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Awawa edited this page Dec 31, 2023 · 45 revisions


  • Download HyperHDR installer for Windows from HyperHDR github project.
    For example: HyperHDR-

  • Uninstall previous version of HyperHDR (if applied).

  • Run the installer. Windows probably will ask are you sure? It's default behavior for the first time usage for files downloaded from the internet without EV certificate which costs a lot.

  • Then proceed with the installer... just click few times 'next' and 'finish'.

  • Run the HyperHDR from the desktop shortcut.

  • The HyperHDR icon will show up in the right-bottom corner

  • Click it the right button. The menu will show up. Then select 'Settings'. The browser will open HyperHDR www panel.

Debian and Ubuntu (APT repository)

For the latest versions of Debian and Ubuntu, you can use our APT repository to install or update HyperHDR.
The repository is located at

  1. Installing

All HyperHDR SD images since version v19beta2 are linked to the HyperHDR repository so you don't need this step if you use it.

If you have HyperHDR manually installed from Github or are using old SD images before v19beta2, remove HyperHDR first.

sudo apt remove hyperhdr

Add HyperHDR repository and install the application.

type -p curl >/dev/null || sudo apt install curl -y
curl -fsSL | sudo dd of=/usr/share/keyrings/hyperhdr.public.apt.gpg.key \
&& sudo chmod go+r /usr/share/keyrings/hyperhdr.public.apt.gpg.key \
&& echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hyperhdr.public.apt.gpg.key] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hyperhdr.list > /dev/null \
&& sudo apt update \
&& sudo apt install hyperhdr -y
  1. Upgrade

If you already have a HyperHDR repository set up, you can easily update HyperHDR later:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install hyperhdr -y

RaspberryPi OS (SD card image installation)


Deprecated since the latest Raspberry Pi OS based on Debian Bookworm. It forces the use of the Raspberry Pi Imager tool, which probably improves their collection of statistics or telemetry data. Wifi configuration in wpa_supplicant.conf doesn't work anymore because of Raspberry Pi OS uses now Network Manager (nmcli) with no alternative for head-less configuration currently.

Old manual:

- Download and extract the SD image from HyperHDR github release repository. 7-zip is recommended.
- Raspberry Pi Zero (not Zero 2 W), RPi 1, 2 can run only 32bit version: ````SD-card-image-32bits-armv6l.img.xz````    

- Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, RPi 2 (rev. 1.2), 3 and 4 choose faster 64bit version: ````SD-card-image-64bits-aarch64.img.xz````
  • Download Rufus

  • Insert prepared SD to the reader. Check the reader's letter assigned in Windows.

  • Run Rufus


- Select the img file that you extracted from the downloaded archive.
- Verify that the program selected correct SD card drive's letter    
- Click 'Start' to begin the process of writing
  • After the image is written successfully probably you want to configure the Wifi connection for Raspberry Pi.

  • Create file named wpa_supplicant.conf in the boot folder on the SD card and edit its content.
    For example (edit your network and password):

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

     ssid="Name of your wifi LAN"
     psk="Password for your wifi LAN"
  • Take the SD out of the card reader and put it into the Raspberry Pi.
  • It is recommended to reboot the system after first boot because the user (pi) is just created then and the service may be unavailable during that session.

After boot default host name is: HyperHDR
Connect to the www panel using port 8090 (HTTP) or 8092 (HTTPS).
Default user is: pi
Default password is: raspberry
For security reasons, you may consider changing the password for pi user after the first boot. ⚠️
SSH and SPI are enabled on default.


  • Connect to your Linux OS using SSH client (putty) or using keyboard/monitor. Log in with your default user.

  • First uninstall the previous version of HyperHDR (if applied):
    $sudo apt remove hyperhdr

  • Go to the tmp directory :
    $cd /tmp

  • Download the package from HyperHDR Github release section to the current tmp directory.

    • Raspberry Pi Zero,1,2 or 32bits OS: choose v6l suffix. For example:

    • Raspberry Pi Zero 2W, 3 and 4 (64bits OS only): choose aarch64 suffix. For example:

    • Generic x86 Linux: choose x86_64 suffix. For example:

  • Install the package that you have downloaded from the current directory.
    For example: $sudo apt install ./HyperHDR-

  • HyperHDR should be up and running on the 8090 (HTTP) or 8092 (HTTPS) port.

  • If the WWW panel is out of reach then run the following command to check what's happening:
    $/usr/bin/hyperhdr -d

  • To start/stop HyperHDR service on Raspberry Pi execute:
    $sudo systemctl start/stop hyperhdr@pi.service


Since version 16 HyperHDR offers direct support for USB grabbers for macOS (native x64 application, runs on Apple M1 in emulation also) and provides very friendly DMG installation container.

  • Download and run DMG container. Setup installation process will start:

  • After setup is finished you will have mounted volume with HyperHDR application.

  • Drag HyperHDR icon to your applications folder. Next run it.

Screen Shot 2022-08-21 at 6 37 49 PM

  • It will take some time (up to one minute) for a first run. HyperHDR icon will be "jumping" in the lower-right corner. Wait until it finishes:

  • After the application starts macOS will ask you about granting camera permission for HyperHDR application. It's required. If you missed the request you can always redo your choice in the macOS' system options. Similar dialog about granting microphone permission shows up when you use the sound effect or system software screen grabber for the first time (the application restart is required here).

    Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 3 23 16 PM

  • HyperHDR application is running now. Click HyperHDR icon ('H') in the upper-right corner to bring the menu and then click the settings item. It opens the browser with HyperHDR configuration panel.


  • Now it's time to go through the typical HyperHDR configuration process.

    Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 3 39 33 PM