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Hi there 👋, I am Anatoly Tsyplenkov!


I am a Research Scientist at Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research Ltd. working in the field of hydrology, fluvial geomorphology and sediment transport. Big fan of geospatial data science and everything related to R/Python.

🌐 My GitHub map  
├─📱 Web apps -- Apps I created for various purposes
│ ├─ bibtex2html
│ │ └─ 🐍 Shiny app written in Python to convert list of references to BibTeX format
│ ├─ hydrotranslate
│ │ └─ Russian-English dictionary of hydrological terms

├─📦 Packages -- some R packages I maintained for my needs
│ ├─ centerline 
│ │ ├─ Centerline finding and plotting for closed geometries  
│ │ └─ GitHub R package version
│ ├─ tidyhydro 
│ │ ├─ C++ boosted hydrological metrics estimation to use in the tidymodels framework. 
│ │ └─ GitHub R package version
│ ├─ loadflux 
│ │ ├─ Tools for intra-event turbidity and sediment transport analysis 
│ │ └─ GitHub R package version
│ ├─ rusleR 
│ │ ├─ A workflow for the potential soil erosion estimation in R environment based on RUSLE equation
│ │ └─ GitHub R package version
│ ├─ rp5pik 
│ │ ├─ An R-language API to download and preprocess meteorological data from 
│ │ └─ GitHub R package version
│ ├─ tgme 
│ │ ├─ A one-function package aimed on sending a telegram-message to telegram bot from R
│ │ └─ GitHub R package version
│ ├─ HBVr 
│ │ ├─ An R API to download an HBV model parameters from Beck et al. (2020)
│ │ └─ GitHub R package version

├─📖 Papers -- The data and code to reproduce some of my papers:
│ ├─ Intra-event suspended sediment dynamics djankuat-2020-doi
│ │ ├─ Authors: Tsyplenkov, A., Vanmaercke, M., Golosov, V. et al. 
│ │ ├─ Title: Suspended sediment budget and intra-event sediment dynamics of a …
│ │ └─ djankuat-2020-doi
│ ├─ Sediment source fingerprinting in proglacial catchment
│ │ ├─ Authors: Tsyplenkov, A., Vanmaercke, M., Collins, A.L., Kharchenko, S., Golosov, V.
│ │ ├─ Title: Elucidating suspended sediment dynamics in a glacierized catchment …
│ │ └─ djankuat-2021-doi
│ ├─ Anthropocene changes of suspended sediment load in North Caucasus
│ │ ├─ Authors: Tsyplenkov, A., Golosov, V., Belyakova, P.
│ │ ├─ Title: How did the suspended sediment load change in the North Caucasus during the Anthropocene?
│ │ └─ terek-2021-doi
│ ├─ Spatial variability of sediment yield in Caucasus region
│ │ ├─ Authors: Golosov, V., Tsyplenkov, A.
│ │ ├─ Title: Factors Controlling Contemporary Suspended Sediment Yield in the Caucasus Region
│ │ └─ caucasus-2021-doi 

└─🍻 Other
  ├─ My personal blog
  └─ Some Mendeley/Zotero citing styles


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