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After you have written all the tests, what's next

authorjapps edited this page Nov 26, 2018 · 11 revisions

After you have finished writing all your tests, what all things to take care next?

These are general things to take care, nothing specific to Zerocode, but Zerocode makes it bit easy to achieve these things.


  • Please check the organization of the tests.
    • Check you have organized the test cases by the API features?
    • Check you have organized the test cases by API methods?
    • Check the sub-organization by Positive or Negative flows
      • Sometimes they are called Happy and Sad flows
      • Sometimes they are called Sunny and Rainy cenarios
    • If they are Consumer or Boundary contract tests
      • Have you organized them by the aconsumera names or boundary names?

Test Suite

  • Create a package of tests aka suite of tests
    • Sometime this may not need any additional work too
    • i.e. just identify the root of the tests for which you want to create a suite runner, that's it.
  • Create a Suite runner or a Package runner.
    • It's good to bring up a Package runner or Suite runner for all your tests or subset of your tests.

CI Build

  • Create a Jenkin Build Pipe line for your project.
    • This depends on how you have organized your tests
    • If you have multi-module maven project(POM or Gradle based)

Running from IDE


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