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Analysis of blood-based omics data to identify biomarkers related to early and dual asthmatic response.

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asthma ER vs DR

midterm poster, midterm presentation, abstract, follow up paper DOI: 10.1183/23120541.00107-2019

Purpose: human asthma patients experience an asthma attack or constriction in their airways upon contact with allergens. a subgroup of these patients will recover after their initial attack. however, some will suffer from inflammation some hours later.

  • hence this project aims to find biomarkers that differentiates between patents who
    • will (dual response DR) and
    • will not suffer from this second wave of inflammation (early response ER)
  • from blood sampled
    • before allergen contact and
    • a few hours after the initial asthma attack (theoretically some time before a possible second wave of inflammation).

Note some terms:

  • class: phenotype
  • flippers: people who have been tested to be ER and DR at some point and therefore have uncertain phenotypes
  • features: columns of feature matrices in folder feat
  • feature types: what machines each sample was run through e.g. dna = microarray genotype, rnaseq = RNAseq
  • scripts / src / code: a .R/.Rmd file in this project
  • paper / amrits' paper: see src/paper

Folder structure: src, data (download: DOI)

├─── src (source code)
├──+ data (raw data)
|  ├─+ dna
|  | ├── plink (plink software for imputation)
|  | ├── hapmap (hapmap ref for imputation)
|  | └── reference_SNP
|  ├─+ metab
|  ├─+ other
|  ├─+ rnaelements
|  ├─+ rnapancancer
|  └─+ rnaseq
|    └── fastq (folder containing .fastq files)
├──+ result
|  ├── meta
|  ├── feat
|  ├─+ stat
|  | ├── pca
|  | ├── gwas
|  | └── eqtl
|  └─+ supervised
|    └── blocksplsda

Using the scripts:

  • all code files are labelled with a number indicating the order in which it should be ran
  • set variable root on all scripts to this directory

Prepare data: import, normalize, format

Scripts starting with 00 imports raw data and normalize/reshape them into feature matrices (feat); each feature has two meta matrices that describe its row (file / sample / subject) and columns (col / feature)

input: data

output: result/meta/file, result/meta/col-<feature type>, result/feat/<feature type>.<time>


This section documents definitions in the meta/file.

result/meta/file (subject x subject meta data); columns include:

  • id = row names of feature matrices: indicates subject name and is unique; all duplicate samples are removed, those removed are samples with the least amount of feature types made on it and its response does not conform with a majority of the samples made on that patient

  • response: a sample is ER if its associated minimum FEV (forced expiratory volume) over times 180-420 min after asthmatic allergen challenge is over -15, results/enrichrwise its a DR i.e. min(c("F180L","F240L","F300L","F360L","F420L")) > -15 is ER, <= -15 is DR. if there is no FEV information, response_mac is used (phenotyping done on clinical side)

  • flipper_calc: TRUE if a subject (a unique 'id') has multiple samples taken and those samples have inconsistent 'response'; based on calculation above

  • cohort: Discovery = used to derive panel; Validation = used to test panel on

  • centre, date: centre (site) and date sample was collected at

  • race, sex, weight, height, age, bmi, ...: other useful things

  • various columns: indicate what feature types are available for each subject

  • filename_dna: microarray well id

  • filename_rnaseq.<time>: .bam filename

  • result/meta/file.raw (sample x subject + sample meta data); same as above except columns:

    • time: sample collected Pre (before) or Post (after) allergen challenge
    • id: indicates subject id; each subject has one or two unique samples (column time = Pre & Post)

meta/file indices used to run analysis on a subset of subjects:

  • goodppl: 36 subjects with certain phenotypes used in the discovery cohort of amrits' paper
  • flipperdr: the ER's from goodppl + the flippers from the discovery cohort of amrits' paper; comparable with goodppl
  • all: everyone!


This section documents definitions in the meta/col(s).

result/meta/col-<feature> (feature x feature meta data); feature meta data

  • id = column names of feature matrices
  • for rna features, important columns include: gene symbol, start and end positions, chromosome
  • for dna features, important columns include: dbSNP (snp rs numbers), pos_phys position, chromosome

meta/col indices used to run analysis on a subset of features: these are further split into feature types; for now, only applies to dna

  • asthma: asthma related snps or snps close to an asthma related gene derived from (most) databases
  • asthma-st: asthma related snps discussed with casey and scott
  • asthma-rod: asthma related snps as found by rod
  • asthma-gwrns: asthma related snps derived from gwrns database
  • asthma-ebiclinvaromim: asthma related snps derived from ebi database
  • all: all features!


This section documents the features generated for each data set.

  • result/feat/<feature>.<pre/post/diff> (subject x feature): feature matrices with row/colnames coinciding with the 'id' column of meta/file and meta/col; split into whether samples were collected pre/post allergen test; diff is the difference between the two times;
    • features are split into .<pre/post> indicating whether the sample was taken before or after the asthma allergen challenge based on availability

below lists the feature types

  • dna/<01/12> (86 subjects x 287624 SNPs): microarray genetics; 01 = dominant / 12 = recessive model; SNPs that has the same genotype across all subjects, or has less than 3 subjectsof an alternate genotype is deleted
  • rnaseq<genes/isoforms><annotated using ucsc/ens(embl); mapped using star to reference genome / trinity> (36 subjects x 9858/18104 (STAR mapping, ensembl annotation), 15209/31688 (STAR mapping, ucsc annotation), /147816 (trinity assembly) genes/isoforms): RNAseq transcriptomics done for the discovery cohort
  • rnaseq<genes/isoforms> (36 subjects x 9454/13359/76277 filtered genes/isoforms/isopct): same as rnaseq<genes/isoforms>ensstar, but filtered on TTM normalized data rather than total sum normalization
  • rnaelements<genes> (74 subjects x 75 genes): nanostring elements panel, genes derived from analysis of rnaseq data; (done for the discovery cohort (to further filter derived genes) and the validation)
  • rnapc<genes> (35 subjects x 600 genes): nanostring pancancer panel, genes related to immune system
  • metabolites (35 subjects x 163 metabolites)
  • cell (71 subjects x 8 cell types): white blood cell counts
  • cellseqgenes (32 subjects x 82 cell types): cell counts derived from rnaseq data, see paper for more details (related genes are removed if rnaseq and cellseqgenes are analyzed together)

Previous pilot analysis

The following folder contains results from a previous pilot project on the same research topic.

output: result/<script name>.html, result/data

scripts starting with 01 are mostly analyses done by amrit for each data type and on the meta/file from his paper; see html files for more details

Calculate statistics and plot

input: result/meta, result/feat

output: result/stat, result/supervised


Dimensionality reduction on the features are done using PCA.

result/stat/pca/<feature type>-<meta/file index>X<meta/col index>_pca-iso: PCA plots for some demographic features for each subject to see if any confounding factors should be removed, overall subjects are pretty homogenous

Association studies

result/stat/gwas/<feature type>-<meta/file index>X<meta/col index>_class-response_DR<# of DRs>vER<# of ER>_test-<chi2/lmbayes type of test used>_<cauc/none -- caucasians only or all races>: each feature is compared to our class to see if there are any associations (chi2 test done for categorical features, linear monel done for continuous features)

  • ..._id.csv: subjects used
  • ..._de.png: differential expression
  • .../logfc.vavg: log fold change versus average count
  • .../qq: qq plot for unadjusted p values
  • .../manhattan: manhattan plots
  • .../reg: plots features vs class for the features with the lowest p values
  • .../dose-gene: enrichment analysis on known diseases related to the genes / snps

the main .csv files' columns include:

  • <stat test>_p_<p value adjustment method>: p values calculated using what test and adjusted using what method
  • log10de: log10(differential expression) for continuous features
  • ...other meta data

Quantitative trait loci

Note: only most significant p values are shown

result/stat/eqtl/<feature type 1>-<feature type 2>-<meta/file index>X<meta/col index>_class-response<could also be sex etc, indicates additional interactions>_DR<# of DRs>vER<# of ER>_<model used>_cisdist-<within how many bases is counted as 'local'> (optional: significant features in common between different times _<pre/post/diff><# of significant features of the time>v<pre/post/diff><# of significant features of the time>): just look at the modelLINEAR_CROSS

  • ..._id.csv: subjects used
  • .../qq: qq plot for unadjusted p values

The main .csv files' columns include:

  • <stat test>_p_<p value adjustment method>: p values calculated using what test and adjusted using what method
  • <feature type 1>: id for feature type 1
  • <feature type 2>: id for feature type 2
  • pvalue: unadjusted p value
  • FDR: fdr adjusted p value
  • cis_trans: whether two features are local (cis) or not (trans); features without genome positions will all be (cis)
  • gwas.p_<feature type 1>: association study unadjusted p value for feature type 1
  • gwas.p_<feature type 2>: association study unadjusted p value for feature type 2
  • ...other meta data; will append <feature type 1> to indicate which feature type meta data is for
  • note: if p value is missing, it wasn't significant > 0.01

Blocksplsda (diablo): sparse partial least squares differential analysis using regression

result/supervised/blocksplsda/<feature type 1...n>-<meta/file index>X<meta/col index>_class-response>_DR<# of DRs>vER<# of ER>_<model used>_pthres-<p value threshold for dna, only significant snps are included>_<tune - is number of factors tuned?>_constrains-<from 0 - 1 how constrained should each feature type be with each other>_<bind/none; binded means that every feature of the same type (e.g. rnaseq, rna pancancer) are merged into the same block> :

  • ..._id.csv: subjects used

  • ....Rdata: result, includes the following (see mixOmics for more details in section block.plsda())

    • .../loading_<feat type>.csv: features used towards model
    • .../comp_<feat type>.csv: component / variate values for each subject
    • .../ev_<feat type>.csv: Percentage of explained variance for each component and each block
    • .../weights.csv: correlation between the components of each feature type and outcome; used to weigh outcome
  • .../predictscore-<test type: loo=leave one out, Mfold = 10 fold cross validation>: performance of a feature set in the model

  • .../tune: number of factors used vs error rate (tries all number of factors to tune out best number of factors to use); only exists if model was tuned

Other plots: blue = ERs, orange = DRs (see sections in mixOmics for details)

  • .../arrows plotArrow(): each sample is plotted as an arrow, start/end of arrow is its position in factors of feature type 1/2 (if there's more than 2 feature Types: start/end of arrow is its position as calculated by the median of factors of all feature types / factors of each block); short arrows mean strong agreement between feature types :)
  • .../circos circosPlot(): indicates whether or not features between feature types are correlated
  • .../heatmap cim(): rows = class, columns = feature type; features can be found in the loading csv
  • .../loadings plotLoadings): indicates contribution / coefficient of each feature towards model
  • .../network network(): similarity between features is obtained by calculating the sum of the correlations between the original features and each of the latent components of the model
  • .../plots plotDiablo(): plots correlation between components of different feature types
  • .../var plotVar(): plots the correlations between each feature and components with concentric circles of radius one et radius given by


# Cell Specific eQTL Analysis without Sorting Cells
# y ~ g*c # y=rnaseq, g=dna, c=cells
# NOTE: Yi = β0 + Xiβ1 + Ziβ2 + Wiβ3 + XiZiβ4 + XiWiβ5 + ZiWiβ6 + XiZiWiβ7 + ei
# Y ~ X + Z + W + X:Z + X:W + Z:W + X:Z:W
# Y ~ X * Z * W
# Y ~ (X + Z + W)^3

a few extra notes about the data

feature types


input raw fastq > output sample x base/isoform/gene matrix of counts/abundence

  1. install packages used in order: fastqc > star > rsem
  • one of the easiest ways to do this is via python and then conda after which you can create an environment to install your packages in. click on the links to see how to do this in your respective operating system. linux example below.
#install miniconda

#create an environment to install the packages in
conda env create --name myenv_py3 --file environment.yaml

#install the packages via conda; searchable via
conda install -c bioconda fastqc
conda install -c bioconda star
conda install -c bioconda rsem

#conda install -c r r #r packages for putting together the final matrix; optional
#conda install -c r r-dplyr 

#load the environment
source activate myenv_py3
  1. given a folder of raw fastq files, run fastQC (if fastQC not done already), STAR (map transcripts to the organism's genome e.g. GRC), and RSEM (get abundence). to do so, first write the raw fastq file paths into config.yaml (we write all the file names to keep a record, you can also specify a folder) and then run Snakefile (adapted from the (Sakemake pipeline)[]). note: if there is more than one run of a sample (i.e. more than one fastq file per sample), put them together! linux example below.
#write raw fastq file paths into config.yaml
#run snakemake; its configurations and parameters are in config.yaml
snakemake -np --cores 6 #dry run
snakemake -p --cores 6 #actual run; change the number of cores as needed

  1. given the .<genes/isoforms>.results rsem output files for each fastq file, (nice link) consolidate them into a count matrix. linux example below.
chmod u+x

dna (affymetrix axiom)

imputation (incomplete)

we use ricopili to infer continuous probabilistic values for missing SNPs using reference HapMap data; original tutorial here. there are results/enrichr options such as splink2, whichever one is suitable.

ensure that you have already installed software and reference data listed here. In linux:

# Liftover

tar -xvzf Linux-metal.tar.gz

tar -xvzf shapeit.v2.r904.glibcv2.17.linux.tar.gz

tar -xvzf impute_v2.3.2_x86_64_static.tgz

# PLINK (v2.0)

tar -xvzf v7.2.1.tar.gz
cd EIG-7.2.1
cd src/
# may need to edit the Makefile to specify where the correct site for LAPACK and BLAS are ***
# e.g. "LAPACK = -llapack" to "LAPACK = -L/com/extra/lapack/3.5.0/lib -llapack -lblas"
# where -L specifies the path to the LAPACK library.
# LAPACK can be downloaded and installed via:
apt install liblapack-dev liblapack3 libopenblas-base libopenblas-dev
# Once LAPACK has been installed, run the following commands:
make clobber
make install

tar -xvzf Eagle_v2.4.tar.gz

OR with miniconda

conda install -c bioconda ucsc-liftover 

# no conda for metal
tar -xvzf Linux-metal.tar.gz

conda install -c bioconda shapeit
conda install -c bioconda impute2
conda install -c bioconda plink2
conda install -c bioconda eigensoft
conda install -c bioconda eagle 
conda install -c soil eagle-phase 
  • install recopili into the (replace with latest file from the downloads page).
#download and install ricopili
tar -xvzf rp_bin.2018_Jun_6.001.tar.gz

tar -xvzf rp_bin.<version>.tar.gz
#tar -xvzf rp_bin.2018_May_28.001.tar.gz
  • download hapmap reference data (linked 20180531) for whichever race / all races you prefer and unzip into the hapmap folder.

rnaelements, rnapancancer, metab, cell, cellseqgenes

adapted from amrits' paper; rna counts in log10 scale, cells are presented as original counts


Analysis of blood-based omics data to identify biomarkers related to early and dual asthmatic response.






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