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An open-source project for editing raster images.

ImageProcessing performs image editing on CPU as well as GPGPU. The tool is written in F# and is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows. It can be used as a standalone application, or as a library integrated into other software.

Features and capabilities

  • Customizable multi-threaded and parallel computation support
  • Application of transformations and filters on GPU (Nvidia, AMD, Intel)
  • Several transformations and filters are available from the box (blur filter, edges detection, rotation, flip, etc.)
  • Ability to add your own custom filters and transformations
  • Ability to specify multiple filters and/or transformations to be applied
  • Processing of multiple files in a specified directory
  • Ready-to-use console application
  • API documentation for developers

Why use ImageProcessing?

GPGPU support and ability to add custom transformations makes it fast and flexible image editing software on .NET


  • Windows (tested on Windows 10, 11)
  • macOS (tested on ...)
  • Linux (tested on Ubuntu 20.04)

Third-party projects


Detailed documentation for the ImageProcessing API is available.


You can install a package and its dependencies from GitHub following these steps or build an application from source.

Manual build

Make sure the following requirements are installed on your system:

  • dotnet SDK 7.0 or higher
  • OpenCL-compatible device with respective driver

To clone ImageProcessing locally, run the following git commands:

git clone; cd ImageProcessing

If you are on Windows, run:


On Linux and macOS run:


For optional build targets look at MiniScaffold. The template has been used in the project.

How to use

USAGE: ImageProcessing [--help] --strategy <cpu|gpu|async1cpu|async2cpu|async1gpu|async2gpu> [--threads <uint>] -i <string>
                       -o <string> <blur|edges|highpass|laplacian|sobelv|rotate|rotateccw|reflecth|reflectv>...


                          Provide transformations to be applied.


    --strategy <cpu|gpu|async1cpu|async2cpu|async1gpu|async2gpu>
                          Specify the run strategy to use
    --threads <uint>      Optionally provide a number of threads (a positive integer) to use for certain run strategies
    -i <string>           Input path: specify a path to an image file or to a folder containing images
    -o <string>           Output path: give a path to a folder
    --help                display this list of options.

Running options

  • cpu - Apply transformations on CPU.
  • gpu - Apply transformations on GPU.
  • async1cpu, async1gpu - Apply transformations on CPU or GPU utilizing multi-threading using agent-based parallel algorithm (delegation pipeline).
  • async2cpu, async2gpu - Apply transformations on CPU or GPU utilizing multi-threading using agent-based parallel algorithm (splitting wokrload).
  • threads - Optionally provide a number of threads to be utilized for corresponding run strategy.
  • i - Input path. A directory or an image file.
  • o - Output directory.

List of built-in filters and transformations

  • blur - Gaussian blur.
  • edges - A simple edge detection filter.
  • highpass - Highpass image filter.
  • laplacian - Laplacian edge detection algorithm.
  • sobelv - Vertical sobel filter.
  • rotate - Perform a clockwise 90 degrees rotation.
  • rotateccw - Perform a counterclockwise 90 degrees rotation.
  • reflecth - Horizontally reflect an image.
  • reflectv - Vertically reflect an image.


Applying a horizontal reflect on an image using GPU:

./ImageProcessing --strategy gpu -i input/image.jpg -o output/ reflecth

Sequentially applying blur and clockwise rotation on an image using CPU:

./ImageProcessing --strategy cpu -i input/image.jpg -o output/ blur rotate

Processing multiple files inside a directory and applying blur, edges and vertical reflect using CPU and utilizing multiple threads:

./ImageProcessing --strategy async2cpu --threads 4 -i input/ -o output/ blur edges reflectv


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