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Releases: auerlab/biolibc-tools

Add deromanize command, minor enhancements

11 Dec 18:58
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Add deromanize: Convert Roman numerals to Arabic in given column
fastx-stats: Report standard deviation of sequence length

Numerous improvements and bug fixes

11 Jun 12:40
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Add vcf-downsample subcommand
Improvements to build system
extract-seq: Recurse to output subfeatures
Numerous other minor enhancements and fixes

New subcommands, numerous small fixes and enhancements

15 Mar 12:36
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New commands:
fastx-stats: Report basic info on a FASTA/FASTQ file
ensembleid2gene: Report gene name associated with Ensmbl ID
Improvements to test scripts
Several minor bug fixes and enhancements

"blt" wrapper, new subcommands, several fixes and enhancements

14 Dec 15:17
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Make all programs subcoimmands of "blt" to avoid potential comflicts with other applications.
(Similar to samtools, bedtools, etc.)

Add --version flag

New subcommands:

fastx-derep: Remove replicate reads from FASTA or FASTQ
fastq2tsv->fastx2tsv: Convert wrapped FASTA/FASTQ to TSV for easier searching and filtering
fasta2seq: Convert a FASTA stream to one long raw sequence
find-orfs: Locate the next start or stop codon in a sequence
vcf-search: Search a VCF file by chrom and pos
gff2bed: Convert GFF3 stream to BED
extract-seq: Extract a sequence from a `FASTA for a feature in a GFF
chrom-lens: Generate a TSV file containing chrom lengths for kallisto

Numerous minor fixes and enhancements

First release for packaging

16 Aug 17:31
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Basic testing complete for fastq2tsv and fastq-dedup.