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ChronoZoom for museums

This is a main repository for ChronoZoom for museums bundle. Here you will find a source code for ChronoZoom's version for museums.

To use ChronoZoom's version for museums you need to deploy project from this repository locally or use 'ready to use' version of this repository which is located here. Also you need to use client application CZ Museum Client in store (not available at store yet) or use source code for this application to which you can find here.


  • Visual Studio 2013
  • SQL Server 2012


  • Make a fork of ChronoZoom.
  • Run git clone git://<your-username>/ChronoZoom.git to clone it to local computer (Case Sensitive)
  • Launch Source\Chronozoom.sln
  • Enable EnableNuGetPackageRestore (Right click on VS Solution - Enable NuGet Package Restore)
  • Open web.config, in connection strings locate
<add name="Storage" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=ChronoZoom;Trusted_Connection=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

and replace values for Data Source and Catalog with your local SQL Server and database names

  • Use [F5] to compile and run ChronoZoom locally
  • Publish ChronoZoom.UI using File System as a publish method to deploy it to other devices or to use locally in museum experience mode

For detailed instructions, see the ChronoZoom Developer's Guide.

Start ChronoZoom for museums locally

Without using client application

Using client application

In this case you need to have two Windows users - one for authoring content and running local service (author), other for running application in museum exhibit experience (museum). Museum user is a local windows user with restricted access.

  • Create museum local Windows user with restricted access - steps are here. To install application to use for kiosk mode follow these steps first:
  • Login to museum user and launch Source/Chronozoom.sln
  • Run application to install it for this user
  • Logout from museum user, login to author user
  • Apply restricted access for museum user and use application as the only application this user can run
  • Run ChronoZoom's service locally using IIS (it's mandatory to run application using port 2000):
    • Suppose you have published this project to C:/CZ Museum or downloaded to C:/CZ Museum.
    • Open command prompt, change directory where IIS or IIS Express is installed. For instance C:/Program Files (x86)/IIS Express.
    • Run following command (port 2000 is mandatory in this case!)
    issexpress.exe /path:"C:\CZ Museum" /port:2000
  • Switch user to museum user (do not logout) to see museum experience
  • For authoring of data switch user to author user, open web browser and go to http://localhost:2000/sandbox


ChronoZoom is built and maintained by a growing community, with the support of:

  • University of California Berkeley
  • Moscow State University
  • University of Washington
  • Microsoft Research


ChronoZoom is made available under the Apache 2.0 license.

To contribute to the project, please sign a Contributor's Agreement.

Outercurve Foundation