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Set up MapMint Instance

Aryan Kenchappagol edited this page Jul 11, 2021 · 1 revision

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1. Prerequisites

  1. Head over to the OSGeo Live SourceForge page and download OSGeoLive version 13. It works best for MapMint. Make sure to download the .vmdk.7z.

  2. Now unzip the downloaded file from .vmdk.7z to .vmdk extention from 7zip app.

  3. Download and install the Oracle Virtual Box as per you system requirements.

  4. Setup the Virtual Machine with the 64bit Linux distribution and load the .vmdk file to it.

  5. Once the OSGeo Live is up perfectly on the virtual machine, now we follow the steps given below for installing MapMint.

2. Installing MapMint | Original

  • Open the terminal and follow these steps:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
  • The MapMint application can be installed very simply using Ansible scripts. It is thus possible to deploy several instances of MapMint through the use of the ansible-playbook. In this section, you will learn how to setup only a single instance which is your local OSGeoLive 12.0 VM.

  • Before you can install MapMint using Ansible scripts, it is necessary to ensure the presence of some packages and specific Python modules.

sudo apt-get install ansible git python-setuptools openssh-server python-pip
mkdir mm-install
cd mm-install
git clone git:// mapmint-setup
git checkout gsoc
  • For making your user able connect to the server on which to install MapMint, you must create a key to enable an automatic authentication. To do this use the following commands.
mkdir ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • When you will be prompted, you are required to confirm every question by pressing “Enter”.
sudo mkdir /root/.ssh
sudo cp ~/.ssh/ /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Installing MapMint is fully automated via the previously downloaded Ansible scripts, so only remaining task is to launch it. Before that, it will be necessary to set Ansible and specific scripts installation for MapMint to define the name of the machine that will be used to access the instance.
echo "localhost" > ~/ansible_hosts
sed "" -i \
export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=~/ansible_hosts
  • In order to make sure you are using the correct version of Libre Office and r-cran packages, run the following command.
cd ~/mm-install/mapmint-setup/osgeolive
pip3 install beautifulsoup4
  • To proceed with the installation, please use the following commands.
cd ~/mm-install/mapmint-setup/osgeolive
ansible-playbook -b server.yml -u root
  • Once the last command is finished, you are almost ready to start using your MapMint instance that you have just setup. Fist you should ensure that the settings defined in your main.cfg file is correct and correspond to your setup. To make sure that the main.cfg file is correct, please edit the file /ur/lib/cgi-bin/mm/main.cfg which contains the main settings for your MapMint instance. You will need to replace every occurence of by localhost. The easiest way to achieve this is to use the following command.
sudo sed -i "" /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mm/main.cfg
  • Before being able to access your MapMint instance, the last step is to edit the following files:

to replace the following value:

/~djay/progede2/public_map/assets by this one: /pm/assets.

Good Work :) if you executed all the steps in the proper order, you are ready to launch your MapMint instance!

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