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URL query string handling and serialization for .NET 6

nuget github Contributor Covenant license: MIT

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This library helps you manage URL query parameters in a specialized collection and allows you to serialize a POCO to a query string.

🚧 This project has not yet reached it's first stable release and is being developed currently. See how you can help below. 🚧


dotnet package add Avolantis.Text.QueryString

Avolantis.Text.QueryString targets .NET 6. Support for preceding versions of .NET (Core) is not a current goal. Please open an issue to request targeting such environments.

The project follows the conventions outlined in Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.


Imagine having to write a client application in C# (e.g. Blazor WebAssembly) to send queries to REST endpoint with various filtering options via query string parameters, like

Task<IEnumerable<UserDto>> GetList([FromQuery] UserQueryOptions options)
    // ...

class UserDto
    public string UserName { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreatedAt { get;set; }
    public bool IsDeleted { get; set; }

class UserQueryOptions
    // Retrieve users with specified names 
    public IEnumerbale<string> Name { get; set; }
    // Retrieve users created before the given timestamp 
    public DateTime? CreatedBefore { get; set; }
    // Filter by deleted status 
    public bool IsDeleted { get; set; } = false;    

Using this library you can use a POCO like the one above to construct your filters.

var filter = new UserQueryOptions
    Name = new string[] { "John Doe", "Jane Doe" },
    IsDeleted = true
var qs = QueryStringSerializer.Serialize(filter);
qs.ToString(); // ?name=John+Doe&name=Jane+Doe&isDeleted=true


  • QueryParameterCollection for constructing and manipulating query string parameters
  • Built-in support for serializing primitives, strings, Guid-s, DateTime, DateOnly, TimeOnly, anonymous objects, POCO-s, IFormattable and collections implementing IEnumerable
  • Extensible converter system inspired by System.Text.Json
  • Override serialization defaults using attributes, like [QueryStringParameterName("param-name")] or [QueryStringIgnore]
  • Auto trim string parameters
  • Configurable parameter name casing
  • Convert DateTime to UTC automatically


Documentation for the project is located the docs folder and can be viewed online at API documentation is available on the website, generated using docfx from XML source code comments. Please note, these docs are under construction, as the project itself.


Feature requests and bug reports can be submitted in the project's issue tracker on GitHub. You can also open a support request ticket, please use one of the available issue templates. You can also ask questions, present ideas or simply join the conversation on GitHub discussions.

In case of a security issue or vulnerability, please use a private communication channel to report such incident towards the current maintainer, or Avolantis on This helps us prepare a fix for a potential vulnerability before publicizing that such issue exists.

Paid priority support is also available for commercial environments. Please contact @avolantis for details of this service.


This library is not (yet) capable of deserializing query string to CLR objects. As expressed in the motivation section, this library is primarily meant to provide an easy way to serialize POCO-s to query strings.

As a usable alternative is to use the build-in query binder in aspnet core and annotate the parameters of the model with [FromQuery], however this does not support binding nested objects.

public class Filter
    public string Name { get; set; }

// ..

public class UsersController : ControllerBase
    public Task<IEnumerable<User>> GetList([FromQuery] Filter filter)
        // Do something with filter


Contributions from the open source community are welcomed and appreciated. Please, make sure you read the contribution guidelines before submitting a PR.

This project has adopted the Contributor Covenant code of conduct, which can be found here.

Maintainer: @bencelang
