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Various Topics for Documentation

Jacob Rief edited this page Aug 20, 2017 · 5 revisions

List of topics not assigned to any chapter and in random order

This is just a collection of topics which shall be handled in the refactored documentation for django-SHOP. Feel free to extend this list with everything coming to your mind, especially topics where the current documentation does a poor job.

  • Organize your URLs
  • Use django-CMS to create pages
  • Register CMSApps: CatalogListApp, CatalogSearchApp, OrderApp
  • Why do we deregister menu pool modifier
  • How to internationalize URLs
  • How to reset the password (why can't this be done like we handle views)
  • How to implement self-registration of users
  • FAQs
  • The Shop uses DRF Views exclusive, there are no Django Views
  • How to create a Catalog List View without the CMS
  • How to create a Catalog Search View without the CMS
  • How to create the Order Views without the CMS
  • How to pass additional parameters to the View inside the url() call
  • Access pages expecting HTML or JSON
  • Routing to the shop's endpoints
  • the role of AngularJS
  • initializing AngularJS components using Sekizai
  • How deferred models work
  • Merchant is responsible for creating migrations
  • Why is the deferred model superior to EAV
  • Why is the BaseProduct model almost empty (no field for price, product code, etc.)
  • When to use and how to handle polymorphism
  • what is the smallest common denominator for all products, to show in product list views
  • Put business logic into serializers
  • Handle model translations with django-parler
  • How to extend the AddToCartSerializer for variations
  • How to handle items in stock using AddToCartSerializer
  • How to contribute and report bugs
  • PEP8 and additional style guide
  • How to write Cart modifiers and what shall they do
  • Better integration of docstrings using Sphinx
  • How to handle forms during checkout
  • How does client-side form validation work
  • Creating a marketplace with django-SHOP
  • Handle taxes, including different rates per item and delivery country
  • Filtering products by tags
  • Roadmap to future features
  • Release note management
  • Multi-Vendor sites
  • Quantity management
  • Editable product detail views
  • Create an EAV for another shop
  • Create a shipping provider connection