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Batch pipeline

Konrad Karczewski edited this page Jun 11, 2020 · 6 revisions

Batch pipeline

Initial run

For the initial run, we ran the Batch submission script ( on a VM on the cloud as it requires lots of memory and fast access to gs:// files. The initial pipeline spanned approximately 4 million CPU-hours.

How to run additional phenotypes

Internal use only

Custom phenotypes are the easiest to run and add. A file with:

eid pheno1name pheno2name
1234 0 1
1235 1 1

uploaded to gs://ukb-diverse-pops/Phenotypes/Everyone/custom/TRAITTYPE_NAME.txt (where TRAITTYPE is one of categorical or continuous).

Step 1 - Load phenotype data

This file can then be loaded using:

python --add_dataset TRAITTYPE_NAME

If you do not have the google cloud connector installed, you can do this as a submission (hailctl dataproc submit --add_dataset TRAITTYPE_NAME); note that in either case, you will need to have the ukb_common and ukbb_pan_ancestry packages on your path. This script will make a backup copy of the existing phenotype MatrixTable and overwrite the master file with a new one including the new phenotype(s).

Step 2 - Run tests

You can then run the phenotype through the pipeline using batch (can do this locally since jobs are dispatched to the cloud anyway).

python --run_all_phenos --specific_phenos '.*-NAME'

will run all the phenotypes matching that regex. You can add --dry_run in order to first test the pipeline to see how many phenotypes will be run (there will be lots of output but any line starting with Submitting will tell you how many tasks of each type will be submit - there should be one for each phenotype for most tasks, and ~600 (~3000 for EUR) per phenotype for saige_task). Minimum case count can be overrode with --skip_case_count_filter.

When the pipeline completes, the results will have been loaded into Hail Tables at


This directory will also have .txt and .log files for each chunk run (can safely delete the .txt files at this point). Note that not all phenotypes may complete (especially if a SAIGE null model fails to converge).

Step 3 - Load into Results MatrixTable

Once in a while, to regenerate the MatrixTable, run:

python --run_additional_load --overwrite

As above, --dry_run will give you an indication of how many new phenotypes will be loaded (for AFR). As with the phenotype data, a backup will be made of the existing population-specific MatrixTables and then the full MatrixTable will be overwritten.