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Amiga example which displays a rotating square on a PAL screen.


To give you a better impression, the demo can be seen on youtube:

Amiga Square Rotation Screen Capture


Two options exist. The project can be either

  • crosscompiled with makefile, GCC and vasm
  • or install my amiga build docker container and run

The planar to chunky buffer conversion is perfomed via PlanarToChunkyAsm() written by Morten Eriksen. The chunky to planar conversion can be controlled at compile time by #define NATIVE_CONVERTER:

  • If defined, AmigaOS native function WritePixelArray8() is used.
  • If not defined, the converter invokes ChunkyToPlanarAsm().

Important: WritePixelArray8() seems to have problems with padding bytes if buffer width % 8 != 0. I assume there is a mistake on my side, so use with caution ;)


This implemetation starts with a series of boiler plate code statements:

  • Set an empty mouse pointer via SetPointer() to hide curser from screen
  • Allocate a temporary bitmap which can be later used by WritePixelArray8()
  • We use double buffering, therefore we create two Screens (including the corresponding BitMaps)
  • Allocate two chunky buffer in fast memory (MEMF_FAST parameter can be ommitted but I wanted to make sure it really uses the memory of my accelerator card).
  • Allocate memory for color table
  • Create rectBitmap which will contain the square
  • Paint square into rectBitmap, transform to chunky format and save result in srcBuffer

Afterwards, this example executes a loop which

  • Rotates the square by 10 degrees
  • Shows the result on screen
  • Checks whether mouse key was pressed. If yes: Terminate

In case of program termination, the previously allocated buffers are freed and the mouse curser restored.

Rotation Algorithm

The rotation is perfomed in rotate() with the following parameters:

  • Source buffer srcBuffer which contains the original non-rotated square
  • Destination buffer destBuffer
  • Rotation angle in in degrees
  • Buffer width and height

The rotation algorithm iterates through each y and x pixel of the destination buffer. Each pixel is multiplied with a rotation matrix:

  • src_x = x*cos(360 - alpha) - y*sin(360 - alpha)
  • src_y = x*sin(360 - alpha) + y*cos(360 - alpha)

The resulting coordinates are transfomed into array indices and used to write the color values of srcBuffer into destBuffer:

dest_index = x + y * rd->width;
src_index = (src_x + (rd->width / 2)) +
            ((src_y + (rd->height / 2)) * rd->width);
if (src_index < 0 || src_index >= (rd->height * rd->width))
(rd->dest)[dest_index] = (rd->src)[src_index];


The first implementation was really slow, maybe one frame per 5 seconds on my A1200 with 40Mhz 68030 CPU. Therefore, I added the following optimizations:

  • I moved some multiplications from rotatePixel() into the y loop. This way, the calculations are only performed once per row and not for each pixel.
  • The scripts and precalculate the values of the trigonometric functions and create lookup tables.
  • I removed the float calculations and switched to fix point with a set of basic macros I found here.