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Create initial version of "Antiphoton" the light theme variant of Photon
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axvr committed Dec 20, 2020
1 parent ca3f442 commit fb241dd
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Showing 5 changed files with 501 additions and 8 deletions.
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
colors/photon.vim: photon.erb
erb -T - photon.erb > colors/photon.vim
all: colors/photon.vim colors/antiphoton.vim

install: colors/photon.vim
colors/%.vim: %.erb
erb -T - $< > $@

install: colors/photon.vim colors/antiphoton.vim
mkdir -p "${HOME}/.vim/colors/"
cp colors/photon.vim "${HOME}/.vim/colors/photon.vim"
cp colors/antiphoton.vim "${HOME}/.vim/colors/antiphoton.vim"

rm -f "${HOME}/.vim/colors/photon.vim"
rm -f "${HOME}/.vim/colors/antiphoton.vim"

.PHONY: install uninstall
.PHONY: all install uninstall
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Photon.vim

An elegant dark Vim colour scheme with minimal syntax highlighting that cares
about the little details.
An elegant pair of Vim colour schemes with minimal syntax highlighting that
care about the little details.

![Image of Photon](

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,11 +44,15 @@ by [Raph Levien](

## Usage

Install this colour scheme using your preferred method, then place the
following line in your Vim configuration.
Install this colour scheme using your preferred method, then place one of the
following lines in your Vim configuration.

" Dark theme
colorscheme photon
" Light theme
colorscheme antiphoton

No other configuration should be required.
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions TODO
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
* Vim check_colors.vim compliance
:e colors/photon.vim | so $VIMRUNTIME/colors/tools/check_colors.vim

* Light variant (Antiphoton)
- Add screenshots
- Update README content
- Fix 16-colour support

* GNU Emacs port
- Set background colour under some elements similarly to Firebelly.
- Use new diff and spell check colours.
Expand Down
293 changes: 293 additions & 0 deletions antiphoton.erb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
# Author: Romain Lafourcade (
# Canonical URL:

# Information:
# Make sure the name of your colorscheme is unique and attractive.
# The description should fit in a single line with no linefeed.
# 'background' can be "light" or "dark".

information = {
author: "Alex Vear",
email: "",
name: "antiphoton",
description: "An elegant, light colour scheme with minimal syntax highlighting",
background: "light",
webpage: "",
licence: "MIT (2019)"

# Color palette:
# black = [ give each color a distinctive name
# "#000000", hexadecimal color used in GVim/MacVim or "NONE"
# 0, integer between 0 and 255 used by terminals supporting 256 colors
# or "NONE"
# "black" color name used by less capable color terminals, can be "darkred",
# "red", "darkgreen", "green", "darkyellow", "yellow", "darkblue",
# "blue", "darkmagenta", "magenta", "black", "darkgrey", "grey",
# "white", or "NONE"
# ]
# If your colors are defined correctly, the resulting colorscheme is guaranteed
# to work in GVim (Windows/Linux), MacVim (MacOS), and any properly set up terminal emulator.

# Background
bg = ["#ffffff", 231, "white"]

# Lighter background shades
bgl_1 = ["#eeeeee", 255, "white"]
bgl_2 = ["#e4e4e4", 254, "white"]
bgl_3 = ["#dadada", 253, "white"]
bgl_4 = ["#949494", 246, "darkgray"]

# Foreground
fg = ["#121212", 233, "black"]

# Accents
purple = ["#af5fd7", 134, "darkmagenta"]
orange = ["#d75f5f", 203, "red"]
grey = ["#6c6c6c", 242, "darkgray"]
green = ["#008700", 28, "darkgreen"]
red = ["#af0000", 124, "darkred"]
yellow = ["#d75f00", 166, "darkyellow"]

# Highlights:
# You can define highlight groups like this:
# [ "Normal", name of the highlight group
# white, the color used for background color, or use "NONE", "fg" or "bg"
# darkgray, the color used for foreground color, or use "NONE", "fg" or "bg"
# "NONE" style, can be "bold", "underline", "reverse", "italic",
# "standout", "NONE" or "undercurl"
# ]
# The sample above tells Vim to render normal text in dark gray against a white
# background, without any other styling.
# Or you can link an highlight group to another. Here, "Title" will inherit its style from
# "Normal":
# [ "Title", "Normal" ]
# In GUI Vim, there is an additional color for the undercurl used to
# highlight spelling mistakes:
# [ "SpellBad", name of the highlight group
# "NONE", the color used for background color, or use "NONE", "fg" or "bg"
# red, the color used for foreground color, or use "NONE", "fg" or "bg"
# "undercurl", style
# red color used for the undercurl
# ]
# The sample above tells Vim to render badly spelled words in red against the current
# background, with a red undercurl.

highlights = [
[ "Normal", bg, fg, "NONE" ],
[ "NonText", "bg", bgl_3, "NONE" ],
[ "Comment", "bg", bgl_4, "NONE" ],
[ "Conceal", "bg", grey, "NONE" ],

[ "Constant", "bg", purple, "NONE" ],
[ "Character", "Constant" ],
[ "Number", "Constant" ],
[ "Float", "Number" ],
[ "Boolean", "Constant" ],
[ "String", "Constant" ],

[ "Identifier", "bg", fg, "NONE" ],
[ "Function", "Identifier" ],

[ "Statement", "bg", grey, "NONE" ],
[ "Conditonal", "Statement" ],
[ "Repeat", "Statement" ],
[ "Label", "Statement" ],
[ "Keyword", "Statement" ],
[ "Exception", "Statement" ],

[ "Operator", "bg", fg, "NONE" ],

[ "PreProc", "bg", grey, "NONE" ],
[ "Include", "PreProc" ],
[ "Define", "PreProc" ],
[ "Macro", "PreProc" ],
[ "PreCondit", "PreProc" ],

[ "Type", "bg", fg, "NONE" ],
[ "StorageClass", "Type" ],
[ "Structure", "Type" ],
[ "Typedef", "Type" ],

[ "Special", "NONE", grey, "NONE" ],
[ "SpecialChar", "Special" ],
[ "Tag", "Special" ],
[ "Delimiter", "Special" ],
[ "SpecialComment", "Special" ],
[ "Debug", "Special" ],

[ "Error", "NONE", red, "NONE" ],
[ "ErrorMsg", "Error" ],
[ "Warning", "NONE", yellow, "NONE" ],
[ "WarningMsg", "Warning" ],

[ "ModeMsg", "NONE", grey, "NONE" ],
[ "MoreMsg", "ModeMsg" ],
[ "Question", "ModeMsg" ],

[ "Ignore", "NonText" ],
[ "Todo", "NONE", orange, "bold" ],
[ "Underlined", "NONE", fg, "underline" ],

[ "StatusLine", bgl_2, purple, "bold" ],
[ "StatusLineNC", bgl_1, grey, "NONE" ],
[ "StatusLineTerm", "StatusLine" ],
[ "StatusLineTermNC", "StatusLineNC" ],
[ "TabLine", bgl_3, grey, "NONE"],
[ "TabLineFill", "TabLine" ],
[ "TabLineSel", bgl_1, purple, "bold" ],
[ "WildMenu", orange, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "VertSplit", bgl_1, bgl_1, "NONE" ],

[ "Title", "NONE", fg, "bold" ],

[ "LineNr", "NONE", bgl_4, "NONE" ],
[ "CursorLineNr", bgl_1, purple, "NONE" ],
[ "Cursor", purple, fg, "NONE" ],
[ "CursorLine", bgl_1, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "CursorColumn", "CursorLine" ],
[ "ColorColumn", "CursorColumn" ],
[ "SignColumn", "NONE", grey, "NONE" ],

[ "Visual", bgl_2, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "VisualNOS", bgl_3, "NONE", "NONE" ],

[ "Pmenu", bgl_1, grey, "NONE" ],
[ "PmenuSbar", bgl_2, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "PmenuSel", bgl_2, purple, "bold" ],
[ "PmenuThumb", orange, "NONE", "NONE" ],

[ "Folded", bgl_3, grey, "NONE" ],
[ "FoldColumn", "NONE", yellow, "NONE" ],

[ "SpecialKey", "NONE", grey, "NONE" ],
[ "IncSearch", orange, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Search", purple, bg, "NONE" ],
[ "Directory", "NONE", purple, "NONE" ],
[ "MatchParen", "NONE", orange, "bold" ],

[ "SpellBad", "NONE", red, "underline" ],
[ "SpellCap", "NONE", green, "underline" ],
[ "SpellLocal", "NONE", yellow, "underline" ],
[ "SpellRare", "SpellLocal" ],

[ "QuickFixLine", bgl_3, "NONE", "NONE" ],

[ "DiffAdd", bgl_1, green, "NONE" ],
[ "DiffChange", bgl_1, "NONE", "NONE" ],
[ "DiffDelete", bgl_1, red, "NONE" ],
[ "DiffText", bgl_1, yellow, "NONE" ],
[ "diffAdded", "DiffAdd" ],
[ "diffRemoved", "DiffDelete" ],

[ "helpHyperTextJump", "bg", purple, "NONE" ],
[ "htmlTag", "htmlTagName" ],
[ "htmlEndTag", "htmlTag" ],
[ "gitcommitSummary", "Title" ]

# Define the color palette used by :terminal when in GUI Vim
# or in TUI Vim when 'termguicolors' is enabled. If this list
# is empty or if it doesn't contain exactly 16 items, the corresponding
# Vim variable won't be set.
# This is modified version of the the "Tango" terminal colour scheme.
# It is just temporary until I create one based on Photon.
terminal_ansi_colors = [
# Dark
bg, # black
["#ac2c2c"], # red
["#4e9a06"], # green
["#c4a000"], # yellow
["#3465a4"], # blue
["#75507b"], # magenta
["#389aad"], # cyan
["#d3d7cf"], # white

# Bright
["#555753"], # black
["#ef2929"], # red
["#8ae234"], # green
["#fce94f"], # yellow
["#729fcf"], # blue
["#ad7fa8"], # magenta
["#34e2e2"], # cyan
fg # white

# Many thanks to Barry Arthur ( for the original idea.
" Name: <%= information[:name] %>.vim
" Author: <%= information[:author] %> <<%= information[:email] %>>
" Webpage: <%= information[:webpage] %>
" Description: <%= information[:description] %>
" Licence: <%= information[:licence] %>
" Last Change: <%= "%Y-%m-%d" %>
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "<%= information[:name].downcase %>"
if ($TERM =~ '256' || &t_Co >= 256) || has("gui_running")
<% for highlight in highlights -%>
<% if highlight.length == 4 -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %>
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%>
<%= '' %>
set background=<%= information[:background] %>
<%= '' %>
<% end -%>
<% elsif highlight.length > 4 -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %> guisp=<%= highlight[4].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[4] : highlight[4][0] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
elseif &t_Co == 8 || $TERM !~# '^linux' || &t_Co == 16
set t_Co=16
<%= '' %>
<% for highlight in highlights -%>
<% if highlight.length > 2 -%>
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][2] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][2] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %>
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%>
<%= '' %>
set background=<%= information[:background] %>
<%= '' %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% links = do |highlight| -%>
<% highlight.length == 2 -%>
<% end -%>
<% if links.length > 0 -%>
<%= '' %>
<% for link in links -%>
hi! link <%= link[0] %> <%= link[1] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% if terminal_ansi_colors.length == 16 -%>
<%= '' %>
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
<% for color in terminal_ansi_colors -%>
\ '<%= color[0] %>',
<% end -%>
\ ]
<% end -%>
" Generated with RNB (

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