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55Honey edited this page Oct 6, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the wiki of Azerothcore's fork of Eluna!

This fork goes by these standards:

  • We want to keep it as clean as possible. Custom changes, different from the original Eluna, should be made only if really necessary.
  • All commits need to be sent as a PR to the main Eluna so they can eventually be merged.
  • The fork should be kept updated to include all commits from Eluna master

For the PR / merging process, we use the same standards as for Azerothcore itself:

  • All changes need to be reviewed by another contributor before merging
  • All changes need to be properly tested to work as intended and - depending on the size of the PR - also checked for regressions

REMEMBER: when testing a PR that changes something generic (i.e. a part of code that handles more than one specific thing), the tester should not only check that the PR does its job (e.g. fixing spell XXX) but especially check that the PR does not cause any regression (i.e. introducing new bugs).

For example: if a PR fixes spell X by changing a part of code that handles spells X, Y, and Z, we should not only test X, but we should test Y and Z as well.

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