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This is a basic setup for developing Gutenberg blocks. This setup is based on Ali Alaa's Gutenberg Course on Udemy.


Install all necessary npm packages

npm install

Create a development build

You can create a development build either by

npm run dev

or continous rebuild

npm run watch

Directory structure

All files either belong to

  • scripts and styles which run in the Editor only,
  • scripts and styles which run in the Editor and on the final website

Scripts and Styles for the Editor only

  • editor.js
  • index.js
  • edit.js
  • save.js
  • styles.editor.scss

Scripts and Styles that are loaded in the Editor and on the Websites

  • script.js
  • styles.scss

Package Versions

WordPress moves forward quite fast. The included package.json was tested with WordPress 5.9.1. You can check all dependencies against the versions used by WordPress on Branches WordPress Core.


WordPress defines it's own createElement as well as it's own Fragment. Therefore the file webpack.config.js contains

  pragma: "wp.element.createElement",
  pragmaFrag: "wp.element.Fragment",
  development: isDevelopment(),


Gutenberg consists of many packages. All of them are loaded when WordPress is started. You shall not include those libraries into your bundles.

If you want to use them within your favorite IDE e.g. for name completion as well as for linting, you have to include them as externals to your webpack.config.js

Here an example for some of the libraries

externals: {
    react: "React",
    "react-dom": "ReactDOM",
    lodash: "lodash",
    "@wordpress/blocks": ["wp", "blocks"],
    "@wordpress/i18n": ["wp", "i18n"],
    "@wordpress/primitives": ["wp", "primitives"],
    "@wordpress/block-editor": ["wp", "blockEditor"],
    "@wordpress/block-library": ["wp", "blockLibrary"],
    "@wordpress/components": ["wp", "components"],
    "@wordpress/data": ["wp", "data"],
    "@wordpress/element": ["wp", "element"],
    "@wordpress/html-entities": ["wp", "htmlEntities"],
    "@wordpress/core-data": ["wp", "coreData"],
    "@wordpress/date": ["wp", "date"],

If you want to add other packages, note the change from kebab-case (key) to camelCase (value).

Registering the bundles

To load all bundles of your blocks, you have to register scripts and styles by using wp_register_styleas well as wp_register_script. When registering the editor scripts, you have to add the dependencies of the previous defined externals.

   $plugin_dir_url . 'dist/art-hello-gutenberg-editor.bundle.js',
   array('wp-blocks', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-element', 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-components', 'lodash', 'wp-blob', 'wp-data', 'wp-html-entities', 'wp-core-data','wp-compose', 'jquery'), $version

Loading the bundles

The bundles are finally loaded by register_block_type(__DIR__). You will find this inside the block directory within the file index.php.

function artmanns_register_my_first_block() {
    register_block_type (__DIR__);

add_action('init', 'artmanns_register_my_first_block');

The file block.json defines all scripts and style that have to be loaded by register_block_type().

  "$schema": "",
  "apiVersion": 2,
  "name": "artmanns/my-first-block",
  "title": "Willkommen Gutenberg",
  "category": "text",
  "icon": {
    "src": "admin-site"
  "description": "Mein erster Block mit Gutenberg.",
  "keywords": ["hello", "sample"],
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "textdomain": "artmanns",
  "editorScript": "art-hello-gutenberg-editor-script",
  "script": "art-hello-gutenberg-script",
  "editorStyle": "art-hello-gutenberg-editor-style",
  "style": "art-hello-gutenberg-style",
  "attributes": {
    "simpleText": {
      "type": "number",
      "default": "Hello Gutenberg"

Note that the values of editorScript, script, editorStyle and style have to be as previous defined within the wp_register_script() functions.

Adding your own blocks

If you want to add your own block e.g. named my-second-block you have to perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new directory within blocks that is named my-second-block.
  2. Within my-second-block edit the file block.json and adapt it to your needs. Change at least
    • name
    • title
    • description
  3. Note that the values of editorScript, script, editorStyle and style are the same for all blocks. This enables us to load several blocks at once. If you have a lot of blocks, you may decide to create one bundle per block.
  4. Within the directory src you have to
    • import the dirctory of your new block into editor.js, and
    • import the file script.js of your directory into script.js
  5. Move a directory level up into the plugin directory. Add the file index.phpof your new block into artmanns-hello-gutenberg.php by means of require_once.
  6. Run npm run dev as well as npm run prod to create the bundles.

Create a ZIP-Archive of your Plugin

Finally, after you finished the development, you may want to create a release version of your plugin. You can do this by using gulp. If you don't have installed gulp, install gulp-cli globally

sudo npm install --global gulp-cli

Afterwards add gulp as well as gulp-zip to your devDependencies by

npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-zip

To create the ZIP Archive simple run the following command


You will find the ZIP-Archive in the directory bundled.