is OUT. Otherwise it is IN. The relay object can define a controller function to allow various control strategies to be implemented in Python.


Controllers may be added by specifying the controllers global in the pypower module globals, e.g.,

module pypower
    controllers "my_controllers";

This will load the file and link the functions defined in it.

If the on_init function is defined in the Python controllers module, it will be called when the simulation is initialized. Note that many gridlabd module functions are not available until after initialization is completed.

In addition, the following event handlers are supported:

  • on_precommit(dict:data) --> int: Called when the clock advances before the main solver is called.

  • on_sync(dict:data) --> int: Called each time the main solver is called.

  • on_commit(dict:data) --> int: Called after the last time the main solver is called.

  • on_term() --> None: Called when the simulation is done.

Any load, powerplant, and relay object may specify a controller property. When this property is defined, the corresponding controller function will be called if it is defined in the controllers module. The return value is a unix timestamp in seconds of epoch indicating the time of the next event, if any. Otherwise, it should return gridlabd.NEVER or gridlabd.INVALID to indicate an error.

Controller functions use the following call/return prototype

def my_controller(obj,**kwargs):
    return dict(name=value,...)

where kwargs contains a dictionary of properties for the object and name is any valid property of the calling object. A special return name t is used to specify the time at which the controller is to be called again, specify in second of the Unix epoch.

When the controller module is loaded, the built-in gridlabd module is added to the globals to provide access to the main instance of gridlabd and its support methods. You do not need to import gridlabd.

For more information on the gridlabd main module, see [[/Module/Python]] and [[/Module/Python/Property]].


The scada object is used to access properties of objects in the controllers module using the global scada. Any number of scada points may be added using the point method, using the object name and property separated by a dot. When the write property is TRUE the scada object will copy back values that have changed. If the record property is TRUE, the controllers module will have a global historian which records are past values of the scada global.


The geodata object is used to map a panel of location-based data to variables across a number of objects or classes based on the objects' locations. Each geodata CSV file corresponds to a single object property, and is organized a locations in columns and time-series in rows.


The weather object is used to read weather data from a weather file.

See also

  • PyPower documentation
  • [[/Module/Pypower/Geodata]]
  • [[/Module/Pypower/Load]]
  • [[/Module/Pypower/Powerline]]
  • [[/Module/Pypower/Powerplant]]
  • [[/Module/Pypower/Relay]]
  • [[/Module/Pypower/Scada]]
  • [[/Module/Pypower/Weather]]
  • [[/Module/Pypower/Transformer]]
  • [[/Module/Python]]
  • [[/Module/Python/Property]]
  • [[/Converters/Import/Pypower_cases]]
  • [[/Converters/Import/Psse_models]]