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Merge pull request #125 from ba-st/ba-st-formatter
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Add a code formatter following Buenos Aires Smalltalk conventions
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gcotelli committed May 29, 2024
2 parents 3a171c8 + 7129a7e commit 4fea7c4
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Showing 2 changed files with 168 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Extension { #name : 'RBProgramNode' }

{ #category : '*Buoy-Development-Tools-Pharo-12' }
RBProgramNode class >> formatters [

^ (RBAbstractFormatter allSubclasses reject: [ :each | each isAbstract ])
sort: [ :a :b | a priority > b priority ]
160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions source/Buoy-Development-Tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
I'm a code formatter implementing the ba-st conventions
Class {
#name : 'BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter',
#superclass : 'EFFormatter',
#category : 'Buoy-Development-Tools',
#package : 'Buoy-Development-Tools'

{ #category : 'class initialization' }
BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter class >> initialize [

self initializeGeneralSettings.
self initializeBlockSettings.
self initializeCommentSettings.
self initializeMethodSignatureSettings.
self initializeKeywordMessageSettings.
self initializeNewLineSettings.
self initializeCascadeSettings.
RBProgramNode formatterClass: self

{ #category : 'class initialization' }
BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter class >> initializeBlockSettings [

lineUpBlockBrackets: true;
keepBlockInMessage: true

{ #category : 'class initialization' }
BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter class >> initializeCascadeSettings [

newLineAfterCascade: true;
newLineBeforeFirstCascade: true

{ #category : 'class initialization' }
BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter class >> initializeCommentSettings [

useBasicCommentFormat: true;
formatCommentCloseToStatements: true

{ #category : 'class initialization' }
BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter class >> initializeGeneralSettings [

maxLineLength: 100;
indentStyle: #space;
numberOfSpacesInIndent: 2;
indentsForKeywords: 1;
periodAtEndOfBlock: false;
periodAtEndOfMethod: false;
numberOfSpacesAfterCaretSymbolInReturn: 1;
numberOfSpacesInsideArray: 1;
numberOfSpacesInsideBlock: 1;
numberOfSpacesInsideParentheses: 1.
self defaultPrettyPrintContext numberOfSpacesBeforeDotInDynamicArray: 1

{ #category : 'class initialization' }
BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter class >> initializeKeywordMessageSettings [

oneLineMessages: '#(#to: #to:do: #to:by: #to:by:do:)';
'#(#ifTrue:ifFalse: #ifFalse:ifTrue: #ifTrue: #ifFalse: #on:do: #ensure: #ifCurtailed:)';
newLineBeforeFirstKeyword: true

{ #category : 'class initialization' }
BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter class >> initializeMethodSignatureSettings [

methodSignatureOnMultipleLines: true;
selectorAndArgumentCombinedMaxSize: 80

{ #category : 'class initialization' }
BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter class >> initializeNewLineSettings [

minimumNewLinesBetweenStatements: 1;
numberOfArgumentsForMultiLine: 4;
numberOfNewLinesAfterMethodComment: 2;
numberOfNewLinesAfterMethodSignature: 2;
numberOfNewLinesAfterTemporaries: 1;
retainBlankLinesBetweenStatements: true;
retainBlankLinesBeforeComments: true.
"Older Pharo versions don't support this setting"
( self respondsTo: #numberOfNewLinesAfterMethodSignatureWithMethodComment: ) ifTrue: [
self numberOfNewLinesAfterMethodSignatureWithMethodComment: 1 ]

{ #category : 'priority' }
BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter class >> priority [

^ 20

{ #category : 'private - formatting' }
BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter >> formatArray: anArrayNode [

codeStream nextPutAll: self spacesInsideArray.
self indentAround: [ self formatArrayBody: anArrayNode ].
codeStream nextPutAll: self spacesInsideArray

{ #category : 'private - formatting' }
BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter >> formatArrayBody: aSequenceNode [

| statements currentStatement |
statements := aSequenceNode statements.
statements isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
do: [ :statement |
self visitNode: statement.
self formatStatementCommentsFor: statement.
currentStatement := statement
separatedBy: [
nextPutAll: self spacesBeforeDotInDynamicArray;
nextPut: $..
( self isLineTooLongWithNode: currentStatement )
ifTrue: [ self newLine ]
ifFalse: [ self space ]

{ #category : 'private - formatting' }
BuenosAiresSmalltalkFormatter >> formatBlock: aBlockNode [

| isMultiline isBodyTooLong |
isMultiline := self willBeMultiline: aBlockNode body.

codeStream nextPutAll: self spacesInsideBlocksString.

self formatBlockArgumentsFor: aBlockNode.
self formatBlockCommentFor: aBlockNode.

isBodyTooLong := self isLineTooLongWithNode: aBlockNode body.

( isMultiline or: [ isBodyTooLong ] )
ifTrue: [
self indentAround: [
( self shouldPassNewLineAfterHeadOfBlock: aBlockNode ) ifTrue: [ self newLine ].
self visitSequenceNode: aBlockNode body
ifFalse: [ self visitSequenceNode: aBlockNode body ].

( self lineUpBlockBrackets and: [ isMultiline ] )
ifTrue: [ self newLine ]
ifFalse: [ codeStream nextPutAll: self spacesInsideBlocksString ]

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