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Terraform module to deploy an AWS CodeBuild project that is automatically triggered on CodeCommit repository branch events


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Terraform module to quickly setup a CodeBuild project linked to multiple CodeCommit repositories. CodeBuild will run the buildspec.yml in each CodeCommit repository when the default branch is pushed to. If a branch has an open pull request, a build will run for the pull request source branch and the build status will be commented on the pull request.

Build Workflow Diagram

Module Example Usage

module "codebuild_cicd" {
  source = "atheiman/codebuild-cicd/aws"

  # Optional Variables #

  # Specify extra IAM policy ARNs to attach to the CodeBuild service role
  # Warning - these permissions will be available to all builds on all CodeCommit repositories
  codebuild_service_role_extra_managed_policy_arns = ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess"]

  # Recommended to namespace extra environment variables with `CI_` or other prefix to avoid
  # built-in environment variable collisions
  codebuild_extra_environment_variables = [
      name  = "CI_MY_COLOR"
      value = "Blue"
      name  = "CI_MY_NUMBER"
      value = 4 # Will be converted to string
      name  = "CI_ARTIFACTS_BUCKET"
      value =

  # CodeCommit repositories in this region to apply an approval rule template to requiring
  # successful builds
  codecommit_approval_rule_template_associated_repositories = ["my-repository"]

  # Mapping of repository names to custom settings.
  codecommit_repositories_customizations = {
    "my-favorite-repo" = {
      # Ensure the service role trusts service principal "". Module output
      # `codebuild_service_role_policy_arn` is the minimum IAM policy to apply to custom service
      # roles for basic CodeBuild functionality.
      codebuild_service_role_arn = aws_iam_role.my_custom_codebuild_service_role.arn

  # Define an allow list *OR* a deny list of repository names, or all repos will be built by default
  codecommit_repositories_allowed = ["my-favorite-repo", "another-repo"]
  codecommit_repositories_denied  = ["never-build-this-repo"]

Usage Notes

  • CodeBuild builds are automatically started for all CodeCommit repositories in the account and region this project is deployed to. Specifically:
    • Builds are automatically started for every commit to the default branch of every repository.
    • Builds are automatically started for every pull request that is opened (with any destination branch), and for every push to update the source branch of an existing pull request. buildspec.yml will be loaded from the default branch by default (set codebuild_load_buildspec_from_default_branch to false to override this behavior).
  • If pull request builds succeed, an IAM role from this project will approve the pull request.

Available Environment Variables

To get a full list of environment variables available in your build, run the env command in a build. Example:

version: 0.2
      - env | sort

You can view the variables available from CodeBuild here: In addition, these environment variables are set in builds triggered by this project:

Environment Variable Example Value(s) Notes
CI_REPOSITORY_NAME my-codecommit-project The name of the CodeCommit project related to the build.
CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME main, my-feature-branch The name of the source ref (typically a branch) related to the build.
CI_REPOSITORY_NAME my-codecommit-project The name of the CodeCommit project related to the build.
CI_DESTINATION_COMMIT 7674e88683d18f92e53edbabbc3aac52768dbaa4 Pull request builds only. The full commit sha of the destination branch related to the pull request.
CI_PULL_REQUEST_ID 4, 16 Pull request builds only. The ID of the pull request related to the build.
CI_SOURCE_COMMIT e12ff82bc22beec38f7a03d0d99c57d319b76a32 Pull request builds only. The full commit sha of the source being built.

Full Walkthrough

Deploy the Terraform project

  1. In a new directory, reference this Terraform module and specify an external Terraform Backend. If you need an S3 backend, you can create one in your account using this CloudFormation template.

    module "codebuild_cicd" {
      source = "atheiman/codebuild-cicd/aws"
    terraform {
      backend "s3" {
        region         = "us-east-1"
        bucket         = "my-tf-state-bucket"
        key            = "codebuild-cicd.tfstate"
        dynamodb_table = "my-tf-state-lock-table"
  2. Initialize and deploy the new terraform project. You will need to configure the AWS CLI. You should be able to run aws sts get-caller-identity and get a response showing your expected IAM user or role.

    # initialize terraform
    terraform init -reconfigure
    # review resources to be created
    terraform plan -out tfplan.binary
    # apply the saved plan
    terraform apply tfplan.binary

Automatically build the main branch of a CodeCommit repository

  1. Create a CodeCommit repository to use the CI/CD functionality
    1. Open the CodeCommit console in the same account and region you deployed the terraform above
    2. Create a repository named example-cicd-usage
    3. Add a buildspec.yml file to the main branch:
      version: 0.2
            - env | sort
            - aws sts get-caller-identity
            - echo "Running build for source '$CODEBUILD_SOURCE_VERSION'"
            - for f in $(find * -type f -name '*.py'); do python -m py_compile "$f"; done
            - if [ "$CODEBUILD_SOURCE_VERSION" == 'main' ]; then
                echo "Do something special on builds for the 'main' branch here";
  2. View the CodeBuild build for the main branch of your repository
    1. Open the CodeBuild console in the same account and region you deployed the terraform above.
    2. Open the build project named codebuild-cicd.
    3. You should see a build in the build history with status In progress or Succeeded. By default, builds are automatically started for any CodeCommit repository when the main or master branch is updated.
    4. In the build logs, you can see the build ran the commands specified in buildspec.yml. The output should include Do something special on builds for the 'main' branch here because this build was run on the main branch.

Automatically build and post build status to pull requests

  1. Create a feature branch my-feature from the branch main on the example-cicd-usage CodeCommit repository created above.
  2. Add a Python file on the my-feature branch with the below content to be checked by the build:
    print "hello world"
  3. Create a pull request in the CodeCommit repository example-cicd-usage. Set the source branch to my-feature and the destination branch to main. You can title the pull request Example pull request with CI/CD.
  4. Wait a minute after creating the pull request, then open the Activity tab on the pull request you created. You should see a new comment from codebuild-cicd-pull-request-build-status with a message similar to "⏱ CodeBuild build IN_PROGRESS for commit b829bd89: 3afb3af0-408d-49d4-8a53-d95ac033aea9". Click the link to the build to open the running build for the pull request.
  5. After another minute the build should complete. On the pull request Activity tab, you will see a new comment similar to: "❌ CodeBuild build FAILED for commit b829bd89: 3afb3af0-408d-49d4-8a53-d95ac033aea9". Click the link to open the failed build for the pull request. You can see at the end of the build logs, the build failed because the file has a syntax error:
    [Container] 2023/10/11 14:50:23 Running command python -m py_compile *.py
      File "", line 1
        print "hello world"
    SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(...)?
  6. Update on the my-feature branch with the below content:
    print("hello world")
  7. Return to the pull request that is now updated with your new commit. Within a couple minutes, you should see two new comments from codebuild-cicd-pull-request-build-status on the Activity tab of the pull request similar to the below (note that comments are sorted newest on top):
    1. ✅ CodeBuild build SUCCEEDED for commit f22cceb8: bded770d-3514-478b-83a9-89289fd57c14
    2. ⏱ CodeBuild build IN_PROGRESS for commit f22cceb8: bded770d-3514-478b-83a9-89289fd57c14
  8. You can now merge this pull request with confidence that the build commands specified in buildspec.yml have passed for the feature branch my-feature.
  9. When you merge the feature branch into main, the build will be started again for the updated main branch.

Manage the CodeBuild CI/CD infrastructure within CodeCommit and deploy with CodeBuild

  1. Grant additional permissions to the CodeBuild service role using the module variable codebuild_service_role_managed_policy_arns. Apply the updated terraform locally.
  2. Put the Terraform from above into a new CodeCommit repository. You will need at least the module {} reference, and the backend {} configuration. Optionally add a .gitignore for Terraform and
  3. Update the buildspec.yml commands:
    • all branches: terraform fmt -recursive && terraform init -reconfigure && terraform plan
    • main branch: terraform apply


  1. Readme updated to show detailed instructions for managing this infrastructure via codecommit / codebuild
  2. Pull request comment Lambda function to check for buildspec.yml in branch - if build errors because buildspec.yml not found, comment on pull request that the repo should add a buildspec.yml to use CI/CD.
  3. Run CodeBuild inside a VPC - accept vpc config in variables
  4. Build for codecommit repos in other regions
  5. Support additional tools installed in codebuild image / custom codebuild images?


Terraform module to deploy an AWS CodeBuild project that is automatically triggered on CodeCommit repository branch events








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