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This project implements the lottery scheduler in xv6, a unix based operating system developed by MIT

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This project implements the lottery scheduler in xv6, a unix based operating system developed by MIT

Lottery Scheduler

  • A process is assigned some tickets when it is created. The scheduler generates a random number and based on that decides which process is to be scheduled.
  • Most of the scheduler logic code resides in proc.c.
  • Flow :
    1. The scheduler finds out the total tickets of the RUNNABLE processes. (The different states of the process can be found in proc.h.)
    2. If non-zero RUNNABLE processes are found, then scheduler generates a random number (rand.c). The random number generator used is linear feedback shift register random number generator. Information about this can be found here.
    3. The scheduler then finds the process to be scheduled by adding the tickets of the RUNNABLE processes and then selecting that process at which the total tickets count becomes just greater than the random number.

How to run ?

  • The repo contains a folder xv6 that contains the original xv6 code. The original xv6 code can also be found here. Refer the file to see the new files added and the modified ones.
  • Run the script to copy the new files in the xv6 folder. This will replace some files of the original xv6 code in xv6 folder.
  • To run xv6 OS, an emulator qemu is required. qemu is free and open source emulator that performs hardware virtualization. Install qemu using : sudo apt-get install qemu
  • Open the xv6 folder and type make qemu-nox to run qemu on existing terminal. Or type make qemu to run qemu on new window.
  • For testing, type make qemu-nox TEST_FLAG=SCHED_TEST. This sets the testing flag to SCHED_TEST in Makefile and enables some additional code required for testing.
  • To clean the files generated during compilation, type make clean.
  • To exit qemu, type Ctrl-A followed by letter X.

Code files

  1. assign-tickets : This is an user program that allows the user to change the tickets assigned to the process. This program makes a system call to enter kernel to assign the tickets.
  2. defs.h : Contains the definitions of kernel functions.
  3. param.h : Contains kernel level macros.
  4. proc.c : Contains all code related to the process creation, termination, scheduling, etc.
  5. proc.h : Contains the cpu structure, proc structure, proc states.
  6. ps.c : User program that allows the user to see process info : pid, tickets and ticks. Makes a system call to retrieve the information.
  7. rand.c : Contains code for random number generation.
  8. scheduler-test.c : Contains code for testing the scheduler. Refer below to see the testing procedure.
  9. sched_test_utils.c, sched_test_utils.h : Contains some utility function required for testing.
  10. sleep.c : User program to sleep for some timeticks. Timeticks increments at each timer interrupt.
  11. syscall.c, syscall.h : Contains various system call entries and function to be called.
  12. sysproc : Contains the implementation of system calls. (like assign-tickets, proc_info, ...).
  13. types.h : Contains the data types and process info structure.
  14. user.h : Contains the all callable function prototypes and system call that can be made by user.
  15. usys.S : Assembly code that loads register with syscall number, makes syscall and make transition to the kernel mode using int instruction.

Testing procedure

  • Refer the file scheduler-test.c to see how the lottery scheduler testing is done.

  • The general test procedure is that the parent (the test program) creates a number of child process in different fashion, then the parent process sleep for some ticks, retrieve the process info of all children and then kill the children and then print the number of ticks each child was scheduled. Also the program prints the scheduling order by switching on SCHED_TEST flag during compilation.

  • Following are test cases in the scheduler-test.c program :

    1. Testcase 1 : The parent process itself forks a number of child processes.
    2. Testcase 2 : The parent process itself forks 2 processes and then those 2 processes further forks remaining process.
    3. Testcase 3 : The parent process itself forks 3 processes and then those 3 processes further forks remaining process.
    4. Testcase 4 : The parent process forks a process A that process A in turn forks another process B and that process B forks another process C and so on. Thus forking nested processes.
    5. Testcase 5 : The parent process forks 3 processes and those 3 processes further forks nested processes.
    6. Testcase 6 : Hybrid case. The parent process forks 3 processes, out of which 2 processes further forks nested processes and the remaining 1 process forks multiple child process.
  • The diagram show the parent and forked child processes in different testcases :

Testcase 1, 2, 3 Testcase 4, 5, 6

  • Testing can be done in two mode : manual and auto.

  • Manual testing mode :

    • In this, the test program takes input :

      1. The timeticks for which parent process must sleep. (Generally 1 tick = 10ms, depends on cpu bus freq. Eg: 300 ticks corresponds to 3 sec sleep).
      2. The tickets to be assigned for the parent process.
      3. The tickets to be assigned for the child processes. Depending on number of child process tickets given as input, the test program decides the number of children to be forked.
    • Then the program forks required children and assign their tickets.

    • Then a system call is made to get info about child processes.

    • Then the program goes to sleep for some timeticks entered by user and allow the child processes to get scheduled.

    • Then again system call is made to get info about child processes.

    • Then kill the child process. The child process might become zombie but the init process cleans its struct proc.

    • Printing the difference of ticks before and after parent going to sleep let us know for how many ticks individual child process was scheduled. The program also outputs the scheduling order.

    • If enough child process tickets are not provided, some testcase may get skipped. Eg: Testcase 3 require atleast 3 tickets for 3 child process. If user enter less than 3 tickets, this testcase will be skipped.

  • In auto testing mode, user need to type scheduler-test auto on the xv6 prompt. The testing process as that of manual mode but doesn't need to provide input explicitly. The scheduler-test.c program forks some processes automatically, assign them some tickets, let parent sleep for some ticks. The auto testing configuration can be changed by change 3-4 AUTO-TEST MACROs in scheduler-test.c. Eg: The number of process to be forked thus changing sleepticks, parent tickets, etc. The AUTO-TEST MACRO names are self-explainatory.

  • By setting/clearing the PRINT_SCHED_ORDER MACRO in scheduler-test.c, we can choose to print scheduling order or not. Scheduling order : Prints a sequence of pid of the process and number of ticks it has been scheduled consecutively.

  • Results :

    1. The results were that the process which was assigned relatively more tickets had more ticks (more scheduled) than the lesser ones.
    2. The scheduling order is random too, but gives relatively more chances to the process with higher tickets.
    3. If number of process to be forked, are quite large compared to sleeping ticks of parent process, there might be slight changes in the number of ticks than expected results. If the number of process to be forked are large give sufficient sleep ticks (In auto mode, sleep ticks = 100 * number of child process).
    4. Testing screenshots are also uploaded on repo. 3 tests are done. For 1st test, scheduling order is printed. For next two tests, scheduling order is not printed as it is a long sequence. The final summary is printed for these 2 tests. 2nd test is auto and 3rd is manual.

Supporting info

  • The ticks variable tells us how many times the process has been scheduled. The global 'ticks' variable gets incremented at every timer interrupt.
  • The timer interrupt is approximately equal to 10ms but depends on the cpu bus frequency. Thus timer interrupt duration can be changed by adjusting the countdown value in TICR register of the APIC hardware. (Refer lapic.c file).

Important info

  • Increase MAX_CHILD_PROCESS MACRO in the scheduler-test.c file to fork more process.
  • While testing, if number of child process to be created is more and prompt shows 'too many arguments', increase the value of MAXARGS in sh.c.
  • For some testcase (i.e. testcase 4, 5, 6 where forking nested processes are involved) its implementation consists of creating pipes. Multiple such pipes are created. So, testing program make display error for creating pipes. To handled this, increase the value of NOFILE MACRO in param.h.