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Raspberry Pi

Liam Aird edited this page Oct 29, 2018 · 12 revisions

These instructions are for v2.0 and future releases only!

  1. Download the zip file from the Official Download. Make sure to download the armv7 version for Pi.

  2. Unzip the to a location on your local computer.

  3. Navigate to the folder.

  4. Open PtTracker.json in your favorite text editor (Like Notepad++) and configure all the settings. Save and close the file. If you enabled SSL (please note that ProfitTrailer must also be SSL an your WebUrl should reflect this) follow the guide to import the certificate.

  "General": {
    "BotName": "", // The name you want displayed on PtTracker
    "Port": 3000, // The port PtTracker GUI will be accessed from
    "Password": "My-PtTracker-Password", // The Password you want to use with the Tracker GUI
    "FiatCurrency": "USD", // Your base local fiat currency - **NOT CRYPTOCURRENCY** 
    "SslEnabled": "false", // If you want ssl please read the note in the step above this
    "LogLevel": "info", // can be info or debug (turn on debug if you are troubleshooting issues)
    "PtDataSyncSecs": 15, // How often it checks PT for data updates
    "ConfigSyncSecs": 5, // How often this file is checked
    "TimeFormat": 24 // Insert your time format, either 12hours or 24hours clocks
  "ProfitTrailer": {
    "WebUrl": "http://localhost:8081", // The url and port of which your PT is running from
    "ServerApiToken": "letmein", // Your PT ApiToken (server.api_token in your PT file)
    "License": "abc123", // Your PT Pro License (or lifetime license)
    "Exchange": "BINANCE" // The exchange your PT License is attached to
  "Transfers": {
    "01/01/2018": 0.01, // First line of transfer can be seen as your start balance.
    "06/15/2018": -0.01, // If you withdraw any funds from your pt instance add the date and transfer amount with a minus
    "12/30/2018": 0.01 // If you deposit more funds into your pt instance add the amount and date
  1. Now open your favorite FTP program (WinSCP, FileZilla) and login to your VPS.

  2. Navigate to the location you want the PtTracker to be located (next to Profit Trailer, for example) and drag the PtTracker folder from your local machine to the VPS, within the FTP program.

  3. Open a Terminal window (Putty) log in to your VPS.

  4. Navigate to the folder, where you dropped your PtTracker folder in step 6.

  5. Make the PtTracker file executable, by running the command: chmod +x PtTracker

Starting PtTracker

  1. Start by running ./PtTracker from the PtTracker folder.

Starting PtTracker with pm2

  1. Create a new file on your VPS via FTP. Right click where you dragged over PtTracker and create new file.

  2. Name it pm2-start-ptt.json and insert the following code:

  "apps": [
      "name": "PTTracker",
      "cwd": ".",
      "script": "PtTracker",
      "node_args": [],
      "log_date_format": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z",
      "exec_mode": "fork",
      "autorestart": false
  1. Run the following command pm2 start pm2-start-ptt.json.

  2. You should now be able to view PtTracker on your VPS ip:3000.

  3. You must log in using your ProfitTrailer Password.

  4. If you do plan to access this from other devices other than the host machine

  5. If running multiple bots/exchanges.