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Matthew Callis edited this page Apr 6, 2014 · 4 revisions

This page lists all of the known issues or eccentricities of Aurora.js, decoders, demuxers and more (in no specific order).

Before anything else, you should make sure that the browsers you're testing in support the Web Audio API.

Mobile Browsers

Stock Browsers on both iOS and Android are setup such that Web Audio API needs user input to be initialized. So your first event will need to be triggered through a touch or click event. You can fetch the data and prebuffer the audio with player.preload() which will load the data without user interaction.

iOS Specific

If you are using your own custom UIWebView you can get around this limitation with the following properties on your Web View:

UIWebView.allowsInlineMediaPlayback = YES;
UIWebView.mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction = NO;

Unfortunately, if you are not in Safari the JavaScript JIT is disabled and it might not be suitable for playback of some formats.