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horus committed Oct 22, 2010
1 parent 5e03491 commit b0d2247
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 91 deletions.
155 changes: 64 additions & 91 deletions sections/closures.pod
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
=head1 Closures
=encoding utf8

=head1 闭包


You've seen how functions work (L<functions>). You understand how scope works
(L<scope>). You know that every time control flow enters a function, that
function gets a new environment representing that invocation's lexical scope.
You can work with function references (L<references>) and anonymous functions

You know everything you need to know to understand closures.

=begin sidebar

Mark Jason Dominus's I<Higher Order Perl> is the canonical reference on
first-class functions, closures, and the amazing things you can do with them.
You can read it online at U<>.
Mark Jason Dominus 的著作 I<Higher Order Perl> 是有关第一等函数、闭包和利用它们
完成令人惊奇的事物的公认参考书。你可以在 U<> 在线阅读

=end sidebar

=head2 Creating Closures
=head2 创建闭包

X<functions; closures>

A I<closure> is a function that closes over an outer lexical environment.
You've probably already created and used closures without realizing it:
I<闭包> 是封闭于外部词法环境之上的函数。你也许早已创建并使用了闭包,只是没有意识

=begin programlisting

Expand All @@ -41,14 +41,12 @@ You've probably already created and used closures without realizing it:

=end programlisting

The behavior of this code is unsurprising. You may not have noticed anything
special. I<Of course> the C<get_filename()> function can see the C<$filename>
lexical. That's how scope works! Yet closures can also close over
I<transient> lexical environments.
这段代码的行为平淡无奇。你也许并未觉察有何特殊之处。I<显然> 函数 C<get_filename()>
可以在词法层面见到 C<$filename>。作用域就是这样工作的!闭包还可以封闭于 I<转瞬即逝>

Suppose you want to iterate over a list of items without managing the iterator
yourself. You can create a function which returns a function that, when
invoked, will return the next item in the iteration:

=begin programlisting

Expand All @@ -70,14 +68,11 @@ invoked, will return the next item in the iteration:

=end programlisting

Even though C<make_iterator()> has returned, the anonymous function still
refers to the lexical variables C<@items> and C<$count>. Their values persist
(L<reference_counts>). The anonymous function, stored in C<$cousins>, has
closed over these values in the specific lexical environment of the specific
invocation of C<make_iterator()>.
即使 C<make_iterator()> 已经返回,但此匿名函数仍将引用词法变量 C<@items> 和
C<$count>。它们的值会一直保持(L<reference_counts>)。这个匿名函数,存放于 C<$cousins>,
在调用 C<make_iterator()> 的特别词法环境中闭合于这些值上。

It's easy to demonstrate that the lexical environment is independent between
calls to C<make_iterator()>:
很容易演示词法环境是独立于对 C<make_iterator()> 的调用:

=begin programlisting

Expand All @@ -91,17 +86,14 @@ calls to C<make_iterator()>:

=end programlisting

Because every invocation of C<make_iterator()> creates a separate lexical
environment for its lexicals, the anonymous sub it creates and returns closes
over a unique lexical environment.
因为对 C<make_iterator()> 的每次调用都为词法量创建分离的词法环境,匿名子过程

Because C<make_iterator()> does not return these lexicals by value or by
reference, no other Perl code besides the closure can access them. They're
encapsulated as effectively as any other lexical encapsulation.
因为 C<make_iterator()> 并非按值或按引用返回这些词法量,其他闭包外的 Perl 代

Multiple closures can close over the same lexical variables; this is an idiom
used occasionally to provide better encapsulation of what would otherwise be a
file global variable:

=begin programlisting

Expand All @@ -114,29 +106,25 @@ file global variable:

=end programlisting

... but be aware that you cannot I<nest> named functions. Named functions have
package global scope. Any lexical variables shared between nested functions
will go unshared when the outer function destroys its first lexical
environmentN<If that's confusing to you, imagine the implementation.>.
……但注意你不可以 I<嵌套> 具名函数。具名函数有着包全局作用域。任一在嵌套函数间
共享的词法变量,在外层函数销毁它的第一层词法环境时,将变为非共享 N<如果你还是

=begin sidebar

The CPAN module C<PadWalker> lets you violate lexical encapsulation, but anyone
who uses it and breaks your code earns the right to fix any concomitant bugs
without your help.
CPAN 模块 C<PadWalker> 可以让你打破词法封装,但是所有利用该模块破坏你代码的人

=end sidebar

=head2 Uses of Closures
=head2 闭包的使用

Closures can make effective iterators over fixed-size lists, but they
demonstrate greater advantages when iterating over a list of items too
expensive to refer to directly, either because it represents data which costs a
lot to compute all at once or it's too large to fit into memory directly.

Consider a function to create the Fibonacci series as you need its elements.
Instead of recalculating the series recursively, use a cache and lazily create
the elements you need:
考虑一个按需创建 Fibonacci 序列的函数。不必递归地重计算这个序列,而应使用缓存并

=begin programlisting

Expand All @@ -162,21 +150,17 @@ the elements you need:

=end programlisting

Every call to the function returned by C<gen_fib()> takes one argument, the
I<n>th element of the Fibonacci series. The function generates all preceding
values in the series as necessary, caching them, and returning the requested
element. It delays computation until absolutely necessary.
每次调用由 C<gen_fib()> 返回的函数需提供一个参数,即 Fibonacci 序列的第 I<n> 个

If all you ever need to do is to calculate Fibonacci numbers, this approach may
seem overly complex. Consider, however, that the function C<gen_fib()> can
become amazingly generic: it initializes an array as a cache, performs some
custom code to populate arbitrary elements of the cache, and returns the
calculated or cached value. If you extract the behavior which calculates
Fibonacci values, you can use this code to perform all sorts of cached, lazy
iterator behaviors.
如果你所需的全部就是计算 Fibonacci 数的话,这个方法也许太过复杂。然而,考虑到
函数 C<gen_fib()> 可以变得惊人地通用:它初始化一个数组,用于缓存,执行一些定制
的代码来填充缓存的各类值,并从缓存中返回已计算的结果。抽掉计算 Fibonacci 值的

In other words, you can extract a function, C<generate_caching_closure()>, and
rewrite C<gen_fib()> in terms of that function:
式重写 C<gen_fib()>

=begin programlisting

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,29 +199,23 @@ rewrite C<gen_fib()> in terms of that function:

=end programlisting

The program behaves the same way as it did before, but the use of higher order
functions and closures allows the separation of the cache initialization
behavior from the calculation of the next number in the Fibonacci series in an
effective way. Customizing the behavior of code--in this case,
C<gen_caching_closure()>--by passing in a higher order function allows
tremendous flexibility and abstraction.
该程序的行为和以往一致,但对高阶函数和闭包的使用允许从 Fibonacci 序列的计算中有

=begin sidebar

In one sense, you can consider the builtins C<map>, C<grep>, and C<sort>
higher-order functions, especially if you compare them to
在某种意义上,你可以将内置的 C<map>、C<grep> 以及 C<sort> 比作高阶函数,特别是
在你拿他们和 C<gen_caching_closure()> 比较时。

=end sidebar

=head2 Closures and Partial Application
=head2 闭包与部分应用


Closures can do more than abstract away structural details. They can allow you
to customize specific behaviors. In one sense, they can also I<remove>
unnecessary genericity. Consider the case of a function which takes several
它还可以 I<去掉> 不必要的泛化。考虑一例接受若干参数的函数:

=begin programlisting

Expand All @@ -253,17 +231,14 @@ parameters:

=end programlisting

All of the customization possibilities might work very well in your full-sized
anchor store in a shopping complex, but if you have a little drive-through ice
cream cart near the overpass where you only serve French vanilla ice cream on
Cavendish bananas, every time you call C<make_sundae()> you have to pass
arguments that never change.
一小辆冰淇淋专卖车,那里只出售安在卡文迪什香蕉上的法式香草冰淇淋,那样在调用 C<make_sundae()>

X<partial application>

A technique called I<partial application> binds some arguments to a function
such that you can fill in the rest at the point of call. This is easy enough
to emulate with closures:
一个名为 I<部分应用> 的技巧将一部分参数绑定给函数以便你可以在后续的调用过程中

=begin programlisting

Expand All @@ -277,8 +252,6 @@ to emulate with closures:

=end programlisting

Now instead of calling C<make_sundae()>, you can invoke
C<< $make_cart_sundae->() >> and pass only the interesting arguments, without
worrying about forgetting the invariants or passing them incorrectlyN<You can
even use C<Sub::Install> from the CPAN to install this function into your
namespace directly.>.
现在不必调用 C<make_sundae()> 了,你可以直接使用 C<< $make_cart_sundae->() >>
并只将相关的参数传入,而无需顾及忘传或错传不变量。N<你还可以使用来自 CPAN 的
C<Sub::Install> 把这个函数直接安装到你的名称空间中。>。

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