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EC2 Instance Selector v1.1.0

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@bwagner5 bwagner5 released this 11 Jun 21:25

New Features

  • Pass in an instance-type through the --base-instance-type flag and ec2-instance-selector will find instance types that are similar to the passed in one. #6
  • A new flag was added to support passing in a list of availability zones. The --availability-zones flag will replace the previous singular version --availability-zone in a future release, but for now the previous version still works and will display a warning message when used. The list of availability zones is used to find instance types that are available in all AZs that are passed in. #8
  • Region detection has been improved by adding aws profile config parsing and the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable in addition to the already supported --region flag and AWS_REGION environment variable. #9