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This repository contains atProtocol tools for developers building atPlatform applications who wish to utilize the authentication methods:

standalone tools

at_cli A command line tool to execute verbs on the atPlatform.

at_cram The challenge–response authentication mechanism of the atProtocol.

at_dump_atKeys A command line tool to dump keys from a .atKeys file.

at_pkam The public key authentication mechanism of the atProtocol.

at_ve_doctor A very simple way to test the status of the secondaries running in the Virtual Environment. Using the at_server_status package.

Quickly build tools

Using melos, we can quickly build at_pkam, at_cram, at_cli, and at_repl via the following commands:

dart pub get
dart run melos run build-tools

Then move the tools to a folder which you've exposed to the path for convenience, for example:

cp ./build-tools/* ~/.local/bin/
# or
sudo cp ./build-tools/* /usr/local/bin/