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File upload test automation Send a POST request using form data

authorjapps edited this page Apr 11, 2023 · 1 revision

Examples Repo

Visit these examples to learn how file upload tests can be automated.

Sample Script:

    "scenarioName": "Send a POST request using form-data - Upload a file to the server and assert success",
    "steps": [
            "name": "upload_a_pdf_file",
            "url": "/api/abc-bank/upload",
            "operation": "POST",
            "request": {
                "headers": {
                    "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
                "body": {
                    "files": ["file:project_files/"],
                    "boundary" : "--1122-boundry-8980912-sadf098-werwer"

                    // Comments -
                    // file: match this fieldName to what your server expects
                    //    -- e.g. "file": "content:project_files/"
                    //    -- e.g. "file": "binary:project_files/"
                    //    -- e.g. "file": "file1:project_files/"
                    //    -- e.g. "file": "file2:project_files/" etc
                    // and-
                    // "project_files/": Allows 'test/resources' path or full absolute path
            "assertions": {
                "status": 200,
                "body": {
                    "message": "$CONTAINS.STRING:File uploaded successfully !",
                    "metaData": "$CONTAINS.STRING:x-user-id=[bond007]"


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