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Keras implementation (tensorflow backend) of natural language inference

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Natural Language Inference

Keras implementation (tensorflow backend) of natural language inference


  • Decomposable Attention, EMNLP2016
    Parikh et al. A Decomposable Attention Model for Natural Language Inference.

  • InferSent, EMNLP2017
    Conneau et al. Supervised Learning of Universal Sentence Representations from Natural Language Inference Data.

  • ESIM, ACL2017
    Chen rt al. Enhanced LSTM for Natural Language Inference.

  • Structured Self Attention, ICLR 2017
    Lin et al. A Structured Self-Attentive Sentence Embedding.

  • Siamese Bilstm
    using a bilstm based siamese architecture(two networks with the same structure and the same weight, each process one sentence in a pair) to model both premise and hypothesis.

  • Siamese CNN
    using a text-cnn based siamese architecture to model both premise and hypothesis.

  • Siamese LSTMCNN

  • IA-CNN
    apply interaction attention (same as in esim model) to premise and hypothesis before feeding them into CNN network.

Optimization Method


  • python==3.6.4
  • keras==2.2.4
  • nltk==3.2.5
  • tensorflow=1.8.0
  • fasttext
  • glove_python
  • tensorflow_hub
  • fuzzywuzzy
  • simhash
  • difflib

Preparing Data





Performance (Accuracy)

  • SNIL
model batch_size optimizer embedding train(paper) train dev(paper) dev test(paper) test train_time(1 TITAN X)
decomposable 512 adam glove_cc_fix 89.5 87.52 - 81.52 86.3 81.19 00:12:53
decomposable(intra-sentence) 90.5 - 86.8
infersent(bilstm-max) 64 adam glove_cc_fix - 90.54 85.0 85.43 84.5 85.01 01:28:26
infersent(bilstm-mean) 64 adam glove_cc_fix - 87.33 79.0 83.62 78.2 83.62 01:14:32
infersent(lstm) 64 adam glove_cc_fix - 92.09 81.9 84.20 80.7 83.19 00:53:43
infersent(gru) 64 adam glove_cc_fix - 91.90 82.4 83.96 81.8 83.30 00:38:54
indersent(bigru-last) 64 adam glove_cc_fix - 88.44 81.3 84.08 80.9 83.64 00:56:00
infersent(bilstm-last) 64 adam glove_cc_fix - 89.75 - 84.27 - 83.63 01:21:38
infersent(inner-attention) 64 adam glove_cc_fix - 87.07 82.3 81.82 82.5 82.23 00:12:36
infersent(hconv-net) 64 adam glove_cc_fix - 88.07 83.7 83.46 83.4 83.23 00:24:36
esim 32 adam(0.0005) glove_cc_tune 92.6 90.81 - 87.55 88.0 86.68 11:03:31
Siamese_BiLSTM 128 adam glove_cc_fix - - - 83.47 - 83.22 06:41:44
Siamese_CNN 128 adam glove_cc_tune - - - 82.57 - 81.88 00:33:51
Siamese_IACNN -
  • MedNLI
model batch_size optimizer embedding dev test train_time(1 TITAN X)
baseline - 76.0 73.5
decomposable(intra-sentence) 32 adam glove_cc_fix 73.40 69.62 00:01:02
decomposable(intra-sentence) 64 adam glove_cc_fix 69.96 68.07 00:00:34
decomposable 32 adam glove_cc_fix 33.33 33.33 00:00:42
infersent(lstm) 32 adam glove_cc_fix 75.84 73.98 00:41:32
infersent(lstm)_feat 32 adam glove_cc_fix 76.20 73.27 01:04:31
infersent(lstm)_feat_scaled 32 adam glove_cc_fix 77.35 74.89 00:45:55
infersent(lstm)_feat_scaled_swa 32 adam glove_cc_fix 77.92 75.18 00:45:55
infersent(lstm) 32 adam elmo_id_elmo 75.77 71.24 01:43:23
infersent(lstm) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo 76.05 73.70 01:23:15
infersent(lstm) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo_fix 76.20 71.17 01:12:26
infersent(lstm) 64 adam glove_cc_fix 75.05 72.78 00:26:01
infersent(lstm)_feat_scaled 64 adam glove_cc_fix 76.92 75.24 00:20:55
infersent(gru) 32 adam glove_cc_fix 75.48 73.49 00:31:01
infersent(gru)_feat 32 adam glove_cc_fix 76.06 73.98 00:48:48
infersent(gru)_feat_scaled 32 adam glove_cc_fix 76.84 73.21 00:49:07
infersent(gru)_feat_scaled_swa 32 adam glove_cc_fix 76.77 75.24 00:49:07
infersent(gru) 32 adam elmo_id_elmo 76.63 71.80 00:56:56
infersent(gru) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo 77.71 74.33 01:41:11
infersent(gru) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo_fix 75.77 73.41 01:18:55
infersent(gru) 64 adam glove_cc_fix 76.42 73.34 00:17:54
infersent(gru)_feat_scaled 64 adam glove_cc_fix 76.42 74.61 00:18:33
infersent(bilstm-last) 32 adam glove_cc_fix 76.70 72.86 03:00:21
infersent(bilstm-last)_feat 32 adam glove_cc_fix 75.84 74.40 02:02:38
infersent(bilstm-last) 32 adam elmo_id_elmo 75.34 73.28 02:06:59
infersent(bilstm-last) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo 76.13 72.86 02:32:00
infersent(bilstm-last) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo_fix 75.34 72.71 02:42:15
infersent(bilstm-last) 64 adam glove_cc_fix 75.41 73.63 01:28:09
infersent(bilstm-last)_feat_scaled 64 adam glove_cc_fix 76.34 73.63 00:36:32
infersent(bigru-last) 32 adam glove_cc_fix 76.05 74.40 01:22:44
infersent(bigru-last)_feat 32 adam glove_cc_fix 76.85 73.28 01:02:17
infersent(bigru-last)_feat_scaled 32 adam glove_cc_fix 76.99 73.63 01:24:43
infersent(bigru-last)_feat_scaled_swa 32 adam glove_cc_fix 77.78 73.28 01:24:43
infersent(bigru-last) 32 adam elmo_id_elmo 77.42 75.25 02:35:59
infersent(bigru-last) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo 77.13 74.26 02:02:54
infersent(bigru-last) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo_fix 77.42 74.54 02:09:25
infersent(bigru-last) 64 adam glove_cc_fix 75.13 72.43 00:39:59
infersent(bigru-last)_feat_scaled 64 adam glove_cc_fix 76.34 72.43 00:33:42
infersent(bilstm-max) 32 adam glove_cc_fix 78.20 75.10 02:19:15
infersent(bilstm-max)_swa 32 adam glove_cc_fix 78.78 76.65 02:19:15
infersent(bilstm-max) 32 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 77.27 75.17 01:52:46
infersent(bilstm-max)_swa 32 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 77.56 75.59 01:52:46
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat 32 adam glove_cc_fix 77.27 74.40 01:57:53
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat_swa 32 adam glove_cc_fix 78.27 76.72 01:57:53
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat 32 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.06 75.31 01:54:19
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat_swa 32 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 77.99 77.07 01:54:19
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat_scaled 32 adam glove_cc_fix 77.84 75.66 01:37:56
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat_scaled_swa 32 adam glove_cc_fix 77.92 76.51 01:37:56
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat_scaled 32 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.49 75.52 01:52:24
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat_scaled_swa 32 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.92 76.79 01:52:24
infersent(bilstm-max) 32 adam elmo_id_elmo 76.70 73.07 02:30:09
infersent(bilstm-max) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo 78.06 74.47 02:24:56
infersent(bilstm-max) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo_fix 77.85 73.28 03:38:43
infersent(bilstm-max) 64 adam glove_cc_fix 77.13 74.47 00:42:21
infersent(bilstm-max)_swa 64 adam glove_cc_fix 77.84 76.44 00:42:21
infersent(bilstm-max) 64 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.06 76.93 01:00:24
infersent(bilstm-max)_swa 64 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.56 76.58 01:00:24
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat 64 adam glove_cc_fix 77.99 75.53 00:49:24
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat_swa 64 adam glove_cc_fix 78.27 76.16 00:49:24
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat 64 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 76.91 75.17 00:57:37
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat_swa 64 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 77.27 75.74 00:57:37
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat_scaled 64 adam glove_cc_fix 77.06 75.32 00:35:23
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat_scaled_swa 64 adam glove_cc_fix 77.92 75.74 00:35:23
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat_scaled 64 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 77.06 75.39 00:35:23
infersent(bilstm-max)_feat_scaled_swa 64 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 77.99 76.72 00:35:23
infersent(bilstm-mean) 32 adam glove_cc_fix 77.78 74.12 01:10:32
infersent(bilstm-mean)_feat_scaled 32 adam glove_cc_fix 77.92 75.03 02:04:03
infersent(bilstm-mean)_feat_scaled_swa 32 adam glove_cc_fix 78.70 75.81 02:04:03
infersent(bilstm-mean) 32 adam glove_cc_fix 76.20 74.26 01:16:55
infersent(bilstm-mean) 32 adam elmo_id_emlo 76.27 73.70 02:17:17
infersent(bilstm-mean) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo 77.63 74.40 02:24:55
infersent(bilstm-mean) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo_fix 77.92 72.78 05:06:39
infersent(bilstm-mean) 64 adam glove_cc_fix 76.77 76.37 01:07:43
infersent(bilstm-mean)_feat_scaled 64 adam glove_cc_fix 77.28 72.29 01:07:43
infersent(inner-attention) 32 adam glove_cc_fix 71.89 70.11 00:01:08
infersent(inner_attention) 32 adam glove_cc_fix 72.97 72.15 00:00:43
infersent(inner-attention) 64 adam glove_cc_fix 73.05 71.66 00:00:44
infersent(hcnn) 32 adam glove_cc_fix 74.98 75.11 00:02:18
infersent(hcnn)_feat 32 adam glove_cc_fix 75.77 73.35 00:02:15
infersent(hcnn)_feat_scaled 32 adam glove_cc_fix 75.84 74.68 00:02:31
infersent(hcnn)_feat_scaled_swa 32 adam glove_cc_fix 76.42 76.16 00:02:31
infersent(hcnn) 32 adam elmo_id_elmo 74.55 72.15 00:39:35
infersent(hcnn) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo 75.05 73.91 00:34:36
infersent(hcnn) 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo_fix 75.99 72.15 00:45:27
infersent(hcnn) 64 adam glove_cc_fix 74.55 73.70 00:02:09
infersent(hcnn) 128 adam glove_cc_fix 75.91 75.17 00:01:57
infersent(hcnn)_feat_scaled 64 adam glove_cc_fix 76.48 74.54 00:02:45
esim 32 adam glove_cc_fix 77.99 75.11 02:32:08
esim_swa 32 adam glove_cc_fix 78.20 76.02 02:32:08
esim 32 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.78 75.37 03:48:19
esim_swa 32 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.78 76.37 03:48:19
esim_feat 32 adam glove_cc_fix 76.84 73.77 03:54:31
esim_feat_swa 32 adam glove_cc_fix 78.28 75.74 03:54:31
esim_feat 32 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.13 74.68 03:54:31
esim_feat_swa 32 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 79.64 75.39 03:54:31
esim_feat_scaled 32 adam glove_cc_fix 77.84 75.03 03:07:11
esim_feat_scaled_swa 32 adam glove_cc_fix 77.56 76.65 03:07:11
esim_feat_scaled 32 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 79.49 76.72 03:59:49
esim_feat_scaled_swa 32 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 79.64 77.21 03:59:49
esim 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo 77.92 76.23 03:15:43
esim 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo_fix 77.49 75.04 03:08:38
esim 64 adam glove_cc_fix 77.63 74.62 01:23:39
esim_swa 64 adam glove_cc_fix 79.50 77.29 01:23:39
esim 64 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.63 76.37 02:02:49
esim_swa 64 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.56 76.58 02:02:49
esim_feat 64 adam glove_cc_fix 77.42 74.96 02:24:52
esim_feat_swa 64 adam glove_cc_fix 78.35 75.32 02:24:52
esim_feat 64 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.49 73.83 02:03:14
esim_feat_swa 64 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.99 76.51 02:03:14
esim_feat_scaled 64 adam glove_cc_fix 77.99 74.33 01:24:38
esim_feat_scaled_swa 64 adam glove_cc_fix 78.99 75.81 01:24:38
esim_feat_scaled 64 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.42 75.18 02:02:51
esim_feat_scaled_swa 64 adam(clr) glove_cc_fix 78.28 77.00 02:02:51
siamese_BiLSTM 32 adam glove_cc_fix 75.12 73.49 03:06:36
siamese_BiLSTM_feat 32 adam glove_cc_fix 75.20 73.55 01:39:17
siamese_BiLSTM 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo 75.19 73.34 06:04:32
siamese_BiLSTM 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo_fix 75.84 73.27 02:29:43
siamese_BiLSTM 64 adam glove_cc_fix 74.62 71.52 01:07:20
siamese_BiLSTM_feat_scaled 64 adam glove_cc_fix 75.34 73.14 01:07:20
siamese_CNN 32 adam glove_cc_fix 72.83 70.39 00:02:56
siamese_CNN 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo 73.83 72.01 01:02:55
siamese_CNN 32 adam glove_cc_fix elmo_id_elmo_fix 73.90 71.16 01:12:29
siamese_CNN 64 adam glove_cc_fix 73.90 70.67 00:02:39
siamese_CNN_feat_scaled 64 adam glove_cc_fix 74.69 72.22 00:02:39
siamese_IACNN 32 adam glove_cc_fix 33.33 33.33 00:02:24
bert_fine_tuning 24 - - 48.88 - -
  • Conclusion of MedNLI Experiments
  1. use a small batch size
  2. fasttext_cc performs worse than glove_cc
  3. fixing glove_cc is slightly better than fine tuning glove_cc
  4. Siamese_IACNN and Decomposable with intra-sentence suck, always
  5. swa really hepls
  6. scaled features are better than original feature


  • Part of my code are based on mednil. Great work, thanks!


Keras implementation (tensorflow backend) of natural language inference






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