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Two main objectives:

  • Tilemap: Edit tiles from the same sprite editor. We should be able to create a specific layout of images on the screen and edit them as one whole image.
  • Automation: Handle a group of sprites related to your game and create tasks/macros related to them. You should be able to create macros and run them automatically after some specific…

Two main objectives:

  • Tilemap: Edit tiles from the same sprite editor. We should be able to create a specific layout of images on the screen and edit them as one whole image.
  • Automation: Handle a group of sprites related to your game and create tasks/macros related to them. You should be able to create macros and run them automatically after some specific event or run them as a batch operation. Example: auto-export images to other sizes (x2, x4, etc.) or to sprite sheets when you save a .aseprite file.