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IoTConnect SDK (Device Message 1.0)

IoTConnect Device SDKs (System Development Kit) are highly secure and reliable, solving the purpose of D2C (device to cloud) and C2D (cloud to device) communications. It is a mediator between device and cloud platforms.

IoTConnect Device SDKs help you to easily and quickly connect your devices to IoTConnect. IoTConnect Device SDKs include a set of tools, libraries, developer guides with code samples, and porting guides. IoTConnect SDK is a full-fledged workshop for you to build innovative IoT products or solutions on your choice of hardware platforms.


  • Send Data
  • Received Data
  • OTA update
  • Symantec Auth

Third party Frameworks Used

Build Details

  • IDE
    • Please use Xcode 12.4 to compile
  • Targets
    • IoTConnect
    • IoTConnectDemo
  • Key Branches
    • develop: contains the latest dev code.
    • master: this contains the code for the current app store release.


import IoTConnect

let objConfig = IoTConnectConfig(cpId: "{replace-with-your-id}",
                                         uniqueId: "{replace-with-your-id}",
                                         env: .QA,
                                         mqttConnectionType: .userCredntialAuthentication,
                                         sdkOptions: nil)
SDKClient.shared.initialize(config: objConfig)

SDKClient.shared.getDeviceCallBack { (message) in
  print("message: ", message as Any)

SDKClient.shared.getTwinUpdateCallBack { (twinMessage) in
  print("twinMessage: ", twinMessage as Any)


Softweb Proprietor