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Utilities for consistent MySQL Backups & Archives (including Slave-Backups) with mydumper. With rotation and listing.

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Utilities for consistent MySQL Backups & Archives (including Slave-Backups) with mydumper.


  • Backups of local or remote MySQL hosts from a dedicated server
  • Consistent Slave-Backups (saves binlog & binlog-position)
  • Rotation of backups
  • Keeps one backup per month as monthly snapshot
  • Archiving function (e.g. for use with BackupPCs "Archive" function to store your MySQL Backups alongside the normal backups on a dedicated disk)



  • mydumper / myloader
  • mysql-client
  • mysqldump

For infos on the installation of mydumper, please check this article.


  • Download / Clone the files.
  • Copy binaries (under usr/local/bin) to a directory you desire
  • Copy config-files (under etc/mysql-backup) to /etc/mysql-backup

How to use


Edit the main global configuration in /etc/mysql-backup/mysql-backup-global.conf and set your paths and default values.

  • $servers: Static list of servers to be backed up. Won't work with any other script than mysql-backup-daily since the others are too specific.
  • $storagepath: where to store your backups. Directory structure will be $storagepath/files/$year/$month/$day/$server
  • $configpath: Path to the per-host configs
  • $params: special parameters for mysqldump
  • rotation_period_default: Default rotation period of backups (i.e. how long backups will be kept) if no specific period is set in host config
  • default_archive_path: If no archive_path is set in per-host config, this one will be used when it comes to archiving.

Clone the per-host configuration files from dummy.conf under /etc/mysql-backup/hosts.

  • $hostname: FQDN or IP address of the host to be backupped. Will also be the directory-name.
  • $user: User to connect to the MySQL server
  • $password: Password for this user
  • $exclude_tables: Useful for mysqldump, since it sometimes runs into bugs if tables like "general_log" are missing; currently has no influence on the tables backuped by mydumper
  • $exclude_databases: Same here.
  • $rotation_period: Number of days to keep a backup
  • $threads: Number of parallel threads for mydumper. Should not be more than the number of CPU cores you have. If you run into I/O problems, reduce this number.
  • $chunk_size: mydumper can split tables into chunks (useful when using more than 1 thread). Define the size in lines per chunk.
  • $archive_path: In case you do periodically archives of your backups to a dedicated storage, this is where the archive for this host would go.


You can use these SQL commands to create a MySQL user on your backupped hosts with enough permission to do the backup and also get slave-information when needed.


Make a backup

mysql-backup-daily HOSTNAME

Clean-Up after backup

mysql-backup-clear HOSTNAME

Move latest backup of all hosts to an archive directory


Import backup

mysql -u USER -p -h HOSTNAME < `cat $backup_dir/schemas/*`
myloader -d $backup_dir -q 10000 -o -h HOSTNAME -u USERE -p PASSWORD -v 3 -C -t 4

How it works

This toolchain relies on two main components:


mysqldump only dumps the table schemas to a special directory within the backup path since mydumper isn't able to do this.


mydumper is a high-performance tool for backups of standalone or slave MySQL servers. This component does the backup itself after mysqldump dumped the database schema(s).



This is the script that does the actual backup. By now (2013-06-07) the script does the following

  • Check if a backup is already running; exit if at least 3 backups are running
  • Load global config for storage-path and defaults
  • Check if a servername has been given as attribute in the script call; if yes, just backup this server; if not, backup all servers listed in global config
  • Load the config file of the host to backup; exit if it doesn't exist
  • Check if server is a MySQL slave; if yes, verify that delay is 0 - wait up to 60 secs for the delay to become 0 before exiting
  • Check if the backup-dir exists; create if not
  • Get all databases and dump their schemas to '''BACKUPDIR/schemas'''; create dir if it doesn't exist; exclude databases listed in host-config
  • Dump the data including the binlog infos with '''mydumper'''


This is the script fired after a backup

  • Load global config for storage-path and defaults
  • Check if a servername has been given as attribute in the script call; if yes, clear backups for this server; if not, exit
  • Load the config file of the host to backup; exit if it doesn't exist
  • Launch mysql-backup-rotate for rotation, monthly archives and clearing of empty directories


  • Load global config for storage-path and defaults
  • Check if a servername has been given as attribute in the script call; if yes, rotate backups of this server; if not, exit
  • Load the config file of the host to rotate; exit if it doesn't exist
  • Check if there's already a monthly archive (the backup script keeps one of the backups of each host every month as a monthly snapshot); if yes, check if the folder is empty; If so, or if no archive exists, a new one has to be created (next step). Set a flag to indicate that we need to archive one of our backups
  • Here's the cleanup: Gather all existing backups for the host and check if one or more of them is older then the host's or the global rotation_period (usually 7 days). If yes, delete it. Also, copy one of the backups to the archive directory, if no archive exists yet.
  • Find empty directories below $storagepath and delete them. This will of course first delete the deepest subdirectories so it may take two or more runs of the script to have a full backup directory removed when it's empty. Since the directory clearing isn't limited to a specific host, this happens with every call of this script.


  • Load global config for storage-path and defaults
  • Check if a servername has been given as attribute in the script call; if yes, return a list of backups for this server; if not, exit
  • Load the config file of the host to backup; exit if it doesn't exist
  • Find all existing backups of the given host and list them along with their sizes


This script moves the latest backup of a host to a given archive-directory (or to the default directory, if nothing else is given). This script is fired by mysql-backup-clear-archive

  • Load global config for storage-path and defaults
  • Check if a servername has been given as attribute in the script call; if yes, move latest backup of host to specified directory; if not, exit
  • Load the config file of the host to backup; exit if it doesn't exist
  • Find all existing backups of the given host and list them along with their sizes; copy the latest backup to the archive-directory.


This script fires mysql-backup-to-archive;

  • Load global config for storage-path and defaults
  • Get all hosts with existing backups
  • Fire mysql-backup-to-archive for each host


Utilities for consistent MySQL Backups & Archives (including Slave-Backups) with mydumper. With rotation and listing.






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