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Releases: awslabs/aws-sdk-rust

v0.0.21-alpha (October 18th, 2021)

18 Oct 20:31
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v0.0.21-alpha (October 15th, 2021)

New this week

  • Prepare crate manifests for publishing to (smithy-rs#755)
  • Add support for IAM Roles for tasks credential provider (smithy-rs#765, aws-sdk-rust#123)
  • All service crates now have generated README files (smithy-rs#766)
  • Update AWS service models (smithy-rs#772)
  • πŸŽ‰ Add support for Amazon Managed Grafana (smithy-rs#772)
  • πŸŽ‰ Make retry behavior configurable
    • With env vars AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS and AWS_RETRY_MODE
    • With ~/.aws/config settings max_attempts and retry_mode
    • By calling the with_retry_config method on a Config and passing in a RetryConfig
    • Only the Standard retry mode is currently implemented. Adaptive retry mode will be implemented at a later
    • For more info, see the AWS Reference pages on configuring these settings:

v0.0.20-alpha (October 7th, 2021)

12 Oct 14:14
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v0.0.20-alpha (October, 7, 2021)

Breaking changes

  • ⚠️ MSRV increased from 1.52.1 to 1.53.0 per our 3-behind MSRV policy.
  • SmithyConnector and DynConnector now return ConnectorError instead of Box<dyn Error>. If you have written a custom connector, it will need to be updated to return the new error type. (#744)
  • The DispatchError variant of SdkError now contains ConnectorError instead of Box<dyn Error> (#744).

New This Week

  • πŸŽ‰ Add presigned request support and examples for S3 GetObject and PutObject (smithy-rs#731, aws-sdk-rust#139)
  • πŸŽ‰ Add presigned request support and example for Polly SynthesizeSpeech (smithy-rs#735, aws-sdk-rust#139)
  • Add connect & HTTP read timeouts to IMDS, defaulting to 1 second
  • IO and timeout errors from Hyper can now be retried (#744)
  • πŸ› Fix error when receiving Cont event from S3 SelectObjectContent (smithy-rs#736)
  • πŸ› Fix bug in event stream receiver that could cause the last events in the response stream to be lost when using S3 SelectObjectContent (smithy-rs#736)
  • Updated EC2 code examples to include readme; refactored operations from main into separate functions.
  • Updated Transcribe code example to take an audio file as a command-line option and added readme.
  • Refactored API Gateway code example by moving operation out of main and into a separate function; added readme.
  • Updated Auto Scaling code example to move operation from main to separate function; added readme.
  • Updated AWS Config code examples to include a readme; added command-line options; added DeleteConfigurationRecorder, DeleteDeliveryChannel, ListConfigurationRecorders, ListDeliveryChannels, ListResources, ShowResourceHistory, and EnableConfig code examples.
  • πŸŽ‰ Add support for 6 new AWS services:
    • Wisdom
    • VoiceId
    • Account
    • KafkaConnect
    • OpenSearch
    • CloudControl

Thank you!! ❀️

v0.0.19-alpha (September 24th, 2021)

24 Sep 23:30
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New This Week


Thank you for your contributions! ❀️

September 14th, 2021: Bug fixes

14 Sep 22:10
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v0.0.18-alpha (September 14th, 2021)

New This Week

  • πŸŽ‰ Add support for OpenSearch service & bring in other model updates (smithy-rs#698)
  • Cleanup docs in aws-config (smithy-rs#693)
  • πŸ› Fixes issue where Content-Length header could be duplicated leading to signing failure (#220, smithy-rs#697)

v0.0.17-alpha (September 2nd, 2021)

02 Sep 21:58
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This release adds support for three commonly requested features:

  • More powerful credential chain
  • Support for constructing multiple clients from the same configuration
  • Support for Transcribe streaming and S3 Select

In addition, this overhauls client configuration which lead to a number of breaking changes. Detailed changes are inline.

Current Credential Provider Support:

  • Environment variables
  • Web Identity Token Credentials
  • Profile file support (partial)
    • Credentials
      • SSO
      • ECS Credential source
      • IMDS credential source
      • Assume role from source profile
      • Static credentials source profile
      • WebTokenIdentity provider
    • Region
  • IMDS
  • ECS

Upgrade Guide

If you use <sdk>::Client::from_env

from_env loaded region & credentials from environment variables only. Default sources have been removed from the generated
SDK clients and moved to the aws-config package. Note that the aws-config package default chain adds support for
profile file and web identity token profiles.

  1. Add a dependency on aws-config:
    aws-config = { git = "", tag = "v0.0.17-alpha" }
  2. Update your client creation code:
    // `shared_config` can be used to construct multiple different service clients!
    let shared_config = aws_config::load_from_env().await;
    // before: <service>::Client::from_env();
    let client = <service>::Client::new(&shared_config)

If you used <client>::Config::builder()

Config::build() has been modified to not fallback to a default provider. Instead, use aws-config to load and modify
the default chain. Note that when you switch to aws-config, support for profile files and web identity tokens will be added.

  1. Add a dependency on aws-config:

    aws-config = { git = "", tag = "v0.0.17-alpha" }
  2. Update your client creation code:

    fn before() {
      let region = aws_types::region::ChainProvider::first_try(<1 provider>).or_default_provider();
      let config = <service>::Config::builder().region(region).build();
      let client = <service>::Client::from_conf(&config);
    async fn after() {
      use aws_config::meta::region::RegionProviderChain;
      let region_provider = RegionProviderChain::first_try(<1 provider>).or_default_provider();
      // `shared_config` can be used to construct multiple different service clients!
      let shared_config = aws_config::from_env().region(region_provider).load().await;
      let client = <service>::Client::new(&shared_config)

If you used aws-auth-providers

All credential providers that were in aws-auth-providers have been moved to aws-config. Unless you have a specific use case
for a specific credential provider, you should use the default provider chain:

 let shared_config = aws_config::load_from_env().await;
 let client = <service>::Client::new(&shared_config);

If you maintain your own credential provider

AsyncProvideCredentials has been renamed to ProvideCredentials. The trait has been moved from aws-auth to aws-types.
The original ProvideCredentials trait has been removed. The return type has been changed to by a custom future.

For synchronous use cases:

use aws_types::credentials::{ProvideCredentials, future};

struct CustomCreds;
impl ProvideCredentials for CustomCreds {
  fn provide_credentials<'a>(&'a self) -> future::ProvideCredentials<'a>
            Self: 'a,
    // if your credentials are synchronous, use `::ready`
    // if your credentials are loaded asynchronously, use `::new`
    future::ProvideCredentials::ready(todo!()) // your credentials go here

For asynchronous use cases:

use aws_types::credentials::{ProvideCredentials, future, Result};

struct CustomAsyncCreds;
impl CustomAsyncCreds {
  async fn load_credentials(&self) -> Result {
    Ok(Credentials::from_keys("my creds...", "secret", None))

impl ProvideCredentials for CustomCreds {
  fn provide_credentials<'a>(&'a self) -> future::ProvideCredentials<'a>
            Self: 'a,


Breaking Changes

  • Credential providers from aws-auth-providers have been moved to aws-config (smithy-rs#678)

  • AsyncProvideCredentials has been renamed to ProvideCredentials. The original non-async provide credentials has been
    removed. See the migration guide above.

  • <sevicename>::from_env() has been removed (#675). A drop-in replacement is available:

    1. Add a dependency on aws-config:
      aws-config = { git = "", tag = "v0.0.17-alpha" }
    2. Update your client creation code:
      let client = <service>>::Client::new(&aws_config::load_from_env().await)
  • ProvideRegion has been moved to aws_config::meta::region::ProvideRegion. (smithy-rs#675)

  • aws_types::region::ChainProvider has been moved to aws_config::meta::region::RegionProviderChain (smithy-rs#675).

  • ProvideRegion is now asynchronous. Code that called provider.region() must be changed to provider.region().await.

  • <awsservice>::Config::builder() will not load a default region. To preserve previous behavior:

    1. Add a dependency on aws-config:
      aws-config = { git = "", tag = "v0.0.17-alpha" }
    2. let shared_config = aws_config::load_from_env().await;
      let config = <service>::config::Builder::from(&shared_config).<other builder modifications>.build();

New this week

August 19th, 2021

19 Aug 23:26
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August 19th, 2021 Pre-release

New This Week

  • πŸŽ‰ Add Chime Identity, Chime Messaging, and Snow Device Management support (smithy-rs#657)
  • πŸŽ‰ Add profile file credential provider implementation. This implementation currently does not support credential sources for assume role providers other than environment variables. (smithy-rs#640)
  • πŸŽ‰ Add support for WebIdentityToken providers via profile & environment variables. (smithy-rs#654)
  • πŸ› Fix name collision that occurred when a model had both a union and a structure named Result (smithy-rs#643)
  • πŸ› Fix STS Assume Role with WebIdentity & Assume role with SAML to support clients with no credentials provided (smithy-rs#652)
  • Update AWS SDK models (smithy-rs#657)
  • Add initial implementation of a default provider chain. (smithy-rs#650)

August 11th, 2021

11 Aug 22:30
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August 11th, 2021 Pre-release

This release primarily contains internal changes to runtime components & updates to AWS models.

Breaking changes

  • (smithy-rs#635) The config(), config_mut(), request(), and request_mut() methods on operation::Request have been renamed to properties(), properties_mut(), http(), and http_mut() respectively.

  • (smithy-rs#635) The Response type on Tower middleware has been changed from http::Response<SdkBody> to operation::Response. The HTTP response is still available from the operation::Response using its http() and http_mut() methods.

  • (smithy-rs#635) The ParseHttpResponse trait's parse_unloaded() method now takes an operation::Response rather than an http::Response<SdkBody>.

  • (smithy-rs#626) ParseHttpResponse no longer has a generic argument for the body type, but instead, always uses SdkBody. This may cause compilation failures for you if you are using Smithy generated types to parse JSON or XML without using a client to request data from a service. The fix should be as simple as removing <SdkBody> in the example below:


    let output = <Query as ParseHttpResponse<SdkBody>>::parse_loaded(&parser, &response).unwrap();


    let output = <Query as ParseHttpResponse>::parse_loaded(&parser, &response).unwrap();

New This Week

  • The closure passed to async_provide_credentials_fn can now borrow values (smithy-rs#637)
  • Bring in the latest AWS models (smithy-rs#630)

August 3rd 2021: Add IoT Data Plane and an Async Caching Credentials Provider

03 Aug 21:26
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IoT Data Plane is now available! If you discover it isn't functioning as expected, please let us know!

This week also sees the addition of a robust async caching credentials provider. Take a look at the STS example to see how to use it.

To upgrade to the new release, update tag to v0.0.14-alpha:

# eg. S3:
aws-sdk-s3 = { git = "", tag = "v0.0.14-alpha" }

New This Week

  • πŸŽ‰ Add IoT Data Plane (smithy-rs#624)
  • πŸŽ‰ Add LazyCachingCredentialsProvider to aws-auth for use with expiring credentials, such as STS AssumeRole. Update STS example to use this new provider (smithy-rs#578, smithy-rs#595)
  • πŸ› Correctly encode HTTP Checksums using base64 instead of hex. Fixes #164. (smithy-rs#615)
  • Overhaul serialization/deserialization of numeric/boolean types. This resolves issues around serialization of NaN/Infinity and should also reduce the number of allocations required during serialization. (smithy-rs#618)
  • Update SQS example to clarify usage of FIFO vs. standard queues (#162, @trevorrobertsjr)


Thank you for your contributions! ❀️

July 28th 2021: (Almost) All Services!

28 Jul 17:16
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πŸŽ‰ This week's release includes most of the remaining AWS services (269 in total!).

Breaking changes

  • test-util has been made an optional dependency and has moved from
    aws-hyper to smithy-http. If you were relying on aws_hyper::TestConnection, add smithy-client as a dependency
    and enable the optional test-util feature. This prunes some unnecessary dependencies on roxmltree and serde_json
    for most users. (smithy-rs#608)

New This Week

  • πŸŽ‰ Release all but four remaining AWS services! Glacier, IoT Data Plane, Timestream DB and Transcribe Streaming will be available in a future release. If you discover that a service isn't functioning as expected please let us know! (smithy-rs#607)
  • πŸ› Bugfix: Fix parsing bug where parsing XML incorrectly stripped whitespace (smithy-rs#590, #153)
  • We now run some tests on Windows (smithy-rs#594)
  • πŸ› Bugfix: Constrain RFC-3339 timestamp formatting to microsecond precision (smithy-rs#596, #152)

July 19th 2021: Add Autoscaling + Bug fixes

20 Jul 00:08
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This week we've added Autoscaling and fixed an S3 bug.

To update to the new release, change your tag to v0.0.12-alpha.

New this Week

  • πŸŽ‰ Add support for Autoscaling (#576, #582)
  • AsyncProvideCredentials now introduces an additional lifetime parameter, simplifying bridging it with #[async_trait] interfaces
  • Fix S3 bug when content type was set explicitly (aws-sdk-rust#131, #566, @eagletmt)

Thank you for your contributions! ❀️