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Setup MapMint and ZOO Project using Docker

Aryan Kenchappagol edited this page Jun 27, 2021 · 3 revisions

Working OS

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Pull image from docker hub

docker pull geolabs/mapmint

Clone Repositories

Open you terminal to clone MapMint and ZOO-Project's GitHub Repositories.

git clone
cd ZOO-Project

Inside the ZOO-Project directory, replace the contents of the docker-compose.yml with the following code

Now head to the docker directory and change the contents of the main.cfg file with the following code

git clone
cd mapmint
git checkout gsoc

Build the image

Open your terminal inside the ZOO-Project directory and enter the following command.

sudo docker-compose up

Access the instance by the following links:

1. MapMint: http://localhost/ui/Dashboard_bs

2. ZOO-Project: localhost