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hitman-resources edited this page Dec 8, 2020 · 3 revisions


This doc page uses a 'reference' style rather than a tutorial style. Concepts are not linked, so think of this as a set of explanations about different features in QuickEdit.

Objective type

Whether the objective completes on the death of an NPC, a custom condition or is defined with code. Allows "Eliminate target", "Flow-based" or "Code snippet".

Eliminate Target objective

When "Eliminate target" is selected in Objective type, this section appears.


The target NPC's name or UUID. Names are fuzzy-searched (effectively, they are run through QuickSearch).

Target's name in menu and HUD

The name to show in the menu and HUD (effectively, what the player sees). Can be used to correct incorrect in-game names or display a nickname (like changing Craig "Rocco" McVeigh to simply Rocco).

Activate on

When the objective should appear in the HUD. Allows "Always active" (objective is always shown), "Completion of previous objective" (objective is shown after the previous one in the list is completed) or "Completion of objective in list" (objective is shown after the objective at position X in the list is completed).

Activate on: "Completion of objective in list" -> Activate after objective at list position

The position in QuickEdit's list (starting at 1) of the objective to show after.

Exit node (finishes mission on completion)

Whether the objective is an exit node. Depending on Mission Configuration, this either causes the objective to enable exits upon completion, or to enable exits when this and all other exit nodes are completed.

Optional objective

Whether the objective is secondary/optional. Optional objectives are not required for finishing missions (that is, the game engine doesn't count them in its internal exit-enabling logic).

Hidden target (unmarked in Instinct)

Whether the target is hidden in Instinct, ET-style. Unconscious hidden targets still can't be hidden in boxes or closets - they have the same rules as Elusive Targets.

Flow-based objective

When "Flow-based" is selected in Objective type, this section appears.

Flow editor

A powerful yet simple way of defining how objectives work internally.

Main article: the Flow editor

Activate on

When the objective should appear in the HUD. Allows "Always active" (objective is always shown), "Completion of previous objective" (objective is shown after the previous one in the list is completed) or "Completion of objective in list" (objective is shown after the objective at position X in the list is completed).

Objective name

Shown in the menu under the short objective briefing.

Objective text

The text shown in the HUD and the short objective briefing.

Objective details

Shown when clicking on the objective in the menu.

Objective icon

The icon shown next to the objective name in the HUD.

Marked targets

The targets that should be marked in Instinct and shown on the map. These targets cannot be hidden in containers while unconscious, and are treated as normal targets by the game engine.

Exit node (finishes mission on completion)

Whether the objective is an exit node. Depending on Mission Configuration, this either causes the objective to enable exits upon completion, or to enable exits when this and all other exit nodes are completed.

Hidden objective

Whether the objective is hidden from the player. Still tracks completion. Can be used to activate objectives after a specific event, or track whether an action has been taken.

Optional objective

Whether the objective is secondary/optional. Optional objectives are not required for finishing missions (that is, the game engine doesn't count them in its internal exit-enabling logic).

Display as eliminate objective

Whether the objective is displayed like a contract target.


These exist for both objective types.

Briefing image

The image used for the objective in the mission overview.

Add Objective

Adds the objective and its briefing image to QuickEdit.