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React Template for WAX (UAL)

This template was created to make the use of WAX with React easier.

Please remember to install all needed dependencies beforehand:

> npm i

You can start the project by:

> npm run start

Dependencies used

  • Dependencies for WAX

    • @eosdacio/ual-wax
    • ual-anchor
    • ual-plainjs-renderer
    • anchor-link
  • Dependencies for React routes

    • react-router-dom
  • Global state dependencies

    • redux
    • react-redux
    • @reduxjs/toolkit
  • Style and design dependencies

    • bootstrap
    • glamor
  • Help dependencies

    • lodash

Key files

  • UserService.js: A file needed to manage the user's login, UAL configuration and different login methods. It also has a certain mode that lets us know the user's status (isLogged()) with the answers true or false if the user has previously logged in.

    Remember to comment and uncomment as needed, depending on wether you will be working with mainnet or testnet.

    When the user logs in, this data will be saved in the app's global state thanks to Redux and @reduxjs/toolkit (we will also save an isLogged in order to maintain a live actualization in React).

  • GlobalState/: In this folder we will keep our configuration and store from redux, so we can save and manage the user's data in a global state.

  • App.js: With this file we can manage the web's route system.

  • index.js: This file initiates UserService (UserService.init()) and also contains the for store from redux.

  • pages: In this folder we will save our web's pages. Remember to configure new pages' routes in your App.js.

  • components: In this folder we will keep our app's components. For this example we only have Menu.jsx, a component for our menu, which will help us redirect the user when they log in.

File Menu.jsx

The file components/Menu.jsx is a component from our app or web's menu, which has four tabs: Main, Home, Page2, Login/Logout.

As we can see, we have two tabs which are disabled and we are not allowed to access them. These are: Home and Page2. To achieve this, we will simply check out if the user has logged in or not, thanks to UserState.isLogged (in the redux state), and we will show or lock them with any CSS style.

As for the Login/Logout tab, we will show one or the other depending on the user's state. This is easily ckeched by opening the file, but you will probably see something like this:

    !UserState.isLogged &&
    <button className="..." onClick={handleLogin}><img .../> Login</button>
    UserState.isLogged &&
    <Link to="/" className="..." onClick={onHandleLogout}>Logout <img .../></Link>

Login system

The system to start login is located in components/Menu.jsx. Once we click on the login button in the menu, this will trigger handleLogin and at the same time will activate the UserService.login() fuction. In this function it is possible to add an anonymous function as a callback, and the answer will be delivered once we log in. This callback will allow us to check if the user has logged in, if they have. If that is the case, we will be redirected to a page (/home, in this case). Otherwise, it will log out in order to clear data.

const handleLogin = () => {
    UserService.login(() => {
        if (UserService.isLogged()) {
        } else {

React routes' protection

Routes must be protected. For that, we will need to create a component called ProtectedRouter.jsx. We have created one for this example, and its function will be to ckeck the route we're in and to show us the user's state so we can know if they have logged in or not (UserService.isLogged()). If the user has not logged in, it will take the user from this route and redirect them to another one we have configured previously, which in this case leads to /login.

In order to use this component, we will simply open our App.js, where we will substitute for our . You will see this if you open App.js:

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
        <Menu />
          <Route exact path="/" component={LandingPage} />
          <ProtectedRoute exact path="/page2" component={Page2} />
          <ProtectedRoute exact path="/home" component={Home} />
          <Redirect to="/"  />

Send WAX

You can see an example of how to send items from WAX in pages/Page2.jsx. The UserService saves the session and we simply have to access this session and sing any transaction. The code you will see in this example looks like this:

        actions: [{
            account: 'eosio.token',
            name: 'transfer',
            authorization: [{
                actor: UserService.authName,
                permission: 'active'
            data: {
                from: UserService.authName,
                to: '3dkrenderwax',
                quantity: '1.00000000 WAX',
                memo: 'This works!'
        blocksBehind: 3,
        expireSeconds: 30

).then((response) => {
    if(response.status === 'executed') {


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