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Releases: awesome-spectral-indices/awesome-spectral-indices


16 May 12:04
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Awesome Spectral Indices v0.6.0 🚀 🛰️ 🌱

New Features

The following Spectral Indices were added to the list:

Vegetation 🌱

  • ENDVI: Enhanced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
  • bNIRv: Blue Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation
  • EVIv: Enhanced Vegetation Index of Vegetation
  • sNIRvLSWI: SWIR-enhanced Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation for LSWI
  • sNIRvNDPI: SWIR-enhanced Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation for NDPI
  • sNIRvSWIR: SWIR-enhanced Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation
  • sNIRvNDVILSWIP: SWIR-enhanced Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation for the NDVI-LSWI Product
  • sNIRvNDVILSWIS: SWIR-enhanced Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation for the NDVI-LSWI Sum

Water 🌊

  • OSI: Oil Spill Index
  • PI: Plastic Index
  • FAI: Floating Algae Index
  • RNDVI: Reversed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index


04 Jul 07:56
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Awesome Spectral Indices v0.5.0 🚀 🛰️ 🌱

New Features

The following Spectral Indices were added to the list:

Vegetation 🌱

  • EBI: Enhanced Bloom Index.
  • SLAVI: Specific Leaf Area Vegetation Index.


13 Mar 07:53
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Awesome Spectral Indices v0.4.0 🚀 🛰️ 🌱


  • The G1 (Green 1) standard was created (this standard matches B11 from MODIS).
  • The T (Thermal Infrared) standard was created (this standard matches B6 from Landsat TM/ETM+).
  • The following Spectral Indices were fixed to match the T standard:
    • CSIT: Char Soil Index Thermal.
    • NDVIT: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Thermal.
    • SAVIT: Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index Thermal.
    • NBRT1: Normalized Burn Ratio Thermal 1.
    • NBRT2: Normalized Burn Ratio Thermal 2.
    • NBRT3: Normalized Burn Ratio Thermal 3.
    • VI6T: VI6T Index.
    • EBBI: Enhanced Built-Up and Bareness Index.
    • NDBaI: Normalized Difference Bareness Index.
    • NBUI: New Built-Up Index.
    • NDISIr: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index Red.
    • NDISIg: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index Green.
    • NDISIb: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index Blue.
    • NDISIndwi: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index with NDWI.
    • NDISImndwi: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index with MNDWI.
    • NBLI: Normalized Difference Bare Land Index.
    • NSTv1: NIR-SWIR-Temperature Version 1.
    • NSTv2: NIR-SWIR-Temperature Version 2.
  • The min_wavelength and max_wavelength attributes (i.e., spectral range) were added to bands.json.
  • The common_name attribute (i.e., mapping name to the stac-eo extension) was added to bands.json. This allows a direct mapping from ASI to STAC via stac-eo.
  • The platforms attribute was added to bands.json. This attribute lists the description of the band in popular platforms.

New Features

The following Spectral Indices were added to the list:

Vegetation 🌱

  • CCI: Chlorophyll Carotenoid Index.
  • NBLIOLI: Normalized Difference Bare Land Index for Landsat-OLI.

Water 🌊

  • TWI: Triangle Water Index.


21 Nov 13:34
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Awesome Spectral Indices v0.3.0 🚀 🛰️ 🌱


  • The soil application domain was created.
  • The following Spectral Indices were moved to the soil application domain:
    • BI: Bare Soil Index.
    • BaI: Bareness Index.
    • DBSI: Dry Bareness Index.
    • EMBI: Enhanced Modified Bare Soil Index.
    • MBI: Modified Bare Soil Index.
    • NBLI: Normalized Difference Bare Land Index.
    • NDBaI: Normalized Difference Bareness Index.
    • NDSoI: Normalized Difference Soil Index.
    • NSDS: Normalized Shortwave Infrared Difference Soil-Moisture.
    • NSDSI1: Normalized Shortwave-Infrared Difference Bare Soil Moisture Index 1.
    • NSDSI2: Normalized Shortwave-Infrared Difference Bare Soil Moisture Index 2.
    • NSDSI3: Normalized Shortwave-Infrared Difference Bare Soil Moisture Index 3.

New Features

The following Spectral Indices were added to the list:

Vegetation 🌱

  • DSI: Drought Stress Index.
  • DSWI1: Disease-Water Stress Index 1.
  • DSWI2: Disease-Water Stress Index 2.
  • DSWI3: Disease-Water Stress Index 3.
  • DSWI4: Disease-Water Stress Index 4.
  • DSWI5: Disease-Water Stress Index 5.

Water 🌊

  • NDCI: Normalized Difference Chlorophyll Index.
  • WI2015: Water Index 2015.

Soil 🏜️

  • BITM: Landsat TM-based Brightness Index.
  • BIXS: SPOT HRV XS-based Brightness Index.
  • NDSIWV: WorldView Normalized Difference Soil Index.
  • RI4XS: SPOT HRV XS-based Redness Index 4.


06 Oct 14:31
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Awesome Spectral Indices v0.2.0 🚀 🛰️ 🌱


  • Band IDs for MODIS bands were corrected in the file.

New Features

The following Spectral Indices were added to the list:

Vegetation 🌱

  • SEVI: Shadow-Eliminated Vegetation Index.

Burn 🔥

  • NBRplus: Normalized Burn Ratio Plus.
  • NBRSWIR: Normalized Burn Ratio SWIR.
  • NDSWIR: Normalized Difference SWIR.
  • NSTv1: NIR-SWIR-Temperature Version 1.
  • NSTv2: NIR-SWIR-Temperature Version 2.

Water 🌊

  • ANDWI: Augmented Normalized Difference Water Index.
  • NDTI: Normalized Difference Turbidity Index.
  • NDPonI: Normalized Difference Pond Index.
  • NSDSI1: Normalized Shortwave-Infrared Difference Bare Soil Moisture Index 1.
  • NSDSI2: Normalized Shortwave-Infrared Difference Bare Soil Moisture Index 2.
  • NSDSI3: Normalized Shortwave-Infrared Difference Bare Soil Moisture Index 3.

Urban 🏙️

  • BRBA: Band Ratio for Built-up Area.
  • NBAI: Normalized Built-up Area Index.
  • VIBI: Vegetation Index Built-up Index.


02 Jun 08:43
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Awesome Spectral Indices v0.1.0 🚀 🛰️ 🌱


  • The platforms attribute was created for all indices.
  • The type attribute was replaced by the application_domain attribute.

New Features

The following Spectral Indices were added to the list:

Burn 🔥

  • BAIM: Burned Area Index adapted to MODIS.
  • CSI: Char Soil Index.
  • NBRT2: Normalized Burn Ratio Thermal 2.
  • NBRT3: Normalized Burn Ratio Thermal 3.
  • MIRBI: Mid-Infrared Burn Index.
  • VI6T: VI6T Index.

Water 🌊

  • LSWI: Land Surface Water Index.
  • MLSWI26: Modified Land Surface Water Index (MODIS Bands 2 and 6).
  • MLSWI27: Modified Land Surface Water Index (MODIS Bands 2 and 7).
  • SWM: Sentinel Water Mask.

Urban 🏙️

  • BaI: Bareness Index.
  • DBI: Dry Built-Up Index.
  • DBSI: Dry Bareness Index.
  • EMBI: Enhanced Modified Bare Soil Index.
  • MBI: Modified Bare Soil Index.
  • NBLI: Normalized Difference Bare Land Index.
  • NBUI: New Built-Up Index.
  • NDISIb: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index Blue.
  • NDISIg: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index Green.
  • NDISImndwi: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index with MNDWI.
  • NDISIndwi: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index with NDWI.
  • NDISIr: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index Red.
  • NDSoI: Normalized Difference Soil Index.
  • NSDS: Normalized Shortwave Infrared Difference Soil-Moisture.
  • PISI: Perpendicular Impervious Surface Index.

Radar 🛰️

  • DPDD: Dual-Pol Diagonal Distance.
  • NDPolI: Normalized Difference Polarization Index.
  • VDDPI: Vertical Dual De-Polarization Index.
  • VHVVD: VH-VV Difference.
  • VHVVP: VH-VV Product.
  • VHVVR: VH-VV Ratio.
  • VVVHD: VV-VH Difference.
  • VVVHR: VV-VH Ratio.
  • VVVHS: VV-VH Sum.


11 Apr 09:30
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Awesome Spectral Indices v0.0.7 🚀 🛰️ 🌱


  • Drought indices were merged with Vegetation indices

New Features

The following Spectral Indices were added to the list:

Vegetation 🌱

  • ARI2: Anthocyanin Reflectance Index 2.
  • AVI: Advanced Vegetation Index.
  • ExGR: ExG - ExR Vegetation Index.
  • ExR: Excess Red Index.
  • GM1: Gitelson and Merzlyak Index 1.
  • GM2: Gitelson and Merzlyak Index 2.
  • GOSAVI: Green Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index.
  • GRVI: Green Ratio Vegetation Index.
  • GSAVI: Green Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index.
  • IAVI: New Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index.
  • IKAW: Kawashima Index.
  • IPVI: Infrared Percentage Vegetation Index.
  • mND705: Modified Normalized Difference (705, 750 and 445 nm).
  • MRBVI: Modified Red Blue Vegetation Index.
  • MSI: Moisture Stress Index.
  • mSR705: Modified Simple Ratio (705 and 445 nm).
  • ND705: Normalized Difference (705 and 750 nm).
  • NormG: Normalized Green.
  • NormNIR: Normalized NIR.
  • NormR: Normalized Red.
  • PSRI: Plant Senescing Reflectance Index.
  • RENDVI: Red Edge Normalized Difference Vegetation Index.
  • RGBVI: Red Green Blue Vegetation Index.
  • RGRI: Red-Green Ratio Index.
  • RI: Redness Index.
  • SI: Shadow Index.
  • SR: Simple Ratio.
  • SR2: Simple Ratio (800 and 550 nm).
  • SR3: Simple Ratio (860, 550 and 708 nm).
  • TDVI: Transformed Difference Vegetation Index.
  • TVI: Transformed Vegetation Index.

Water 🌊

  • MuWIR: Revised Multi-Spectral Water Index.
  • NDWIns: Normalized Difference Water Index with no Snow Cover and Glaciers.

Urban 🏙️

  • BI: Bare Soil Index.

Snow ☃️

  • NBSIMS: Non-Binary Snow Index for Multi-Component Surfaces.
  • NDGlaI: Normalized Difference Glacier Index.
  • NDSII: Normalized Difference Snow Ice Index.
  • NDSInw: Normalized Difference Snow Index with no Water.

Kernel 🎯

  • kIPVI: Kernel Infrared Percentage Vegetation Index.


06 Mar 10:13
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Awesome Spectral Indices v0.0.6 🚀 🛰️ 🌱

The following Spectral Indices were added to the list:


  • S2WI: Sentinel-2 Water Index.


  • BLFEI: Built-Up Land Features Extraction Index.
  • IBI: Index-Based Built-Up Index.
  • UI: Urban Index.
  • VgNIRBI: Visible Green-Based Built-Up Index.
  • VrNIRBI: Visible Red-Based Built-Up Index.


31 Jan 20:38
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Awesome Spectral Indices v0.0.5 🚀 🛰️ 🌱

The following Spectral Indices were added to the list:


  • BCC: Blue Chromatic Coordinate.
  • DVIplus: Difference Vegetation Index Plus.
  • FCVI: Fluorescence Correction Vegetation Index.
  • GCC: Green Chromatic Coordinate.
  • NDGI: Normalized Difference Greenness Index.
  • NDII: Normalized Difference Infrared Index.
  • NDPI: Normalized Difference Phenology Index.
  • NIRvH2: Hyperspectral Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation.
  • RCC: Red Chromatic Coordinate.


  • MBWI: Multi-Band Water Index.
  • NWI: New Water Index.
  • WRI: Water Ratio Index.


16 Jan 21:23
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Awesome Spectral Indices v0.0.4 🚀 🛰️ 🌱

The following Spectral Indices were added to the list:


  • AFRI1600: Aerosol Free Vegetation Index (1600 nm).
  • AFRI2100: Aerosol Free Vegetation Index (2100 nm).
  • NDMI: Normalized Difference Moisture Index.
  • NIRv: Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation.
  • NIRvP: Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation and Incoming PAR.


  • DpRVIHH: Dual-Polarized Radar Vegetation Index HH.
  • DpRVIVV: Dual-Polarized Radar Vegetation Index VV.
  • QpRVI: Quad-Polarized Radar Vegetation Index.
  • RFDI: Radar Forest Degradation Index.