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This component configures nftables or iptables on a Greengrass device to be able to use aws.greengrass.TokenExchangeService with containers. The TES port is extracted from the AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI environment variable and used to create the nftables/iptables entries.

If nftables exists on the device it will be used, otherwise the component falls back to iptables.

If you are creating a component that uses container images as runtime, use this component as dependency and then add the following flags to the command used to run the container (example for docker):


For more information on how what this components does, you can check Enabling Task IAM Roles on your Container Instances.


This component has the following versions:

  • 1.0.x


This component is a generic component. The Greengrass nucleus runs the component's lifecycle scripts.

For more information, see component types


This component requires iptables command to be present on the device.


When you deploy a component, AWS IoT Greengrass also deploys compatible versions of its dependencies. This means that you must meet the requirements for the component and all of its dependencies to successfully deploy the component. This section lists the dependencies for the released versions of this component and the semantic version constraints that define the component versions for each dependency. You can also view the dependencies for each version of the component in the AWS IoT Greengrass console. On the component details page, look for the Dependencies list.


Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Token exchange service >=0.0.0 Hard


This component does not provide any configuration


The following table describes the changes in each version of the component.

Version Changes
1.0.0 Initial version