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Save and get lists by chunks of 64 elements (as it seems to be the ma…
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…ximum number of JOINs for a select query)
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samoht committed Nov 8, 2010
1 parent b35578f commit 3a6a7a7
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open Sqlite3
open Printf

(* Maximum number of JOINS *)
let max_join = 64

type transaction_mode = [ `Deferred |`Immediate |`Exclusive ]

type state = {
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101 changes: 64 additions & 37 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -153,41 +153,68 @@ and get_enum_values ~env ~db ~id name t =
let row = row_data stmt in
let id = match row.(0) with Data.INT i -> i | s -> process_error t s "__id__" in
let next = match row.(1) with Data.INT i -> Some i | Data.NULL -> None | s -> process_error t s "__next__" in
let size = match row.(2) with Data.INT i -> Int64.to_int i | s -> process_error t s "__size__" in
let v, _ = parse_row ~env ~db ~skip:false ~name t row 3 in
id, next, size, v in
let constraints = [ "__id__", "=", Some (Data.INT id) ] in
let field_names = "__id__" :: "__next__" :: "__size__" :: field_names_of_type ~id:false t in
match process ~env ~db ~constraints name field_names aux with
| [ _ , None , _ , v ] -> [ v ]
| [ id, Some next, size, _ ] ->
let rec joints i =
if i = 0
then sprintf "%s AS __t0__" name :: joints (i+1)
else if i > size
then []
else sprintf "%s AS __t%i__ ON __t%i__.__next__=__t%i__.__id__" name i (i-1) i :: joints (i+1) in
let names = field_names_of_type ~id:false t in
let rec field_names i =
if i = (-1)
then []
else field_names (i-1) @ (fun f -> sprintf "__t%i__.%s" i f) names in
let table_name = String.concat " JOIN " (joints 0) in
let constraints = [ (sprintf "__t%i__.__next__" size, "ISNULL", None) ; ("__t0__.__id__","=", Some (Data.INT id)) ] in
let fn stmt =
let row = row_data stmt in
let rec aux n =
if n >= Array.length row
let next_chunk = match row.(2) with Data.INT i -> Some i | Data.NULL -> None | s -> process_error t s "__next_chunk__" in
let size = match row.(3) with Data.INT i -> Int64.to_int i | s -> process_error t s "__size__" in
let v, _ = parse_row ~env ~db ~skip:false ~name t row 4 in
id, next, next_chunk, size, v in

let get_chunk first_id =
let constraints = [ "__id__", "=", Some (Data.INT first_id) ] in
let field_names = "__id__" :: "__next__" :: "__next_chunk__" :: "__size__" :: field_names_of_type ~id:false t in
match process ~env ~db ~constraints name field_names aux with
| [ _ , None , None , _ , v ] -> None, [ v ]
| [ id, Some next, next_chunk, size, _ ] ->
let size = min size max_join in
let rec joints i =
if i = 0
then sprintf "%s AS __t0__" name :: joints (i+1)
else if i = size
then []
let v, m = parse_row ~env ~db ~skip:false ~name t row n in
v :: aux m in
aux 0 in
begin match process ~env ~db ~constraints table_name (field_names size) fn with
| [r] -> r
| [] -> process_error t Data.NULL "No result found"
| rs -> process_error t Data.NULL "Too many results found"
| l ->
let aux (id, next, size, v) = Printf.sprintf "(%Ld,%s,%i,%s)" id (match next with None -> "NULL" | Some n -> Int64.to_string n) size (Value.to_string v) in
process_error t Data.NULL (Printf.sprintf "get_enum_values{%s}" (String.concat ";" ( aux l)))
else sprintf "%s AS __t%i__ ON __t%i__.__next__=__t%i__.__id__" name i (i-1) i :: joints (i+1) in
let names = field_names_of_type ~id:false t in
let rec field_names i =
if i = size
then []
else (fun f -> sprintf "__t%i__.%s" i f) names @ field_names (i+1) in
let table_name = String.concat " JOIN " (joints 0) in
let constraints = [
(match next_chunk with
| None -> sprintf "__t%i__.__next__" (size-1), "ISNULL", None;
| Some next_id -> sprintf "__t%i__.__next__" (size-1), "=" , Some (Data.INT next_id));
"__t0__.__id__","=", Some (Data.INT first_id);
] in
let fn stmt =
let row = row_data stmt in
let rec aux n =
if n >= Array.length row
then []
let v, m = parse_row ~env ~db ~skip:false ~name t row n in
v :: aux m in
aux 0 in
begin match process ~env ~db ~constraints table_name (field_names 0) fn with
| [r] -> next_chunk, r
| [] -> process_error t Data.NULL "No result found"
| rs -> process_error t Data.NULL "Too many results found"
| l ->
let aux (id, next, next_chunk, size, v) =
Printf.sprintf "(%Ld,%s,%s,%i,%s)"
(match next with None -> "NULL" | Some n -> Int64.to_string n)
(match next_chunk with None -> "NULL" | Some n -> Int64.to_string n)
(Value.to_string v) in
process_error t Data.NULL (Printf.sprintf "get_enum_values{%s}" (String.concat ";" ( aux l))) in

let result = ref [[]] in
let stop = ref false in
let first_id = ref id in
while not !stop do
let n, r = get_chunk !first_id in
(match n with
| None -> stop := true;
| Some k -> first_id := k);
result := r :: !result;
List.concat (List.rev !result)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/
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Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ let create_tables ~mode ~env ~db tables =
let field_names = field_names_of_type ~id:false t_internal in
let field_types = field_types_of_type ~id:false t_internal in
let fields = List.map2 (sprintf "%s %s") field_names field_types in
let extra = if is_enum t then "__next__ INTEGER,__size__ INTEGER," else "" in
let extra = if is_enum t then "__next__ INTEGER,__next_chunk__ INTEGER,__size__ INTEGER," else "" in
let sql =
sprintf "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (__id__ INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, %s%s);" name extra (String.concat "," fields) in
exec_sql ~env ~db sql [] (db_must_step db);
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104 changes: 87 additions & 17 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -61,35 +61,105 @@ let process_row ~env ~db table_name field_names field_values v =
| [] -> exec_sql ~env ~db insert field_values (db_must_step db); last_insert_rowid db.db
| ds -> process_error v (sprintf "Found {%s}" (String.concat "," ( string_of_data ds)))

(* Cut a list into chunks of size [chunk_size] *)
(* The result is in the reverse order *)
let cut_into_chunks chunk_size l =
let rec aux chunks n accu = function
| [] -> (List.rev accu) :: chunks
| h::t ->
if n mod chunk_size = 0 then
aux ((List.rev (h :: accu)) :: chunks) (n+1) [] t
aux chunks (n+1) (h :: accu) t in
aux [] 1 [] l

let _ =
cut_into_chunks 3 [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8]

let combine chunks =
let rec one list accu (a,b) = match list with
| (c,d)::t when b=c -> one t ((a,d)::accu) (a,b)
| _ :: t -> one t accu (a,b)
| [] -> accu in
let rec merge l1 l2 =
List.fold_left (one l2) [] l1 in
let rec aux = function
| [] -> []
| [l] -> l
| l1::l2::t -> aux ((merge l1 l2)::t) in
aux chunks

let _ =
combine [
[ (1,2); (1,3) ];
[ (2,4); (3,5); (5,6); ];
[ (4,5); (5,6); (7,8); ];

(* Insert a collection of rows in a specific table *)
let process_enum_rows ~env ~db table_name field_names field_values_enum v =
let join =
sprintf "%s as __t0__" table_name ::
list_mapi (fun i _ -> sprintf "%s AS __t%i__ ON __t%i__.__next__=__t%i__.__id__" table_name (i+1) i (i+1)) ( field_values_enum) in

let get_chunk chunk next_chunks =
let join =
sprintf "%s as __t0__" table_name ::
list_mapi (fun i _ -> sprintf "%s AS __t%i__ ON __t%i__.__next__=__t%i__.__id__" table_name (i+1) i (i+1)) ( chunk) in
let constraints =
List.flatten (list_mapi (fun i _ -> (fun f -> sprintf "__t%i__.%s=?" i f) field_names) field_values_enum) in
List.flatten (list_mapi (fun i _ -> (fun f -> sprintf "__t%i__.%s=?" i f) field_names) chunk)
@ (match next_chunks with
| [] -> [sprintf "__t%i__.__next__ ISNULL" (List.length chunk - 1)]
| l -> [sprintf "(%s)" (String.concat " OR " ( (sprintf "__t%i__.__next__ = %Ld" (List.length chunk - 1)) l))]) in
let binds =
List.flatten field_values_enum in
let select = sprintf "SELECT __t0__.__id__ FROM %s WHERE __t%i__.__next__ ISNULL AND %s;"
List.flatten chunk in
let select = sprintf "SELECT __t0__.__id__ FROM %s WHERE %s;"
(String.concat " JOIN " join)
(List.length field_values_enum - 1)
(String.concat " AND " constraints) in
let fn stmt = step_map db stmt (fun stmt -> column stmt 0) in
match exec_sql ~env ~db select binds fn with
| [Data.INT i ] -> i
| [] ->
let rec aux ?last i = function
| [] -> (match last with None -> process_error v "Empy enum" | Some id -> id)
| [] -> raise Not_found
| l -> (function Data.INT i -> i | k -> process_error v "get_chunk") l in

let get_by_chunks () =
let next_chunks = ref [] in
let chunks = Array.of_list (cut_into_chunks max_join field_values_enum) in
for i = 0 to Array.length chunks - 1 do
next_chunks := get_chunk chunks.(i) !next_chunks;
with _ -> [] in

(* The array is in reverse order *)
let ids = Array.create (List.length field_values_enum) (-1L) in
let get_id n =
if n < 0 then
Data.INT ids.(n) in
let first () =
match ids.(List.length field_values_enum - 1) with
| -1L -> process_error v "Empy enum"
| i -> i in

match get_by_chunks () with
| [i] -> i
| [] ->
let rec save i = function
| [] -> first ()
| field_values :: t ->
let last = match last with None -> Data.NULL | Some id -> Data.INT id in
let id = process_row ~env ~db
("__next__" :: "__size__" :: field_names)
(last :: Data.INT (Int64.of_int i) :: field_values)
("__next__" :: "__next_chunk__" :: "__size__" :: field_names)
(get_id (i-1) :: get_id (i-max_join) :: Data.INT (Int64.of_int (i+1)) :: field_values)
v in
aux ~last:id (i+1) t in
aux 0 (List.rev field_values_enum)
| ds -> process_error v (sprintf "Found {%s}" (String.concat "," ( string_of_data ds)))
ids.(i) <- id;
save (i+1) t in
save 0 (List.rev field_values_enum)
| ds -> process_error v (sprintf "Found {%s}" (String.concat "," ( Int64.to_string ds)))

let rec value_of_field ~env ~db name v =
match v with
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