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Additive Holt-Winters for anomaly detection (#71)
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tdhd authored and sscdotopen committed Oct 29, 2018
1 parent 7fc73fa commit e0be409
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* Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License
* is located at
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.


import breeze.linalg.DenseVector
import breeze.optimize.{ApproximateGradientFunction, DiffFunction, LBFGSB}
import{Anomaly, AnomalyDetectionStrategy}

import collection.mutable.ListBuffer

object HoltWinters {

object SeriesSeasonality extends Enumeration {
val Weekly, Yearly: Value = Value

object MetricInterval extends Enumeration {
val Daily, Monthly: Value = Value

private[seasonal] case class ModelResults(
forecasts: Seq[Double],
level: Seq[Double],
trend: Seq[Double],
seasonality: Seq[Double],
residuals: Seq[Double]

private[seasonal] case class HoltWintersParameters(
alpha: Double,
beta: Double,
gamma: Double


* Detects anomalies based on additive Holt-Winters model. The methods has two
* parameters, one for the metric frequency, as in how often the metric of interest
* is computed (e.g. daily) and one for the expected metric seasonality which
* defines the longest cycle in series. This quantity is also referred to as periodicity.
* For example, if a metric is produced daily and repeats itself every Monday, then the
* model should be created with a Daily metric interval and a Weekly seasonality parameter.
* @param metricsInterval: How often a metric is available
* @param seasonality: Cycle length (or periodicity) of the metric
class HoltWinters(
metricsInterval: HoltWinters.MetricInterval.Value,
seasonality: HoltWinters.SeriesSeasonality.Value)
extends AnomalyDetectionStrategy {

import HoltWinters._

private val seriesPeriodicity = seasonality -> metricsInterval match {
case (SeriesSeasonality.Weekly, MetricInterval.Daily) => 7
case (SeriesSeasonality.Yearly, MetricInterval.Monthly) => 12

* Triple exponential smoothing with additive trend and seasonality
* ETS(A, A) according to
* References:
* -
* -
* @param series: input time series
* @param periodicity: periodicity of series
* @param numberOfPointsToForecast: number of data points to forecast
* @return (forecasts, one step ahead residual SD)
private[seasonal] def additiveHoltWinters(
series: Seq[Double],
periodicity: Int,
numberOfPointsToForecast: Int,
alpha: Double,
beta: Double,
gamma: Double)
: ModelResults = {

val firstPeriodSum = series.take(periodicity).sum
val secondPeriodSum = series.slice(periodicity, 2 * periodicity).sum

// Mean of first period
val level = ListBuffer(firstPeriodSum / periodicity.toDouble)

// Mean of second period - mean of first period
val trend = ListBuffer(
(secondPeriodSum - firstPeriodSum) / (periodicity.toDouble * periodicity.toDouble)

// First `periodicity` data points - estimated level
val seriesMinusEstimatedLevel = series.take(periodicity).map(_ - level.head)
val seasonality = ListBuffer(seriesMinusEstimatedLevel: _*)
// Running signal estimate
val y = ListBuffer(level.head + trend.head + seasonality.head)
// Input `series`, `numberOfPointsToForecast` forecasts will be appended here
val Y = ListBuffer(series: _*)

for (t <- 0 until series.size + numberOfPointsToForecast) {
if (t >= series.size) {
Y.append(level.last + trend.last + seasonality(seasonality.size - periodicity))

level.append(alpha * (Y(t) - seasonality(t)) + (1 - alpha) * (level(t) + trend(t)))
trend.append(beta * (level(t + 1) - level(t)) + (1 - beta) * trend(t))
seasonality.append(gamma * (Y(t) - level(t) - trend(t)) + (1 - gamma) * seasonality(t))

y.append(level(t + 1) + trend(t + 1) + seasonality(t + 1))

// Forecast residuals
val residuals =
.map { case (modelForecast, seriesValue) =>
seriesValue - modelForecast
val forecasted = Y.drop(series.size)

ModelResults(forecasted, level, trend, seasonality, residuals)

private def modelSelectionFor(
dataSeries: Seq[Double],
numberOfObservationsToForecast: Int)
: HoltWintersParameters = {

// Solver with parameter bounds
val solver = new LBFGSB(
lowerBounds = DenseVector[Double](0, 0, 0),
upperBounds = DenseVector[Double](1, 1, 1)

// Initial smoothing parameters for level, trend, and seasonality respectively
val initialParameters = DenseVector[Double](0.3, 0.1, 0.1)

val objective = new DiffFunction[DenseVector[Double]] {
override def calculate(x: DenseVector[Double]): (Double, DenseVector[Double]) = {
val modelResults = additiveHoltWinters(
dataSeries, seriesPeriodicity, numberOfObservationsToForecast,
alpha = x(0), beta = x(1), gamma = x(2)
val rss =, 2)).sum
val gradient = DenseVector.zeros[Double](x.length)

rss -> gradient

val objectiveWithApproximateGradients =
new ApproximateGradientFunction[Int, DenseVector[Double]](objective)

val optimalParameters = solver.minimize(objectiveWithApproximateGradients, initialParameters)
alpha = optimalParameters(0),
beta = optimalParameters(1),
gamma = optimalParameters(2)

private def findAnomalies(
testSeries: Vector[Double],
forecasts: Seq[Double],
startIndex: Int,
residualSD: Double)
: Seq[(Int, Anomaly)] = {
.collect { case ((inputValue, forecastedValue), detectionIndex)
if math.abs(inputValue - forecastedValue) > 1.96 * residualSD =>

detectionIndex + startIndex -> Anomaly(
value = Some(inputValue),
confidence = 1.0,
detail = Some(s"Forecasted $forecastedValue for observed value $inputValue")

* Search for anomalies in a series of data points.
* @param dataSeries The data contained in a Vector of Doubles
* @param searchInterval The indices between which anomalies should be detected. [a, b).
* @return The indices of all anomalies in the interval and their corresponding wrapper object.
override def detect(
dataSeries: Vector[Double],
searchInterval: (Int, Int) = (0, Int.MaxValue))
: Seq[(Int, Anomaly)] = {

require(dataSeries.nonEmpty, "Provided data series is empty")

val (start, end) = searchInterval

require(start < end,
"Start must be before end")
require(start >= 0 && end >= 0,
"The search interval needs to be strictly positive")
require(start >= seriesPeriodicity * 2,
"Need at least two full cycles of data to estimate model")

val numberOfObservationsToForecast =
if (start >= dataSeries.size) {
} else {
math.min(end, dataSeries.size) - start

val trainingSeries = dataSeries.slice(0, start)
val optimalParameters = modelSelectionFor(trainingSeries, numberOfObservationsToForecast)
println("Found optimal parameters for level, trend and seasonality to be " +
s"${optimalParameters.alpha}, ${optimalParameters.beta} and ${optimalParameters.gamma} " +

// Forecast with estimated parameters
val modelResults = additiveHoltWinters(

val residualsStandardDeviation =

require(modelResults.forecasts.size == numberOfObservationsToForecast)

val testSeries = dataSeries.drop(start)
findAnomalies(testSeries, modelResults.forecasts, start, residualsStandardDeviation)

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