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Troubleshoot Karpenter problems

Node NotReady

There are many reasons that a node can fail to join the cluster.

  • Permissions
  • Security Groups
  • Networking

The easiest way to start debugging is to connect to the instance

# List the nodes managed by Karpenter
kubectl get node -l
# Extract the instance ID
INSTANCE_ID=$(kubectl get node -l -ojson | jq -r ".items[0].spec.providerID" | cut -d \/ -f5)
# Connect to the instance
aws ssm start-session --target $INSTANCE_ID
# Check Kubelet logs
sudo journalctl -u kubelet

CoreDNS issues deploying Karpenter on Fargate

Karpenter deployments on Fargate can fail if CoreDNS has nowhere to run. It can be configured to run on either Fargate itself or in a managed node group. Using eksctl to deploy Karpenter on Fargate as described in [Getting Started with eksctl]({{<ref "./getting-started/getting-started-with-eksctl/" >}}) causes eksctl to patch and restart the latest CoreDNS in the kube-system namespace on Fargate. You will see these messages during cluster creation:

"coredns" is now schedulable onto Fargate
"coredns" is now scheduled onto Fargate
"coredns" pods are now scheduled onto Fargate

If you don't use eksctl, you need to manually patch and restart CoreDNS per instructions in Create a Fargate pod execution role.

Missing Service Linked Role

Unless your AWS account has already onboarded to EC2 Spot, you will need to create the service linked role to avoid ServiceLinkedRoleCreationNotPermitted.

AuthFailure.ServiceLinkedRoleCreationNotPermitted: The provided credentials do not have permission to create the service-linked role for EC2 Spot Instances

This can be resolved by creating the Service Linked Role.

aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name

Unable to delete nodes after uninstalling Karpenter

Karpenter adds a finalizer to nodes that it provisions to support graceful node termination. If Karpenter is uninstalled, these finalizers will cause the API Server to block deletion until the finalizers are removed.

You can fix this by patching the node objects:

  • kubectl edit node <node_name> and remove the line that says in the finalizers field.
  • Run the following script that gets all nodes with the finalizer and removes all the finalizers from those nodes.
    • NOTE: this will remove ALL finalizers from nodes with the karpenter finalizer.
kubectl get nodes -ojsonpath='{range .items[*].metadata}{}:{@.finalizers}{"\n"}' | grep "" | cut -d ':' -f 1 | xargs kubectl patch node --type='json' -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/finalizers"}]'

Nil issues with Karpenter reallocation

If you create a Karpenter Provisioner while the webhook to default it is unavailable, it's possible to get unintentionally nil fields. Related Issue.

You may see some logs like this. +0x688*Controller).Reconcile(0xc000b004c0, 0x23354c0, 0xc000e209f0, 0x235e640, 0xc002566c40, 0x200c786, 0x5, 0xc00259c1b0, 0x1) +0x65*GenericController).Reconcile(0xc000b00720, 0x23354c0, 0xc000e209f0, 0xc001db9be0, 0x7, 0xc001db9bd0, 0x7, 0xc000e209f0, 0x7fc864172d20, 0xc0000be2a0, ...)

This is fixed in Karpenter v0.2.7+. Reinstall Karpenter on the latest version.

Nodes stuck in pending and not running the kubelet due to outdated CNI

If you have an EC2 instance get launched that is stuck in pending and ultimately not running the kubelet, you may see a message like this in your /var/log/user-data.log:

No entry for c6i.xlarge in /etc/eks/eni-max-pods.txt

This means that your CNI plugin is out of date. You can find instructions on how to update your plugin here.

Failed calling webhook ""

If you are not able to create a provisioner due to Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "provisioner.yaml": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://karpenter-webhook.karpenter.svc:443/default-resource?timeout=10s": context deadline exceeded

Verify that the karpenter pod is running (should see 2/2 containers with a "Ready" status)

kubectl get po -A -l
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
karpenter-7b46fb5c-gcr9z   2/2     Running   0          17h

Karpenter service has endpoints assigned to it

kubectl get ep -A -l
NAMESPACE   NAME        ENDPOINTS                               AGE
karpenter   karpenter,   16d

Your security groups are not blocking you from reaching your webhook.

This is especially relevant if you have used terraform-eks-module version >=18 since that version changed its security approach, and now it's much more restrictive.

DaemonSets can result in deployment failures

For Karpenter versions 0.5.3 and earlier, DaemonSets were not properly considered when provisioning nodes. This sometimes caused nodes to be deployed that could not meet the needs of the requested DaemonSets and workloads. This issue no longer occurs after Karpenter version 0.5.3 (see PR #1155).

If you are using a pre-0.5.3 version of Karpenter, one workaround is to set your provisioner to only use larger instance types that you know will be big enough for the DaemonSet and the workload. For more information, see Issue #1084. Examples of this behavior are included in Issue #1180.

Unspecified resource requests cause scheduling/bin-pack failures

Not using the Kubernetes LimitRanges feature to enforce minimum resource request sizes will allow pods with very low or non-existent resource requests to be scheduled. This can cause issues as Karpenter bin-packs pods based on the resource requests.

If the resource requests do not reflect the actual resource usage of the pod, Karpenter will place too many of these pods onto the same node resulting in the pods getting CPU throttled or terminated due to the OOM killer. This behavior is not unique to Karpenter and can also occur with the standard kube-scheduler with pods that don't have accurate resource requests.

To prevent this, you can set LimitRanges on pod deployments on a per-namespace basis. See the Karpenter Best Practices Guide for further information on the use of LimitRanges.

Missing subnetSelector and securityGroupSelector tags causes provisioning failures

Starting with Karpenter v0.5.5, if you are using Karpenter-generated launch template, provisioners require that [subnetSelector]({{<ref "./aws/provisioning/#subnetselector" >}}) and [securityGroupSelector]({{<ref "./aws/provisioning/#securitygroupselector" >}}) tags be set to match your cluster. The [Provisioner]({{<ref "./getting-started/getting-started-with-eksctl/#provisioner" >}}) section in the Karpenter Getting Started Guide uses the following example:

    subnetSelector: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
    securityGroupSelector: ${CLUSTER_NAME}

To check your subnet and security group selectors, type the following:

aws ec2 describe-subnets --filters,Values=${CLUSTER_NAME}

Returns subnets matching the selector

aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters,Values=${CLUSTER_NAME}

Returns security groups matching the selector

Provisioners created without those tags and run in more recent Karpenter versions will fail with this message when you try to run the provisioner:

 field(s): spec.provider.securityGroupSelector, spec.provider.subnetSelector

If you are providing a [custom launch template]({{<ref "./aws/launch-templates" >}}), specifying a subnetSelector is still required. However, specifying a securityGroupSelector will cause a validation error.

Terraform fails to create instance profile when name is too long

In the Getting Started with Terraform instructions to [Configure the KarpenterNode IAM Role]({{<ref "./getting-started/getting-started-with-terraform/#configure-the-karpenternode-iam-role" >}}), the name assigned to the aws_iam_instance_profile cannot exceed 38 characters. If it does, it will fail with a message similar to:

Error: expected length of name_prefix to be in the range (1 - 38), got with module.eks.aws_iam_role.cluster[0],
on .terraform/modules/eks/ line 131, in resource "aws_iam_role" "cluster":
131: name_prefix = var.cluster_iam_role_name != "" ? null : var.cluster_name

Note that it can be easy to run over the 38-character limit considering that the example includes KarpenterNodeInstanceProfile- (29 characters) and -karpenter-demo (15 characters). That leaves only four characters for your user name. You can reduce the number of characters consumed by changing KarpenterNodeInstanceProfile- to something like KarpenterNode-.

Karpenter Role names exceeding 64-character limit

If you use a tool such as AWS CDK to generate your Kubernetes cluster name, when you add Karpenter to your cluster you could end up with a cluster name that is too long to incorporate into your KarpenterNodeRole name (which is limited to 64 characters).

Node role names for Karpenter are created in the form KarpenterNodeRole-${Cluster_Name} in the [Create the KarpenterNode IAM Role]({{<ref "./getting-started/getting-started-with-eksctl/#create-the-karpenternode-iam-role" >}}) section of the getting started guide. If a long cluster name causes the Karpenter node role name to exceed 64 characters, creating that object will fail.

Keep in mind that KarpenterNodeRole- is just a recommendation from the getting started guide. Instead using of the eksctl role, you can shorten the name to anything you like, as long as it has the right permissions.

Node terminates before ready on failed encrypted EBS volume

If you are using a custom launch template and an encrypted EBS volume, the IAM principal launching the node may not have sufficient permissions to use the KMS customer managed key (CMK) for the EC2 EBS root volume. This issue also applies to [Block Device Mappings]({{<ref "./aws/provisioning/#block-device-mappings" >}}) specified in the Provisioner. In either case, this results in the node terminating almost immediately upon creation.

Keep in mind that it is possible that EBS Encryption can be enabled without your knowledge. EBS encryption could have been enabled by an account administrator or by default on a per region basis. See Encryption by default for details.

To correct the problem if it occurs, you can use the approach that AWS EBS uses, which avoids adding particular roles to the KMS policy. Below is an example of a policy applied to the KMS key:

        "Sid": "Allow access through EBS for all principals in the account that are authorized to use EBS",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
            "AWS": ""
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "",
        "Condition": {
            "StringEquals": {
            "kms:ViaService": "ec2.${AWS_REGION}",
            "kms:CallerAccount": "${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}"
        "Sid": "Allow direct access to key metadata to the account",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
            "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:root"
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "*"

Pods using Security Groups for Pods stuck in "ContainerCreating" state for up to 30 minutes before transitioning to "Running"

When leveraging Security Groups for Pods, Karpenter will launch nodes as expected but pods will be stuck in "ContainerCreating" state for up to 30 minutes before transitioning to "Running". This is related to an interaction between Karpenter and the amazon-vpc-resource-controller when a pod requests resources. More info can be found in issue #1252.

To workaround this problem, add the "false" label in your Karpenter Provisioner spec and ensure instance-type requirements include instance-types which support ENI trunking.

kind: Provisioner
  name: default
  labels: "false"
    subnetSelector: karpenter-demo
    securityGroupSelector: karpenter-demo
  ttlSecondsAfterEmpty: 30