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Project Euler Solutions

My solutions to project Euler problems

Solved problems:

  • Problem 1 - Multiples of 3 and 5 (solved using C)
  • Problem 2 - Even Fibonacci numbers (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 3 - Largest prime factor (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 4 - Largest palindrome product (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 5 - Smallest multiple (solved using Python)
  • Problem 6 - Sum square difference (solved using Python)
  • Problem 7 - 10001st prime (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 8 - Largest product in a series (solved using Ruby)
  • Problem 9 - Special Pythagorean triplet (solved using C)
  • Problem 10 - Summation of primes (solved using Ruby)
  • Problem 11 - Largest product in a grid (solved using JavaScript)
  • Problem 12 - Highly Divisible Triangular Number (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 13 - Large sum (solved using Python)
  • Problem 14 - Longest Collatz sequence (solved using C++)
  • Problem 15 - Lattice paths (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 16 - Power digit sum (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 17 - Number Letter Counts (solved using PHP)
  • Problem 18 - Maximum path sum I (solved using PHP)
  • Problem 19 - Counting Sundays (solved using D)
  • Problem 20 - Factorial digit sum (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 21 - Amicable numbers (solved using Ruby)
  • Problem 22 - Names scores (solved using Python)
  • Problem 25 - 1000-digit Fibonacci number (solved using Ruby)
  • Problem 26 - Reciprocal Cycles (solved using Python)
  • Problem 27 - Quadratic Primes (solved using C)
  • Problem 28 - Number spiral diagonals (solved using C)
  • Problem 29 - Distinct powers (solved using Ruby)
  • Problem 30 - Digit fifth powers (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 31 - Coin Sums (solved using Python)
  • Problem 33 - Digit Cancelling Fractions (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 34 - Digit factorials (solved using Python)
  • Problem 35 - Circular Primes (solved using Python)
  • Problem 36 - Double-base palindromes (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 39 - Integer right triangles (solved using Python)
  • Problem 42 - Coded Triangle Numbers (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 44 - Pentagon Numbers (solved using C++)
  • Problem 45 - Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 46 - Goldbach's other conjecture (solved using Python)
  • Problem 48 - Self powers (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 49 - Prime Permutations (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 52 - Permuted Multiples (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 53 - Combinatoric selections (solved using Python)
  • Problem 59 - XOR decryption (solved using PHP)
  • Problem 63 - Powerful digit counts (solved using Python)
  • Problem 67 - Maximum path sum II (solved using PHP)
  • Problem 69 - Totient Maximum (solved using C++)
  • Problem 71 - Ordered fractions (solved using Swift)
  • Problem 74 - Digit Factorial Chains (solved using Python)
  • Problem 75 - Singular Integer Right Triangles (solved using Swift)
  • Problem 89 - Roman Numerals (solved using Python)
  • Problem 91 - Right triangles with integer coordinates (Solved using C++)
  • Problem 92 - Square digit chains (solved using C)
  • Problem 96 - Su Doku (solved using Java)
  • Problem 97 - Large non-Mersenne prime (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 99 - Largest exponential (solved using Python)
  • Problem 100 - Arranged Probability (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 102 - Triangle containment (solved using Python)
  • Problem 112 - Bouncy numbers (solved using Python)
  • Problem 119 - Digit Power Sum (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 120 - Square Remainders (solved using PHP)
  • Problem 123 - Prime Square Remainders (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 124 - Ordered Radicals (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 142 - Perfect Square Collection (solved using C++)
  • Problem 155 - Counting Capacitor Circuits (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 178 - Step Numbers (solved using D)
  • Problem 179 - Consecutive positive divisors (solved using C++)
  • Problem 182 - RSA Encryption (solved using Haskell)
  • Problem 206 - Concealed Square (solved using Python)
  • Problem 318 - (prime - k) factorial (solved using C++)
  • Problem 493 - Under the Rainbow (solved without any code)
  • Problem 719 - Number Splitting (solved using Python)



To the extent possible under law, Arthur Verschaeve has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.


My solutions to Project Euler problems






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