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the api/backend code written in Python/Flask to save scores for the azramind game

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Azramind is a command-line game modeled after the popular board game Mastermind. It is written in Python/Flask with a Postgres database. The game-play repository can be found here: Link to Azramind Game Play

API Documentation


User Routes

Method Endpoint Description
POST /user enables adding a new user
GET /user returns new a user by username
GET /users fetches list of all users

Score Routes

Method Endpoint Description
POST /score takes user_id, difficulty, num_tries. Adds new score
GET /<username>/score fetches all scores for the specified username
GET /scores fetches list of all users scores

Data Model

users table

        id: INT ,
        username: STRING (80 CHAR) ,
        password: STRING (80 CHAR)

scores table

        id: INT ,
        date_time: DATETIME ,
        user_id: FOREIGN KEY (,
        difficulty: INT,
        num_tries: INT


  • contains the the flask app, app configurations, and resource end-points

models directory

  • has the user model
  • has the score model that keeps track of game scores.

resources directory

  • contains the api resources that pair with the user model
  • contains the api resources that pair with the score model

How I approached building the game:

I built this game in Python because it is my favorite language to code in out of the ones I've tried thus far (Ruby, Javascript, Python). In addition, I really enjoy building APIs and thought this would be a great way for me to learn how to do so using Python.

While I knew how to bulid APIs in Node.js, and knew enough Python to solve CS coding challenge style problems in Algorithms, Datastructures, I had never built a backend utilizing Object Oriented Programming, nor had I ever built a REST API from scratch using a Python framework such as Flask or Django prior to building this project. I decided to use this challenge as a forcing function to teach myself something that I'd been meaning to learn anyway: How to build a backend and RESTful API in Flask. I chose Flask over Django because it is a more light-weight framework that I could learn and deploy quickly, yet it scales well since companies like Netflix, Reddit, an Lyft use it.

I spent the first day understanding and fulfilling the basic requirements for the project. Then, I spent about 3 days learning how to build a backend in Flask. I spent another 3 days building out the backend as well as a proper game program with a user menu etc. I spent the final day writing documentation and QA testing the project.

What's Next:

I plan to continue working on this project to build upon my knowledge.

Game Play Interface

  • Add the ability for the player to configure difficult levels
  • Build out a frontend in React.js


  • Add unit tests to the backend repo
  • Add user authorization (login/password)
  • Add a lookup table for difficulty levels (easy/medium/hard)


the api/backend code written in Python/Flask to save scores for the azramind game


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