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napoleonmm83 edited this page Aug 10, 2014 · 11 revisions

Documentation of the Koubachi binding bundle


The Koubachi Services help everybody without a green thumb to be a perfect gardener. All plants can be registered on their really nice website (or through iPhone/iPad App) to tell you when and how to care for your plants. Furthermore they offer a dedicated hardware, the WIFI Plant Sensor. This wireless device measures vital parameters and determines the vitality of your plants.

Koubachis' slogan "give your plants a voice" becomes reality with this binding. It queries all relevant data through Koubachi's webservice and pushes it into openHAB.

For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings.


Before using the Koubachi services one has to register free of charge at Koubachi-Labs website for API access. Once the account is created the credentials and personal appKey can be obtained from the portal. Both values have to be specified in openhab.cfg.

Binding Configuration


The following config parameters have to be set for using Koubachi binding:

  • (optional) koubachi:refresh - The refresh interval in milliseconds. Defaults to 900000ms (which equals to 15 minutes)
  • (optional) koubachi:deviceurl - The Koubachi API URL of the device list. Defaults to '$s&app_key=%2$s'
  • (optional) koubachi:planturl - The Koubachi API URL of the plant list. Defaults to '$s&app_key=%2$s'
  • koubachi:credentials - The single access token configured obtained from
  • koubachi:appkey - The personal appKey obtained from


################################ Koubachi Binding #####################################

# The single access token obtained from

# The personal appKey obtained from

Generic Item Binding Configuration

In order to bind an item to a Koubachi resource query you need to provide configuration settings. The easiest way to do this is to add some binding information in your item file (in the folder configurations/items`). The syntax for the NTP binding configuration string is as follows:

koubachi="<device | plant>:<resourceId>:<propertyName>"

Here are some examples for valid binding configuration strings:


Valid property names are

for Device Resource type

  • virtualBatteryLevel (Number)
  • ssid (String)
  • hardwareProductType (String)
  • lastTransmission (!DateTime)
  • nextTransmission (!DateTime)
  • associatedSince (!DateTime)
  • recentSoilmoistureReadingValue (String)
  • recentSoilmoistureReadingTime (!DateTime)
  • recentTemperatureReadingValue (String)
  • recentTemperatureReadingTime (!DateTime)
  • recentLightReadingValue (String)
  • recentLightReadingTime (!DateTime)

for Plant Resource type

  • name (String)
  • location (String)
  • lastFertilizerAt (!DateTime)
  • nextFertilizerAt (!DateTime)
  • lastMistAt (!DateTime)
  • nextMistAt (!DateTime)
  • lastWaterAt (!DateTime)
  • nextWaterAt (!DateTime)
  • vdmWaterInstruction (String)
  • vdmWaterLevel (Number)
  • vdmMistInstruction (String)
  • vdmMistLevel (Number)
  • vdmFertilizerInstruction (String)
  • vdmFertilizerLevel (Number)
  • vdmTemperatureHint (String)
  • vdmTemperatureInstruction (String)
  • vdmTemperatureLevel (Number)
  • vdmLightHint (String)
  • vdmLightInstruction (String)
  • vdmLightLevel (Number)

As a result, your lines in the items file might look like as follows:

DateTime	Device_00066680190e_AssociatedSince	"Assoc. since [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tT]"	<grass>	(Device_00066680190e)	{ koubachi="device:00066680190e:associatedSince" }
String		Device_00066680190e_Soilmoisture	"Soilmoisture [%s]"				<grass>	(Device_00066680190e)	{ koubachi="device:00066680190e:recentSoilmoistureReadingValue" }
String		Device_00066680190e_Temperature		"Temperature [%s]"				<grass>	(Device_00066680190e)	{ koubachi="device:00066680190e:recentTemperatureReadingValue" }
String		Hortensie_Name				"Name [%s]"					<grass>	(Hortensie)		{ koubachi="plant:129892:name" }	
Number		Hortensie_Mist_Level			"Mist Level [%.2f]"				<grass>	(Hortensie)		{ koubachi="plant:129892:vdmMistLevel" }	
Number		Hortensie_Water_Level			"Water Level [%.2f]"				<grass>	(Hortensie)		{ koubachi="plant:129892:vdmWaterLevel" }	


###Linux and OS X




User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

Collections of Rules on a single page

Single Rules


Release Notes

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