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The osCommerce Connector for AvaTax is a osCommerce compliant module that integrates the osCommerce check-out process with the cloud computing sales tax service AvaTax, provided by Avalara, Inc. for the calculation, compliance and reporting of sales tax.


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The osCommerce Connector for AvaTax is a osCommerce compliant module that integrates the osCommerce check-out process with the cloud computing sales tax service AvaTax, provided by Avalara, Inc. for the calculation, compliance and reporting of sales tax.

AvaTax reduces the audit risk to a company by providing a cloud-based sales tax service that makes it simple to do rate calculations, while managing exemption certificates, filing forms and remitting payments.

The module supports two modes;

  1. Basic
  2. Pro

The AvaTax Basic service provides limited use of the AvaTax sales tax codes, in particular P0000000 for Personal Taxable goods, a Shipping tax code and NT for Not Taxable goods.

The AvaTax Pro service provides full access to the AvaTax sales tax codes. The Pro service is required for states like New York were sales tax rates are based on the type of product, the delivery address, and the time of year.

Sales Tax is calculated based on the the sales tax codes assigned to the line items included in the order, the delivery address, and the applicable sales tax legislation in that state.

Access to a fully functional development account can be requested by contacting Avalara, Inc.

AvaTax Development service:

AvaTax Production service:

Version 2.3.R of the module is compatible with osCommerce 2.3.3x


  1. The service uses the AvaTax REST api for processing transactions.
  2. The server needs to support cURL


Installing the module is done as for any custom osCommerce module, in particular to copy the files and folders into the appropriate directories.

The module does NOT require any existing program files to be modified!

Please take care - there are folders and files that have duplicate names this is not an error - it is to comply with Zen cart module standards. The files are different and must be copied to their correct places.

There are no overrides - you can copy files and folders individually or upload the complete includes folder.

a) Copy the FILE "ot_avatax.php" from zip file oscommerce_2_3_R\includes\languages\english\modules\order_total
to folder www.yoursite/includes/languages/english/modules/order_total/

b) Copy the FOLDER "avatax" (contains 1 program file) from zip file oscommerce_2_3_R\includes\modules
to folder www.yoursite/includes/modules/

c) Copy the FILE "ot_avatax.php" from zip file oscommerce_2_3_R\includes\modules\order_total
to folder www.yoursite/includes/modules/order_total/


a) To display sales tax line item if sales tax amount = zero Admin - Select Configuration -> My Store -> Sales Tax Display Status Select "1" - to display & "0" to not display

b) We suggest you disable the module ot_tax - or make sure that the osCommerce sales tax module will not conflict with AvaTax!

c) Using the Admin Page - Select Modules -> Order Total The AvaTax module will be showing alphabetically (probably top) in the list of Order Total Modules available for configuration.

Select -> Install

Complete the information requested following the instructions in the form

AvaTax Version

Select Basic or Pro according to the terms of your AvaTax Account. You may select the Pro version of the module with the AvaTax Basic service to customize your use of sales tax codes.

Please contact Avalara, Inc to discuss the difference between the Basic and Pro versions of the AvaTax service.

NB: If selecting Pro version - you will be required to extend the module to read a sales tax code from your product data structure, after extending it to include a sales tax field.

AvaTax Mode

Only select Production if you have completed the GO LIVE process with Avalara and have a valid production account and license key.

AvaTax Company Code

For Trial version enter the company code provided. For a full Development account enter the company code for the company provided to you. For a Production account enter the company code set up during Go Live training. Please make sure that you have configured Nexus correctly.

AvaTax Selected States

The module allows limiting sales tax calculations by AvaTax to explicitly listed states. The default administrative option is for this field to be empty. This will result in all orders being sent to the AvaTax service on checkout.

It is important that you consult with an accountant or sales tax advisor on your legal obligations to collect Sales Tax - known as Sales Tax Nexus.

AvaTax Account Number

Enter the AvaTax Account number provided.

AvaTax License Key

Enter the AvaTax License Key for your account

Select Destination Address to use for Sales Tax

Select Shipping unless your site ONLY sells digital goods. Sales Tax regulations require that the taxable address for digital goods is the customers billing address. The module does requires customization to support physical and digital goods - select Shipping address and contact adTumbler.

Shipping Tax Code

FR020100 is the AvaTax sales tax code when shipping by public carrier (USPS, Fedex, etc.)- without change to their rates - please refer to Avalara for the correct sales tax codes codes if you do not use public carriers or bill additional charges for shipping. The module only caters for one category of shipping.

Sales Tax Description

The sales tax description to be shown to the user.

Show location code

If selected the sales tax description will include the delivery city entered by the user in the shipping/billing address field at checkout.

Primary Address

Sales tax law requires that a sales tax transaction record the place from which good are shipped. This version of the module does not support Drop Shipments. However, the module will calculate sales tax correctly provided that a valid head office address is entered.


a) There is no test connectivity to AvaTax function implemented at this time. The best way to test connectivity is to place a test order, with a delivery address in the Nexus state configured, and to inspect the cart for a sales tax amount after completing the shipping page.

b) Sales Tax will be calculated and displayed on completion of delivery details using the order check out form.

c) The sales tax transaction will be added to the AvaTax cloud service when the user first creates order. The source code is commented on how to delay the creation of a sales tax transaction in AvaTax to when the order is completed.


The osCommerce Connector for AvaTax is provided with sample code and the following instructions to Commit & Void transactions in AvaTax by using the osCommerce administration page to change the status of orders.

It is strongly suggested that the financial controller, accountant, or legal consultant is engaged to make sure that the sales tax integration is technically correct, and compliant!

Step 1

Copy the FOLDER "avatax" (contains 1 program file) from zip file oscommerce_2_3_R\admin\includes\modules
to folder www.yoursite/admin/includes/modules/avatax/erp.avatax.php

Note: if you have renamed the admin folder copy to www.yoursite/admin(your admin)/includes/modules/avatax/erp.avatax.php

Step 2

Select option - Internationalization -> Orders Status

Review and add status as needed:

Status "Delivered" usually exists - note id on url (typically #3) New Status "Cancelled" - note id on url (typically #5)

Step 3

Update the following two osCommerce files

i) File: orders.php - NB - instance in yoursite/admin/orders.php

Insert the following 9 lines of code after:

$comments = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['comments']);

  require_once DIR_WS_MODULES . 'avatax/erp.avatax.php';
  $avatax_canceled = 5;
  $avatax_delivered = 3;
  if ($status == $avatax_canceled) { 
  if ($status == $avatax_delivered) { 

Insert the following 2 lines of code after:

tep_remove_order($oID, $HTTP_POST_VARS['restock']);

  require_once DIR_WS_MODULES . 'avatax/erp.avatax.php';

ii) File: order.php - NB - instance in yoursite/admin/includes/classes/order.php

line 27 - add "customers_id,"

$order_query = tep_db_query("select customers_name, customers_id, .... "'");

$this->customer array to include - 'id' => $order['customers_id'], 
$this->customer = array('name' => $order['customers_name'],
                        'id' => $order['customers_id'],
                        'company' => $order['customers_company'],


i) Use the osCommerce administration to change status to "Delivered" AvaTax will "Commit" transaction if order exists, and is a valid document status

ii) Use the osCommerce administration to change status to "Cancelled" AvaTax will "Void" transaction if order exists in AvaTax

iii) Use the osCommerce administration to delete an order AvaTax will "Void" transaction if order exists in AvaTax


Using the osCommerce Administration page: Select Modules -> Order Total -> AvaTax:

a) Replace the Development Company Code with the company code created for you production company during Go Live training.

b) Select 'Production' in the field: Account Type

c) Update the AvaTax Account number

d) Update the AvaTax License Key

Save the form.

NB: Do check with the sales tax administrator that any custom tax codes, and Nexus configurations, created in the development account have been configured for your production company.

It is suggested that customers set up two companies in their production AvaTax account - a test company for test transactions - and a production company for normal operations.


We have removed the administrative option to block an order if the address entered by a user does not provide a valid sales tax calculation.

It is the responsibility of the site developer to handle the AvaTax error generated if the address fields are populated with invalid data by the user.

The following address will generate an error:

Street: Nowhere Street

City: Nowhere City

Zip: 99999

AvaTax error: JurisdictionNotFoundError: Unable to determine the taxing jurisdictions.


The osCommerce Connector for AvaTax is a osCommerce compliant module that integrates the osCommerce check-out process with the cloud computing sales tax service AvaTax, provided by Avalara, Inc. for the calculation, compliance and reporting of sales tax.







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