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Execution Guide

Run Flask directly on local

$ make run

This command runs Flask directly without using nginx - gunicorn - wsgi - flask call layers,
so it is useful when testing the operation of the inference code itself.

It uses port 5001 by default, and can be tested as follows:

Test /ping

$ curl -XGET localhost:5001/ping


Test /invocation

$ curl -XPOST localhost:5001/invocations -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d'{"message": "Hello World"}'


Build Dockerize container on local environment

$ make build 

Build and run container on local Docker environment

$ make docker-run 

This follows the nginx - gunicorn - wsgi - flask call structure.
It has the same structure as calling a SageMaker endpoint, so it can be used to test before deploying to ECR.

Build and push to ECR after building on local environment

$ make build_and_push image=<IMAGE_NAME_TO_PUSH>

This builds the container image on the local Docker environment and pushes it to ECR.
To upload to ECR, the AWS authentication profile must be set up.
If you want to use a separate profile instead of the default, run it as follows to specify the profile.

$ AWS_PROFILE=<PROFILE_NAME_TO_USE> make build_and_push image=<IMAGE_NAME_TO_PUSH>

Test by invoking deployed endpoint

import boto3

payload = "HelloWorld"
endpoint_name = "sample-embedding-model"

sm_runtime = boto3.client("runtime.sagemaker")
response = sm_runtime.invoke_endpoint(
response_str = response["Body"].read().decode()


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This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.